Darry Curtis Imagine - Ghost (The Outsiders Supernatural Series)

Y/N's P.O.V:

I was currently in my room, unpacking the boxes that had my name on it. I had just moved into a new house with my parents. They bought the house after wanting to get a new start. My bedroom was upstairs all the way in the back, right next to the attic. I was shuffling around the boxes, taking out pictures and books and placing them on my bookshelf. After awhile of unpacking, I got bored and decided to explore my new house.

I went to the attic and noticed some boxes. They weren't from my family, though. They must be from the previous owners. I didn't know much about what happened to the previous owners. All I know was that it was a family of 5, and they were known as 'The Curtis Family'. The Curtis Family consisted of a mother, a father and 3 sons. The mother and father died in a car crash a little over a year ago and the eldest son, Darry Curtis, died in his sleep. No one knows how, though. The 2 other sons, Sodapop and Ponyboy, went missing. No one knows what happened to them. They just disappeared without a trace and their bodies were never found...

The thought of the Curtis Family's death made me shiver. Especially since I was in an abandoned attic. Being the curious girl I am, I decided to take a look in the boxes. I opened the first on and found newspaper articles on the family's death. The headlines read:

"The Curtis Family Tragedy"

"Curtis Brother's Mysterious Death"

"The Truth Behind The Mysterious Case of The Curtis Family"

And things like that. The entire box was full of articles on The Curtis Family's Death. I soon became interested in The Curtis Family's Death. I can't help it! I'm a very curious girl. I searched some more boxes and found a picture of Darry Curtis. He was a cute man. It's a shame he had to die so soon. A sudden voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Who are you?" A voice asked from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned around sharply only to be face to face with a handsome man. Wait a minute...this wasn't just any handsome man...this was Darry Curtis!

"You're....You're Darry Curtis!" I stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes. He nodded and spotted the newspaper in my hand.

"I see you found my collection of articles..." He chuckled and I blushed a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I just got curious..." I tried to explain, "I'm Y/N. I'm the new owner of this house. My family and I just moved here." Darry gave me a nod and came to join me on the floor.

After awhile of talking, I became interested in Darry. We talked until my parents called me down for dinner. I said goodbye to Darry and went to join my family for dinner.

Darry and I met up constantly after that. I spent most of my days in the attic, talking to Darry. I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was losing my mind because they would always see me talking to "nothing"....
