
Tigertaunt was one of FallClan's most respected members whom was viewed as the epitome of strength and chivalry. It was these traits which promised him the future of FallClan, and initially, these traits gifted him the rank of deputy.

However Tigertaunt held not only himself to such high standards, but anyone and everyone who added to his image. His reputation meant everything to him, and anyone who could possibly taint his status was seen as an ultimate threat.

Today was no different as the ornate bengal was suited by his pregnant mate; Swanflutter.

She was like some prized possession; a trophy even. Nothing more and nothing less and nothing far from perfection. Swanflutter was destined to be nothing more than an accessory, and to breed upon his perfect little fairytale, but the she-cat could not be any more blinded by her love to notice. Much less care. To her, evil simply didn't exist. To her, darker motives didn't exist.

To her, everyone could be justified.

The day couldn't be any closer to perfect, either. It all worked in his favor, and Tigertaunt could only relish on how everything fell together like a puzzle only the fortunate could solve.

Early morning sunlight and beautiful birdsong greeted the newborns. The eldest was a boy with fur as silver as starlight and the tiniest little bengal stripes, almost a replica of his father. Beside him was a bundle much smaller, delicate like her mother, yet fur as white as snow; a color which often indicated purity.

"Tigertaunt," whispered a gentle voice as she beamed down at her newborn children, "they're absolutely stunning."

"I'd expect no less." Spoke a much more apathetic voice. Being the deputy of FallClan was nearly promised to him since his early days. He was driven by ambition and to him, the world was selfish, and to succeed, you had to be selfish as well.

"Brinekit for the boy." He quickly spoke, deep blue gaze rested solely on his son. He showed not a single emotion. Not a single ounce of compassion for the children which lay by his paws, however he seemed merely more interested in his eldest son.

"A beautiful name. He looks like you my love." Swanflutter hummed. If she noticed the lack of emotion from her mate, she surely didn't react to it. Instead, she let her sage gaze fall to the smaller of the two.

"She looks like my mother," Swanflutter hummed, pausing momentarily as she was engulfed by nostalgia before she continued, "we'll name her Dawnkit."

"Your mother was nothing less than a legend, she will be no different. For the boy, he will follow in my footsteps. No son of mine will be any less." Tigertaunt spoke, an unwavering chill to his tone, however Swanflutter only dismissed his words with a single flick of her cuffed ear. She always excused his lack of empathy and emotion, for whatever reason, the pale she-cat had fallen for the tomcat, and for whatever reason, she still loved him despite his difficult exterior.

However now she could not be any less interested in her mate as she gazed down at her kits, a feeling of unforgettable warmth seemingly drowning her, a feeling so deep that before their birth, Swanflutter hadn't even known it existed.

Yet despite their family's seemingly perfect genesis, luxury would not greet the two. Instead, something much darker would.
