Lost and Found

OiHina Timeline:

Luna sit quietly on the stairs while watching the people walk. She's lost and she don't know where to go.

They decided to watch an annual beach volleyball match in Rio de Janeiro this year. Her parents said this is where they reunited back in the days so they wanted to reminisce a little.

Rubens on the other hand is with his father Nicollas Romero but since he's talking with his friends Rubens started walking around.

"Dad, I'll be back later."

"Okay. Don't go too far." He said and let him go.

Rubens went out of the hotel and watch the busy people getting ready to watch the match later when he saw a girl sitting on the stairs.

She have a curly orange hair. It's familiar to him so he went beside her and tried to look at her face. She's cute.

"Yes?.. ¿sí?.. はい?.. sim?" The girl said. Luna is having hard time switching to correct language. She often speak in Portuguese with some of her words in Japanese or Spanish.

"Uhh.. let's use the last one." Rubens said in Portuguese.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm lost." She said sadly and watch Rubens sit beside her.

"That sucks. How old are you?"

"Four" Luna said and showed her four fingers to him.

"I'm 9. Call me Rubens"

"Luna." She said shyly and started looking around trying to find her parents.

"I got lost before too. Then a beautiful lady with orange curly hair helped me find my Dad. She looks like you." (Chapter 11: Adlers VS. MSBY)

"What did you do when you got lost?"

"Nothing. I sit somewhere like you then she saw me. Want to meet my Dad? Maybe he can help." Rubens suggested and hold her hand to go back inside the hotel.

"He's in the lobby. Let's go." When they get inside Rubens can't see his dad in the Lobby.

"He's just here." He whispered and hold Luna's hand tightly.

"Maybe he went out at the beach. Let's go find him."

The two went out of the hotel and look for Nicollas Romero at the beach.

"Luna it's too hot. Let's put sunblock." Rubens said and bring out a small bottle from his small bag. "Here. Put some on your arms and face too." He said.

"What if I can't find my Dada and Momma?"

"Then you will stay with us." He assured her.

"But I want my Momma.. my Dada too"

"That's why we will still try to find them."

They started walking around again until they saw a group of kids playing. They got distracted for a while and started playing with them. Then they watched the players getting ready for their game. Went inside a souvenir shop. Build a sand castle.

"I'm thirsty." Luna said while tugging Rubens shirt.

"Uhmm. Wait let's see." Rubens look inside his coin purse first. "Here let's buy a drink."

The two bought a coconut juice. Rubens money is not enough for two so they end up with one just for Luna.

"Here drink up."

"You?" Luna asked before she take a sip

"I'm fine. Let's go back to the hotel. My dad is quite famous maybe we can ask the receptionist if she saw him—"

"Drink up.. Momma said I should always share." Luna said while smiling.

Rubens hold his breath for a second. He just thought she's pretty.

"Thank you." He whispered before drinking.

When they get back to the hotel Rubens saw his father talking to the guards.


"Rubens! Where were you? You're gone for almost 2 hours!"

"I was helping my friend find her parents." Rubens said and look at Luna.

Luna watch Rubens and his father hugging each other in front of her. She also wants to hug her Momma and Dada. But she's still lost.

"Luna.. Luna why are you crying."

"I want to see Momma.. and Dada too."

"You look familiar.. someone I know.." Nicollas said and tried to remember who she looked like.

"Are you related to Hinata? Hinata Shoyo I guess?"

"No.. My Momma is Oikawa Shoyo." She said confused but still correct him.

"Yes. Her name is Hinata Shoyo before." He said and talked to the guard again. Luna looked at him from head to toe still thinking how her Momma has a different name before.

"See, Dad can help us." Rubens said.

They stayed in the lobby until Hinata and Oikawa arrived.

"Luna!" Hinata run to her and hugged her tightly. "Where did you go?"

"Momma.." Luna hugged her back and started crying.

"Thank you. We can't find her for almost 2 hours." Oikawa said to Nicollas Romero.

"No worries. Rubens got lost too, when we found him he's with Luna." He explained. Oikawa looked at the kid.

"Hi. She's her mom?" Rubens greeted with a wave.

"Yes why?" Oikawa answered after he looked at his wife and their daughter.

"She helped me before. When I got lost."

"You still remember her Rubens?" His dad asked full of surprise. He's just 6 when he got lost before and Hinata helped him.

"Of course. She's my first crush right?" Rubens said.

"You like my wife?" Oikawa said with a shocked face but Rubens just grin at him.

"Not anymore. Now I like your daughter, sir."

"You— what?" Before he even ask the boy a lot of question Luna held Rubens hand to introduce him to Hinata.

"Wait.. I want to talk to you about your son!  He can't like my daughter—"

"C'mon it's just a crush." Nicollas said to Oikawa trying to convince him to let his son make a move on his daughter.

"Just a crush? No. Never. Not my baby girl." Oikawa strongly disagree but Nicollas just laughed at him.

Now he's sure about his son's type.

A cute ginger haired girl.. Not bad. He proudly said at the back of his mind.

"Hey talk to your son! He can't have my daughter."

"They just had a date."

"No! Please no.."


Let my ship sail Dada 😆
