3am Texts

Oikawa: Y/n-channn. R u sleeping
You: Yes I am
Oikawa: o ok. Well I just wanted to ask whether crabs think fish can fly
You: Tooru...it's 3 am. Is this what you were thinking about this whole time?
Oikawa: Ofc! So? What do u think?
You: I think u should go to sleep and stop overusing ur nonexistent brain. You have practice tomorrow. Iwaizumi will murder u if u don't show up in top condition
You: Oikawa?
You: hello?

Him: why r breakfast dates not a more popular thing?
You: Hinata. Go to bed
Him: like forget your 9pm fancy dinner reservations, let's go eat pancakes at 9am in our pjs
You: I love you!❤️
Him: Ik. I do too. So r we going or not?

You: wake up!!
Kenma: ...it's so early. Y r u texting me?
You: I want to go ghost hunting
Kenma: great. You do that. I'll be staying here. Gn.
You: NOO! I want u to be there toooooooo😫 Don't you want to meet whoever watches us sleep? 😏
Kenma: ...stop talking
You: Fine. I'll go by myself. You will regret it.
Kenma: 😴


Him: what the- WHAT R U DOING?!
You: YOURE A LIVING MEME!! And I thought u were sleeping
Him: I was before my phone blew up with notifications from someone who spammed me photos I don't wan-


Him: t. STOP! DELETE THEM RN!! Please? Sweetheart I'll do anything.
You: hmm. Well if you ask it like that.........
noPe. You can't tell me what to do😛 and besides, this is good blackmail content. Gn!
Him: Oi. OI!
Him: Y/n?
Him: Y/N! Those better be deleted or else!🤬

You: check who ur texting. What r u up to now
Him: o hi Y/n! Nothing
You: mhmm. U act like I don't know that you and Kuroo send memes to each other 🙄
Bokuto: stalker much? 😏
You: No. it's something called notifications showing up on ur lock screen
Bokuto: I KNEW IT
Bokuto: Hold on! Kuroo just sent me something
You: Ok, well I'm not getting paid for third wheeling so I might as well leave. Gn Bo

You: Do u think it's possible to walk through mirrors but the only thing stopping u is ur reflection?
Him: what r u doing so early
You: thinking abt u 😉 wait- what if YOU'RE the reflection. What if the person in the mirror is the REAL u
Him: I doubt it. We can talk about it tomor..today after 9am.
You: But I have practice in the morning
Him: then during lunch
You: But I told B/n I was gna eat with HER today...when will I ever see you again my beloved😫
Him: Y/n...I'm sorry to break it to u..but we're neighbors.
You: that's RIGHT! I'll just come over now.
Him: 😔 no. U need sleep. Just text whatever u want to say and I'll see it tomorrow.
You: ok 😊
. . .
You: Do you like pickles?

You: Hellooooo
You: Coconut head
You: Earth to Kags. Calling all Kags
You: Yoohoo, Tobio-Chan
You: Honey..we need to break up...
You: OI
Him: No he isn't! In what way shape or form!? He doesn't even HAVE good form
You: Ahhh....I c how it is

You: so...
Him: so nothing
You: I didn't even say anything yet
Him: Ik. I also know that it's gonna be one of those conspiracy theories you've been obsessed with for the past week
You: wow. You know me so well
Him: Its this magical thing called observing. Ever heard of it? Thought so. And I also know that 3 am is for little kids to go to sleep.
Him: Did I say it was you?
You: 😤And ur awake too
Him: ...that's not the point
You: Then what is?
Him: Y/n, as much as I love u...sometimes...I need to rest. You do too.
You: Ya but I have so many things I want to say...🥺
Him: I'll take you out tomorrow for lunch
You: Yessir! Same place same time?
Him: Ya. Gn
You: Gn!!- wait. What did u mean by SOMETIMES!?

You: psssst. U awake?
Him: u do know that pssst doesn't work on text right? Do u need something?
You: I can't sleep
Him: Ya well I can. Gn.
. . .
Him: ❤️
You: ...annnnnnd screenshot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Him: Great. Now shush and go to bed. You have a game tomorrow

Him: So. I just came up with a new trick.
You: O ya? What is it?
Him: It's called *drumrolls* Rolling Thunder Again 2.0. Gotta emphasis on the 0 part.
You: 👏 That's so cool!
Him: Hehe. Ikr? I'm amazing.
You: btw. Aren't u at ur training camp?
Him: Ya? Y. Miss me? I miss u!!
You: No. I meant wouldn't u be sharing rooms with ur team?
Him: 😭. And ya, what abt it?
You: ...um..isn't Daichi-san and Suga-san very strict on you guys about resting properly?
Him: O, shittttaaake mushrjsisbxk
You: Noya?
~ 15 minutes later
Him: soldier, I don't think I will make it. You must carry on my will. Survive and live to see the sunset. My time has come. I will always be with you my dearest. Goodbye.
You: Noooo! You can't just die on me!!!! You still have to pay back those 10 dollars!
You: ...
