chapter 4

Midnight came quickly, however despite the lengthy journey home from Clearfalls, Dawnpaw wasn't tired. Far from it actually; her mind was all over the place.

The pale molly had found herself perched upon one of the jutting rocks located in her camp which overlooked everything. She liked being able to watch her clan, sometimes she'd even memorize their typical routines. However she mainly focused on how they'd interact with each other, subconsciously taking notes in her head. She was always observant. She liked watching others, seeing how they'd react to certain things, then she'd mold herself to fit their personalities. She called it adapting and matching energies. All that spiritual mojo she'd hear Graypetal talk about.

However the apprentice wasn't left to think for long as she was approached by her father, resulting in her instantly fixing her posture, her slanted gaze not meeting his once.

"You have a test tomorrow and you've been out all day. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I work fine off no sleep, father. I'll do good tomorrow, I promise."

"Graypetal tells me you've learned absolutely nothing."

Dawnpaw felt her heartbeat quicken in her chest, however she forced herself to stay composed as she finally met his crystalline gaze.

"I was off today. I'll do better tomorrow."

"I don't want your excuses Dawnpaw." The tabby scolded, and she swore if he pinned his ears back any further they'd reach his skull. "I specifically asked Sunstar to assign you to Graypetal so you get an instant invite to the high ranks. This is a blessing, and I won't tolerate a child who's a failure, especially one gifted with such a respectable role so young."

She wasn't a failure. It wasn't her fault she was apprenticed to a job she knew she had zero interest in. At this point, Dawnpaw wasn't scared, not even a little. She was jealous. She was angry.

"Well then I suppose you'll have two failures in the family." The pale molly hissed, eyes slanted. "Because Brinepaw got his tail handed to him today."

"Come again?"

"Yeah. Leopardpaw and Brinepaw sparred. You know Leopardpaw?" It was word vomit but it just kept coming. "Yeah, the newest apprentice beat your golden boy."

Now came the guilt. What was she doing? Half of her was scared her father was going to punish her for her outburst, the other part of her worried for Brinepaw. It was just one stupid spar. It wasn't that big of a deal.

"Really." Tigertaunt spoke, however it wasn't really a question and his voice was completely apatheticβ€” as usualβ€” it gave Dawnpaw chills. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it instantly.

She didn't have anything to say.


Morning came quicker than she would've wanted and all she had was the pesky melody of birdsong to remind her that Graypetal was going to quiz her over the herbs that day, and no matter how many times she tried to convince herself the knowledge would come naturally to her, she knew deep down it wouldn't.

The pale she-cat left the medicine cat den only to be greeted by a pair of dastardly green eyes.


"I'm busy. Can you leave me alone for once?" She groaned, shoving past the calico however she stopped immediately at her words.

"Have you seen Brinepaw today?"

Dawnpaw remained paused for a few painfully long seconds before she slowly turned to face her, her eyes rounding in confusion. Dovepaw's tone held solicitude and that terrified her. It wasn't like her to be caring.

"Why?" She questioned, almost demanded, anxiously reading the calico before her. Of course it was an act. The concerned expression which laced Dovepaw's face slowly turned into a more malicious one.

"Your dad wasn't too happy to hear about his defeat."

"What are you talking about Dovepaw?" Dawnpaw asked, her eyes rolling almost absentmindedly until it dawned upon her. She had confessed Brinepaw's defeat to her father just the previous night.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"So what?" Dawnpaw hissed. "It was a stupid spar. It's not that big of a deal."

Dovepaw tilted her head, and Dawnpaw wanted nothing more than to strangle the other apprentice as that typical smirk laced her face whenever she mocked her.

"I don't think your father thinks it was just a spar. I mean, just ask Brinepaw. He had to pay the price."

Dawnpaw's heart instantly sunk. What was she talking about?

"What do you mean?" She asked cautiously, ears pinned. "Where's my brother?"

Dovepaw only laughed. She was sick. Unbelievably sick.

"Oh Dawnpaw." The calico paused, inhaling as she let her expression harden. "You didn't waste a single second to get into daddy's good graces now did you? Didn't even take you a day to rat out your own brother."

"Excuse me?"

"You can deny my claims all you want, but we both know your actions were out of pure malice. Anything to amount to somethingβ€” anythingβ€” when it comes to your perfect brother. It really is pathetic," the calico paused once more, green gaze narrowing onto the other she-cat, "you're pathetic, Dawnpaw."

She fell rigid. She tried to deny Dovepaw's claim but deep down, she couldn't help but feel as though there was truth in what she was saying. She didn't want Brinepaw to get hurt, but more so to catch up to him. She was so desperate for her father's approval, she didn't even think of him in the process.

"Where is he?" Was all she was able to ask. She couldn't feel bad for herself and she couldn't defend herself. This was her fault.

"Apprentice den. Be my guest, comfort you brother." Dovepaw spoke as she began to walk away, however she paused and gave Dawnpaw one final glance. "Just remember that this was your fault."


Huddled in the corner was Brinepaw who appeared curled up, Leopardpaw beside him. She watched intently, almost unsure on if she should interrupt them, however she had to make sure he was okay. It was the least she could do.

Slowly approaching them, her friend's golden gaze met her's as she sat beside her, the two sharing a long stare before Dawnpaw glanced at her brother.

"Is he sleeping?" She murmured quietly, only for her friend to nod slowly, her gaze lacking its usual light. Dawnpaw sighed quietly, however she flinched when she felt her friend place her tail on her shoulder gently.

"He'll be okay." She whispered softly, Dawnpaw looking at her with confusion. She expected the bengal to be mad.

"What happened?"

Leopardpaw held her gaze momentarily before looking at Brinepaw and after a few hesitant seconds, she gently nudged his paw out of his face to reveal a fresh scratch on his cheek. Dawnpaw felt her stomach drop, her eyes widening in guilt. Her father had always been hard on them, but he never actually hurt them before. It made her sick.

"This is my fault."

"D," Leopardpaw whispered softly, "you can't control what your father does." Her words were genuine, however she couldn't bring herself to believe them. Despite it all, she knew she had a deeper intention when she told her father, she just didn't expect him to react like that.

"I told him you won the spar. It was just a stupid little fight, I didn't think he'd care-"

"Dawnpaw, it's okay. Calm down." Leopardpaw spoke, a little more harshly, however her expression softened as she looked back down to the snoozing silver tabby.

Dawnpaw glanced down at him, her heart shattering in her chest. Yet despite the fresh scratch on her brother's face, he seemed so peaceful.

"Do you think he'll be mad?" She whispered after a small silence, her voice nearly breaking. She didn't meet her friend's gaze however she felt her golden eyes burning into her.

"Why would he be? You didn't hurt him. This isn't your fault." She explained again, and Dawnpaw could almost feel the pain in her friend's voice. "I don't know what Dovepaw said to you, but I know it wasn't true. Please," she paused as Dawnpaw finally met her gaze, "believe me."

"I will." She whispered, however she wasn't sure she believed it, or she just wanted to reassure her friend. All she could do was hope. She wasn't a horrible person for wanting her father to finally notice her.


To put it shortly, Leopardpaw's reassuring words didn't soothe the medicine cat apprentice, so Dawnpaw went to a source she knew would.

Her mother.

The gray molly was assembled with Cypressfall and Frozenlily, the trio giggling amongst themselves. Dawnpaw watched for a few fleeting moments, not sure if she wanted to burden her mother, however she eventually made her presence known with an overly awkward cough.

"Dawnpaw," she smiled faintly, "is everything okay?"

No. It wasn't, but she couldn't say that in front of her mom's friends, so she nodded solemnly, however Swanflutter saw right through her.

"You two can keep talking. I'll be back." She promised, Cypressfall giving her a small nod and Frozenlily smiling in response.

Swanflutter and her daughter then left camp, and Dawnpaw couldn't have been more grateful. Ever since she could remember, her mom had always known when she was upset and fortunately enough, she always knew how to make her feel better.

"Want to talk about it?"

Dawnpaw contemplated the question for a few moments, however she nodded her head in response. If she explained her feelings, she would have to explain the situation, and she didn't feel like it was her place to say. Brinepaw could tell her if he wanted.

She then wondered how her mother would react. Surely she wouldn't let Tigertaunt get away with what he did? Dawnpaw brushed the thoughts away as Swanflutter spoke again.

"That's understandable. We can just enjoy each other's company." The pale gray she-cat softly spoke, placing her tail on her daughter's shoulder in comfort.

"I'm sorry if you wanted to stay with your friends, it's just-"

"I would rather spend time with my daughter any time." She assured, her green gaze holding nothing but warmth. Dawnpaw already felt herself growing more at ease.

"So, how's being an apprentice?"

"Don't even get me started." Dawnpaw groaned, her mother laughing lightly in response before she continued. "Graypetal is the most boring cat I've ever met in my entire life. Get this," she paused dramatically as her mother furrowed her brows, "he never laughs at my jokes- and my jokes are hilarious!"

"Oh really?" The pale molly mused. "In your defense, your jokes are funny."

"I know!"

"Well, what have you learned?" Swanflutter asked after a few fleeting moments, and Dawnpaw just stared at her. What had she learned? She learned that all herbs looked the same and she was almost positive she would never understand them.

"Absolutely nothing, my memory when it comes to herbs is horrible. I can't be engaged with something I'm bored with. It's just herbs this, herbs that. I'm tired of herbs!"

Swanflutter fell quiet for a few fleeting moments, nodding to her daughter's words as she vented. Dawnpaw had to remind herself mentally to calm down, so she focused on her steps and matching them to be in sync with her mom. It was the little things that calmed her down.

"You know what I think?"

"What?" Dawnpaw queried, eyes settled on her paws.

"Sure, learning the actual information may be boring, but there's so much more you're missing." Swanflutter spoke, each word soft and encouraging, though Dawnpaw wasn't sure she could possibly be missing anything.

"Imagine when you actually know what you're doing, how amazing it'll feel when you save a life, or how beautiful it'll be when you get to help a mother bring new life into this world. There is so much more to being a medicine cat than you're giving it credit for."

She had never thought of it like that, but it definitely gave her some kind of new prospective. She always assumed she'd be stuck in the learning part of it all, it had completely left her mind that one day she would have the gift of saving lives.

"I," she paused, "I never thought of it like that."

"I'm glad I could change your mind." Her mother purred, softly bumping her shoulder. "Maybe it'll help inspire you to actually remember what you learn." She then added, eyes gleaming with amusement.

However Dawnpaw didn't laugh, instead her stomach had completely dropped as she paused abruptly, giving her mom a terrified glare.

She had completely forgotten that Graypetal was going to be quizzing her.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also just wanted to point out that there is more to Tigertaunt than just your typical "ambitious" villain. He has his reasons to be how he is, however that does not justify him! Quite frankly, you may perceive different cats as villains in this story. I have one (I can't mention yet) that when you look at first glance, doesn't seem like a villain, but looking deeper in, I think they are! However as I mentioned before, I am trying to make this fall into a more morally gray area. At the end of the day, we're always the hero from our own prospective. :)

That's all! Any and all feedback is appreciated. πŸ’˜
