Chapter Fifteen ( II)

" So this is the Famous Dieko" Tife said to me. As concluded, Dieko was already waiting for us when we got to the conservation centre. I laughed in response

" You haven't seen him before" I asked and he nodded No.

" We are close friends with him. Infact we are like a trio, in class and every other place" I said, We were standing back while Dieko and Stephanie paid for the tickets.

" He seems like a nice guy and I must say I'm sorry for disliking him before I even met him" Tife said and I laughed.

" Why are you laughing, Tife is not funny so I know whatever he said to you isn't funny" Stephanie said to me. I rolled my eyeballs

" Leave her, it's a good thing to flex one's face muscles by laughing, smiling and you should do so often" Dieko said to Stephanie and I smiled mockingly at Stephanie

" I smile a lot" Stephanie defended

" If you say so" Dieko said

" I said I do" Stephanie repeated

" Nobody said you don't" I said and she smacked my arm playfully

" Tife, do you have anything to say to me" Dieko asked and Tife smiled abashedly, he was probably staring.

" Sorry. I'm seeing you for the first time but for the last one month, I have disliked hearing your name" Tife said with a smile

" Really, we aren't just meeting. I have met you before and we greeted each other and that day we were talking about football. we really clicked that day but we didn't exchange names" Dieko said and Tife really looked surprised. That actually made a lot of sense, boys usually somehow meet each other,click and seperate without knowing each other's name. My Dad does that a lot even though he is older .

" Wow. Wura, how many grey hairs do I have on my head" Tife said to me, bending towards me. 

" 150" Stephanie said jokingly. His hair was perfectly black.

" That's true if I keep living with Stephanie, I might actually start growing grey hairs" Tife said and we laughed.

" Don't worry, I will be helping you dye it black" Stephanie said sweetly.

" I don't usually forget people's face. I'm so sorry but your name Dieko is imprinted in my brain. I have heard a lot about you from Stephanie" Tife said, I chuckled

" Like what?" Dieko asked surprised

" Dieko use to cook in his house, sweep,wash cars and Dieko can even make Amala" Tife said as we laughed, Stephanie included.

" Dieko, it's a serious fight " I said smiling

" Stephanie, at this rate we are going with this. Everyone in school will know about this. Drip lord like me" Dieko said and we laughed again.

" Let me inflate your ego, she always adds And Dieko is a very fine boy" Tife said with a grin, I bet he was enjoying this. Stephanie was also smiling at what he said.

" Dieko is a fine boy" Dieko said happily

" Tife lead the way" Stephanie said, we were standing under the relaxation spot.

" Are you guys sure about it" Tife asked concerned

" Wura, you were the one that forced me ooo" Stephanie said

" It's human beings that go for canopy walks too so we will also go and besides we have Jesus, what do we have to fear" I said with a wink

" Stephanie maybe we should give our lives to Jesus because no one knows, anything can happen in the next few minutes" Dieko said jokingly

" Shut up Dieko. Think only about positive things" Stephanie snapped as she smacked the back of his head

" You guys shouldn't kill my vibe ooo" I said with a pout

" Don't worry I will be right behind you" Tife said with a naughty smile.

" Both of you will just fall together" Dieko said

" Dieko!" Stephanie and I shouted in unison, Jesus, this boy and his thoughts.

" Wura we should take Dieko for cleansing" Stephanie said

" I second" Tife said

" Wura should we leave them" Tife asked

" Tife leave my friend alone" Stephanie said drawing me away from Tife.

" You guys should give your lives to Christ. The bible says the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but of sound mind" I said

" By which we can cry out Abba Father. Romans 8 vs 15" Stephanie concluded, I squealed happily.

" I like the bible you gave me, it is very easy to understand so I read it" Stephanie said with a shy smile

" Really" I said as I hugged her happily

" Please, some people are lost here" Dieko said

" Excuse me we are basking in the love of God for us" I said with a smile

" So it's me that God doesn't love" Dieko said

" I'm just joking. God loves, knows everyone and wants us to all come to his understanding" I said smiling

I opened my mouth in astonishment when we got to the canopy walkway.

" You must be kidding me, how do I want to walk on this thing" Dieko exclaimed

" Wura, I'm no longer interested in proceeding" Stephanie said, I have to admit, this is really scary

" You can do it. It may look scary but it's a form of exercise itself and trust me nobody will fall down" Tife said in assurance

" You sure man" Dieko asked and Tife nodded, I let out a deep breath

" This is scary but let's do this" I said

" Wura, I promise you, We are breaking up today" Stephanie said as we got on the canopy walkway

" I support you Steph because you aren't the only one breaking up with her today, I am also" Dieko said, I just had to smile despite the fact that my heart was almost in my throat.

" Please we can work things out. Relationships definitely will have some ups and downs but we are to rise again" I said in a joke tone

" For this relationship we are not rising with you" Dieko said

" I'm about to go into a cardiovascular shock now" Stephanie screamed, we laughed because it was funny but actually I felt bad for her because I was the one that forced this on them.

" I'm enjoying this. You guys are so funny" Tife said and I could imagine him smiling while he said that because he is at my back, Steph in my front and Dieko is the one leading.

" Tife, you are not a good brother. You are enjoying the drama I'm acting abi when I'm about to go into a cardiovascular shock here" Stephanie said

" A cardiovascular shock is not a nice thing to have here and you should be calming down, everything is fight with you" Tife responded

" See the way this place looks like that place in Jungle cruise, the only thing that remains are the snakes" Dieko said and I groaned, Dieko!

" Dieko!" Stephanie and I snapped again

" What" He asked

" Shut up, anymore negative words and you will regret it" Stephanie said

" I was just saying, this is not Jungle cruise. Wait, Steph does the regretting involves hurling me down this thing because if that what you mean. I promise I won't utter a word till we leave this thing" Dieko said and I smiled, That's actually very scary

" Better that way" Stephanie responded

I screamed when it shook a little

" Take it easy guys" Tife said behind me, I guess I wasn't the only who screamed, Stephanie did also

" But seriously, this is really scary" Dieko said and I nodded vehemently supporting what he had said, Tife chuckled

" This is very scary" I said

" Wura, what happened to your adventurous spirit" Stephanie asked

" It seems like it has abandoned me and is now on a break" I responded and we laughed, it made me relax a bit.

" How many times have you been here, Tife" I asked

" Twice, this is the third. I was like you guys in the first but the second was a lot better than the first and right now I'm taking time to feel nature as we walk" Tife said

" We are supposed to enjoy and appreciate nature as we take the canopy walk" Tife continued

" I actually heard that there are some canopy walks that the animals come to disturb them and like play with them" Tife added

" God forbid" I said

" As much as I like animals, I can't imagine one coming near me in this situation I am" Stephanie said

After a few minutes we got to the end of the walkway and it was such a huge relief to be stepping on the ground again.

" Oh my goodness that was scary" Stephanie exclaimed

" It was exhilarating" I said

" It was fun and at the same time scary" I said

" Do you have second thoughts about coming back here " Tife asked

" Yes I do. Maybe in the nearest future" I responded

" I going to get a chilled drink" Dieko announced and we went back to the relaxation spot to eat something.

By the time I got back that day, I was so fulfilled, we had a swell time on the beach, took tons of pictures and videos, filled my tummy with Chapman and food, played police and thief, Tife and Dieko were the thieves. Stephanie and I chased them badly, Those two boys can run. We played like small children on the beach though it was a private beach but it was very fun and relaxing.

I'm glad I came to Lagos but of course I didn't end that day without telling the story of how my day went to Sister Eno and even big Mummy because she wanted to know.

Hello readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have been to Lekki conservation centre before, I want you to comment about your experience and how it felt like for you.

Please vote and comment. At the point when I'm writing this chapter, there hasn't been any comment on this book just votes, I appreciate your votes but I also want to know what you feel about this book, The plot, does it express God and Christianity well, the characters and with what I write about the characters, can you say something unique about the characters.

This are questions I hope you will answer✨
