Chapter Fifteen (1)

" What is the name of that your friend's Estate again" Sister Eno asked. I rolled my eyes before replying

" Sister Eno, are you sure you know the place" I asked and she chased after me to hit me

" You are rolling your eyes at me. It's okay, you will get to where you are going" Sister Eno replied and I moved closer to her.

" Sister Eno, Sorry nau. We are going to Sunville Estate in Lekki" I said with pleading eyes

" I said I'm not going again" She responded, I knew she was joking so I hugged her.

" Sister Eno, you know I like you like I really like you. Infact I love you and you are very big in my heart" I said with a smile

" And?" She replied

" You can not use that one to cajole me" She added

" Sister Eno, that's not fair nau. I'm not lying. You are really big in my heart like you own one special spot in my heart" I said gesturing with my hands. She smiled after some minutes

" So is this what you are wearing there" She asked gesturing to my clothes. I wore a flowery print gown with white sneakers

" What's wrong with my clothes" I asked in wonder

" Common dress sense you don't have. Sunville is a big estate and I'm sure your friend's parents is very rich. What if you see her parents. The way you are dressed is the way you will be addressed and they can even think you are a poor girl. What you are wearing is too ordinary" Sister Eno said

" Her parents aren't going to be around" I said

" That doesn't mean. Where are you guys planning to go" She asked

" Lekki conservation centre and the Beach" I said and she placed her hand on her head in dramatics.

" Jesus Wura, you are going to places like that wearing a gown like this. One, you should wear something freer" She said with surprise evident on her face and maybe a little of frustration. I sure wasn't as bad as she was potraying.

" Sister Eno, it's okay ooo. Let's go" I said pulling my handbag

" We are not going anywhere untill we get a befitting cloth for you. Let's go to my room and maybe later I will write a dressing manual for you"  She said as she stood up.

" Dressing manual. Sister Eno" I shouted as I hurried after her.

After minutes of testing which one fits me better. We settled for a beautiful blouse and flared jeans. I didn't want to admit but it did look good on me and it made me look more mature and it's probably because I was wearing a cloth of someone who is five years older than me.

The Estate Stephanie lives is actually very beautiful even more beautiful than Big Mummy Estate. It looks classy.

" Where are we going from here" Sister asked

" She said I should check the house number. Hers is number 10" I replied looking for any sign.

" I guess this should be the house" Sister Eno said, I looked towards her direction of sight.

Standing on the right side of the car is a beautiful mansion. Wow, I mouthed

" Let me call Stephanie" I said as I brought out my phone to tell her I was at number ten.

" You see. This is where you wanted to go dressed like that earlier" Sister Eno said and I rolled my eyes, I think she saw that because she smacked my head.

" Sister Eno" I shouted

" I don't even see any difference between what I wore then and now" I said jokingly

" Maybe you should get eyeglasses then" She responded

Just then Stephanie popped out her head through the gate. I smiled as she walked towards our car cautiously. Sister Eno winded down the car's glasses so that she could see me. She screamed when she saw me and greeted Sister Eno. I came out and she pulled me into a hug.

" Wura, I can't believe you are here" Stephanie squealed and I also smiled happily

" Sister Eno don't worry your cousin is safe with me and we have a licensed driver that will be taking us where we are going and we will be back as early as possible" Steph said with a smile.

" Okay. Enjoy yourselves and Wura don't forget to inform your Dad about your movements" Sister Eno said, I nodded and proceeded to take my bag from the car.

" Bye bye" I said closing the car's door with a happy smile.

" Take your property" She responded pushing a bag towards me. The bag contained my beach clothes. I totally forget.

" Thank you" I said as Stephanie and I linked arms. We waited till she left before walking inside.

Her house was so beautiful, every corner was screaming wealth and opulence. I couldn't believe I was here. Let's rewind back to when I came back home from school.

It was just on a regular Saturday evening. My Dad and I was seated in the sitting room discussing random things. I suddenly brought up the topic of going to Lagos to visit my cousins.

" Dad, I want to travel to Lagos " I said with a pout.

" Why" He asked

" We have a two months break and I have spent the last two weeks very very bored. I don't have any friend to talk to, I'm just sitting at home doing nothing" I explained

" Maybe I should find you something doing. It seems to me that you are jobless. I will buy you books and maybe you should draw more often" He replied

" Daddy nau. I have read many books since that two weeks and infact it's not good to be alone. You use to go to work and come back late or tired sometimes and Grandma has travelled" I defended,Grandma went to see my Father's younger sister who gave birth to a child recently and so she wouldn't be coming back soon

" Who do you want to go and meet in Lagos. Your cousins aren't in the country so it will just be big Mummy and her husband you will be staying with. Now tell me how that one won't be boring too" Dad said

" No oo. Sister Eno is already around and she said she will be around for like three months. She came back yesterday and moreover Stephanie lives in Lagos too" I said and my Dad let out a chuckle

" I knew something was up. You are never this enthusiastic to travel" He said laughing, That's very true, I dislike travelling a bit but not too much. 

" You and that your friend. You guys haven't even spent a year being friends" Dad teased

" Dad" I said with a serious face

" Do you want to beat me" He teased and I smiled.

" What about Hannah" He asked

" I don't know and maybe that saying that people grow and people grow apart" I said with a little smile.

" Have you tried reaching out to her" Dad asked

" I tried once, I sent a message to her on WhatsApp but she didn't reply my message so I didn't try again" I said

" Try again. She is your friend and maybe your best friend so you shouldn't give up on your friendship so easily and she might also be busy where she is" Dad advised and I nodded. I made a mental note to not only send a message but also call her.

" So Dad can I travel to Lagos" I asked pleadingly

" Hmm. Let me think about it" He said

And Boom! Here am I.

" What can I get you" Stephanie asked excitedly and I smiled

" Don't worry. I have eaten already" I said smiling. I exclaimed as I spotted a picture on the wall. The children in the picture were fat.

" Is this you and Tife" I asked surprisedly

" I don't know the children in that picture" Stephanie responded and I looked puzzled. Do they have other siblings, I wondered

" I wonder what thoughts your mind is conjuring. Yes, it's Tife and I" Stephanie said

" I told my Mum to allow me to remove the picture but she said No. I don't know what she likes in the picture. It's very humiliating" Stephanie grumbled.

" It's actually cute. Your cheeks were so chubby, like see Tife's fat hands" I said with a little laugh.

" Stephanie" Tife's voice boomed

" What"She shouted back

" I'm hungry" He whined, I chuckled, from the way he was talking he probably didn't know I was around.

" You know the way to the kitchen. The food I cooked is for me and Wura" She responded

" Why would you do that" He snapped

" Sit down there. Wura is around" She said, He didn't say anything and after a few seconds I spotted him peeping from the corner of the stairs probably to see if I was truly around.

" Tife" I called out smiling, He laughed briefly before coming towards where I was standing. 

" Wura" He said and gave me a side hug.

" You look lovely" He said and I smiled.

" Where again did you guys say you are going" He asked

" We want to go for a canopy walk in Lekki conservation centre and afterwards the beach" I said happily

" And you are our personal Uber driver" Stephanie added

" Really and did I agree?" He asked

" You didn't say anything so your silence counts as an answer" Stephanie said with a smile

" Tife, what was both of you eating when you were young" I asked jokingly

" Why? Oh, The picture" He said and covered his face with his hands.

" That picture is so embarrassing but my Mum has decided not to take down the picture. Stephanie, I declare operation take that humiliating picture down" He said and I laughed. He took down the portrait and hid it under a sofa.

" When Mummy comes, you will explain to her" Stephanie said smiling

" Maybe we should even give it to Wura to take it to Ibadan so that it will be far away from us" Tife said and Stephanie nodded supportively.

I laughed.

" See this children" I said laughing

" I trust Wura, she can't do anything bad with the picture1" Tife said

" Like, snap the picture and post it on IG then tag all every Fortress student" Stephanie said and I laughed

" That's even what I will do" I said smiling.

" Wura are you sure you aren't eating?" Stephanie asked and I nodded.

" Tife go and take your food" Stephanie said

" Honestly Stephanie continue. Imagine, see the way she is commanding me to go and take my food like I'm the younger one" Tife said and I smiled.

" Are you expecting me to go and bring your food for you. You can't cook and you are here stating rights. That reminds me, Dieko my friend cooks and sweeps in his house and he is a male like you" Stephanie said and turned to me.

" Wura am I lying" She asked and I nodded no

" There is a difference between both of us. He is Dieko and I'm Tife Oriade . Wura, you see that's what Stephanie has been shouting  since we got back from school. My friend Dieko can cook, can sweep, can do everything. She even told our parents that I'm spoilt and over pampered" Tife said with a serious look on his face, it seems like they have been fighting about it before I came.

" Nothing makes you different from him. The matter here is that he is a male and you are also a male so there's nothing stopping you from doing house chores" Stephanie said

" I can sweep and I can also cook" He defended. I didn't even know they were like this too at home. Stephanie laughed

" You can sweep your room and fry ugly plantains and maybe cook Indomie. I will see if you can live on that" Stephanie said

" Matters arising ooo" I exclaimed and we laughed

" Please both of you should forgive each other" I intervened

" It seems like you are not even hungry enough because if you are, you wouldn't be using your remaining stored up energy to argue" Stephanie said

" Exactly" Tife responded as he march towards where I suppose is the kitchen.

" I told Dieko to meet us in the conservation centre but I heard from Tife that the canopy walk is scary and anyone with a fear of heights shouldn't try it" Stephanie said but that didn't discourage my adventurous spirit and moreover it is on my wishlist to visit the longest canopy walkway in Africa. I have the opportunity now to do that with my friends.

Scary or not

Hello readers✨ it seems Wura is resolute on her decision to go for the canopy walk and the next chapter will be about how it went and their other adventures.

I will be breaking what is meant to be this whole chapter into two because I don't want the chapter to be too long and at the same time, I don't want this book to extend beyond the originally planned thirty chapters so we are officially halfway guys✨

Please your votes and especially comments is important to me❤️
