When he gets jealous

Grand King of Trash (I'll always be trash for you tho ❤️)
Oikawa sees you talking to one of his classmate during his break at practice. Oikawa was aware that Kise has had a long crush on you, but unfortunately for Kise, you already have eyes on the volleyball captain. Oikawa and you were childhood friends and neither one of you were aware of the other's feelings. Oikawa and Kise has this unspoken rivalry going on but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what it is about. Oikawa walked up to you and wrapped both arms around your shoulders while placing his cheek on top of your head. "Y/nnn~ why aren't you coming to watch my practice?" You raises an eyebrow at his overly clingy behaviour. Without you noticing, Oikawa sent Kise a warning glare and Kise glared right back.  "Y/n why are you hanging out with this guy? Is he more important than me? Do you not like me anymore? N/n-channnn you can't like him more than meee". You felt your eye twitch as comical tears started flowing out of Oikawa's eyes. You sighed in defeat and apologized to Kise before dragging Oikawa away, not wanting to attract unwanted attention to yourself. As you both walked away, Oikawa turned his head to Kise and flashed him a smug look before getting smacked in the head by you.

The leaping Shrimp
Hinata will first march up to the guy you were talking to. Once he gets a close up look to the guy, he realizes their height difference and he gets even more triggered. This now just got personal. He'll step in front of you while glaring at the guy, but when he tries to confront him using words, they come out incomprehensible which leaves him even more flustered. Then, he'll just take you by the hand and drag you away with a red face and a small pout. You can almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

Gamer Cat
Whenever Kenma sees you talking to a boy from your class, or any boy for that matter, he'll come up to you while you're talking and ask you to play a game with him. " Kozume, not right now. Maybe later." And you resume talking to the boy. Kenma's eyes flicker from you, to the guy, and then back to you before muttering, " but I want to play right now..." Kenma puts his head down. You look over to him and your heart melts a bit. After all, who could ever resist Kenma. You eventually give in and you told the boy you were talking to, to speak some other time. " Kozume, were you jealous?" Kenma's face turned a slight pink and faced away from you, denying everything.

Captain Shitty (city) Boy
Kuroo was already having a shitty day. The soles of his last pair of volleyball shoes fell off, he burnt his toast, he banged his pinky toe on the table's leg 3 times, his bead hair was more untamed than usual, and when he saw the school's biggest player making a move on you, yeah he wasn't gonna have it. "...you look like a dream." Kuroo heard him say to you. Alright. The poor captain is officially done with all of this bullshit and he decided to give this god forsaken man a piece of his mind.
" Then go back to sleep"
Kuroo stopped his advances and looked at you in surprise not believing that you, the nicest girl on the face of Earth, had just spoken those words. You had a look of pure disgust on your face. The boy in front of you was taken back by your reply. After all, with his charming personality and god like features, no girl has ever looked away from him, much less insult him. Kuroo felt a wave of pride crashing down on him. He then walked towards you and took you by the hand while smirking at the mortified boy, " And there's your answer. Now run along and have a great day." You both left, leaving the boy to his own embarrassment.

Great Horned Owl
You were unloading the volleyball equipment from the truck so it could be set up for the training camp when a guy from another school came up to you and decided to help. You gladly accepted his offer, after all, poles were not light. Bokuto and Akaashi saw this exchange and immediately, Bokuto's eyes became blank and he stared at you talking to the guy, helplessly. Akaashi knew that this is the beginning of his emo mode so he immediately left the scene, not wanting to put up with him. After all the equipment has been unloaded and you thanked the guy before he left, you turned around and saw Bokuto staring at you with his eyes so blank and lost. You walked up to him. "Kou, whats wrong?" Bokuto looked at you with a dejected look. " Y/n, am I a bad boyfriend?" You were caught off guard with his question. You were expecting something else. Before you could reply however, Bokuto turned his back to you and said, "It's ok. He will be better for you anyways. There's no need to put up with me anymore." You tilted your head in confusion before realization hit you. He saw you talking to the guy from another school. You stepped around to face Bokuto and placed a small kiss on his forehead. "Kou, I've put up with you for so long, I can't just give you up now" Immediately, his expression changed and he grinned while pulling you towards the gym.

"I'm so done with everything" Akaashi
Akaashi doesn't get jealous easily. He trusts you very much and you, him. He understands that you have the rights to talk to whoever you want. But once in a while, when he sees you talking to someone who he doesn't like or approve of, he'll wait until you're done talking before taking you for a walk. Then, he'll voice his concerns to you. You know that Akaashi only wishes the best for you and he's usually never wrong so most of the time, you listen to his advice.

You were talking to a fellow male classmate about a group project that was due tomorrow. The two of you weren't aware of a certain volleyball player looking at the two of you while buying milk. Kags felt an uncomfortable churn in his stomach when he saw you laughing with another guy. In fact, he hated seeing how comfortable you acted around this guy. Kageyama slowly walked up to you with your back facing him, scowling with a dark look on his face. The person you were talking to suddenly stopped talking and his face paled while staring at you, more specifically, behind you. You turned around and saw your boyfriend throwing daggers at your classmate. You immediately reassured him that he was just a partner for a group project. Kageyama's glare softened a bit, but it still held a warning. He wasn't ok with it, but he knows he can't do anything about it. "Fine. But I still don't like it", he mumbled while looking down on you. You reached up and pinched his cheek. " The project is due tomorrow so there's nothing for you to worry about. Now go drink your milk. I'll see you at practice."

No one is brave enough to make this tsun tsun yet provocative sadist mad. No male has ever dared to try and talk to you. On one end, it makes you feel bad, but on the other side, you knew that Tsukishima and the rest of the volleyball team was more than enough for you.

Oikawa's Mom(er...not literally)
Oikawa and Iwaizumi were in the cafeteria having their lunch break. Everything was peaceful until Oikawa opened his mouth and decided to pollute Iwaizumi's ears. "Iwa-chann, look loook! Y/n-chan is being hit on by some random guy!!" Iwaizumi turned his head to where Oikawa was pointing at. Indeed, there was a guy whom Iwaizumi have seen before, talking to you. "They're probably talking about schoolwork, it's not a big deal" Oikawa shut up for awhile but still kept an eye on you. Suddenly, the sound of a chair falling caught Iwaizumi's attention. And there he was, standing on top of the cafeteria table, eyes wide open and pointing- not so subtly may I add- at you. Oikawa looked panicked this time." Iwa-channnn he's leaning into Y/n-chan. He's gonna take her away from you! Iwa-chan you're gonna lose her. Do something!!" Iwaizumi looked over at you again and he saw how close you and the guy's face were. You looked very uncomfortable. Iwaizumi knew this was more than just a casual talk about school. He got up from his chair and walked over to your table with Oikawa trailing behind him. " Do we have a problem here?" Iwaizumi glared at the guy. The male put his hands up with a nervous smirk while backing up. "Hey bro chill. We were just chit chatting, right Y/n?" You don't say anything and continued to look down. "Well then," the guy started walking away, "I'll catch you another time, Y/n." Iwaizumi scowled. Oikawa's head popped out from nowhere as he added, "No, you won't~ Iwa-chan will kick your butt!"

Rolling Thunder
Noya will try to act all manly when confronting the guy you were talking to. It's actually not as threatening as he wished it to be, but you never had the guts to tell him. Thankfully, the guy you're talking to is a very nice person so he took the hint and said goodbye to you. Noya looked so proud when he walked away and turned to you. " See that? I can't even leave you on your own for a minute before some random guy starts hitting on you" "Yuu, he wasn't trying to hi-" Noya cut you off, "But never worry, for I am here" (get the reference anyone? 😏) You just rolled your eyes and the both of you hung out together for the rest of the day.
