Chapter Three

Golden pressed herself up against the den. It had been getting chilly, and the cold breeze was keeping her awake. Sighing in defeat, she rose to her paws, accepting the fact she would not be sleeping for the night. Perhaps Firestar wouldn't mind if she went to meet him outside of camp early, would he?

Golden padded silently away from the hoards of sleeping warriors, careful not to accidentally step on any tails or paws. She sniffed, overwashed by faint scents lingering around camp, Firestar's wasn't present. Was he already waiting for her? Was she late?

Golden rushed up the gorse tunnel, not even bothering to fix up her thorn-tangled pelt. "Firestar?" she called out into the darkness, looking around anxiously.

"Over here," he waved, indicating with her paw to come closer. "What are you staring up at?" Golden asked wondrously, sitting down next to him.

"Silverpelt." Firestar replied blankly.

Golden flinched. "Is that another one of your clanmate friends?'

Firestar shook his head. "No, it is what we call that stretch of stars in the sky, look up."

Golden followed where his paw was pointing as her eyes glimmered in amazement. She had never seen the night-sky as beautiful as it looked now, all the bright twinkling stars lighting up the sky like a dozen of small fireflies resting in one place.

"This..what is this?" Golden muttered, the stars distracting her from Firestar completely.

"Silverpelt is one of our connections to Starclan," Firestar explained. "Unlike the other clans, they reside in the stars. They are the only clan as we know of that doesn't live in the forest."

"It's beautiful!" Golden gasped, before turning toward him. She admired how the moonlight lit up his fiery-pelt, making his intensity so much more alluring. "How do cats join Starclan?"

"They die." Firestar meowed.

"Oh." Golden frowned. That ruined the moment.

"But not always," Firestar explained, wrapping his tail around Goldens. "When I became leader I visited it once. It's where all cats who have fulfilled loyal and respectable lives go when they die. It's like the forest as we know it, but transparent and milky Full of glowing blue trees and sparkling white grass."

Golden flattened her ears. "Did you almost die?"

Firestar shook his head. "No, but I can directly access it by the Moonstone. It's a giant glowing stone that resides near Windclan's territory. All cats go there to receive Prophecies and their nine lives."

Golden perked her ears. "You clan cats have nine lives? How is that possible?"

Firestar smiled. "Only leaders gain nine lives. They are granted by other Starclan residents that that cat has known throughout their entire life."

Golden leaned against him as they both admired the stars. Firestar didn't seem to mind as both their fur bristled in the cold breeze. It had been almost a full moon, and for a moment. Golden had never been this close to Firestar before, and admired the scars that marked his pelt. Would Firestar ever find out what she thought of him? Would he feel the same?
