Chapter eight

"Omg guys i'm having the kits help" Goldeneyes said because pain!! Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw were going to check up on her but Cinderpelt said no.

"I hope like, Goldeneyes and all those half-blood kits die a horrible violent death." Darkstripe meowed kindly. Firestar swiped at him to back off. "Suck on my fireballs dirtstripe."

"Goldeneyes?" he called out, poking his head through the tunnel. "Did she make it, Cinderpelt?"

"Yes! And she has given birth to four beautiful she-cats." She answered, gesturing Firestar to step closer with her tail.

Goldeneyes was staring down at the four bundles of fur, a small smile stretched across her muzzle. "They are beautiful," she whispered. Touching her nose to each and every one of them. "What are we going to name them?"

Goldeneyes turned toward the four bundles of fur, she would make these names very special. Turning toward a dark ginger-and-white tabby kit, she settled on a name. "Let's name this one Cherrykit. It matches her pelt color," she continued.

Firestar nodded eagerly. "Cherrykit is a beautiful name." he meowed. "She will be a great addition to the clan, I promise."

author Note: um hi guys this chapter was super short and anticlimatic because im at school and writing about birth is kinda innapropiate!! plus all the birthing scences make me wanna puke when i read the books but like, when i get home ill make sure to make this chapter extra-detailed I promise ;))) 
