Sodapop Curtis - Y/N and Soda's Wedding Day


Darry: -walks you down the aisle since your father refused to because he didn't approve of Soda and he refused to come to the wedding-

Ponyboy: -cries like a little baby because his older brother is getting married-

Dallas: -refuses to admit that he was crying even though it was obvious that he was-

Johnny: -smiles as you walk down the aisle and when you make eye contact, he mouths 'you look beautiful' which makes you blush and smile even wider-

Two-Bit: -gets drunk during the reception and tells the funniest and most memorable stories of when you guys were crazy teenagers-

Steve: -is Soda's best man and smiles at you as you make your way to Soda and mouths 'you look stunning' which makes you blush-

Cherry: -helps you get ready before the wedding by helping you do your hair, makeup and get into your dress and is your maid of honor-
