Chapter Twenty-Three:


Spain was a beautiful place. It was quaint, quiet and everyone was friendly. It was easy to forget that everyone was from different backgrounds, that some had loads of money and others had none, and it was easy to forget everything you thought you were. The beach, especially, made me feel like that. I was glad I had bought my bikini and when we got there, the boys immediately stripped off into their swim shorts and I found a toilet to change in. I didn't even care that it was small, dusty and the floors were wet with other people's bodies. Once I had my bikini on, a simple black square necked, high leg bikini, I put my dress back on and headed for the spot the boys were in. I slipped my shoes off and let my toes sink into the soft, warm sand. As I got closer, I saw the three of them splashing around in the water, laughing with each other and trying to drown one another. I heard Elliot's bellowing laugh first, one I didn't hear often but that made my stomach tingle and my toes clench in the sand. The water was clear blue, and the beach was quiet, only having a few locals sitting around on sun loungers. It was beautiful.

I laid my towel onto the sand and sat onto it. I applied some sun cream and stripped my dress off to lay down and tan. Though I wasn't one hundred percent confident with my body there was no point wasting valuable tanning time, especially when Elliot wouldn't look at me anyway. I stuck my sunglasses on and shut my eyes, hoping to tan whilst having a light snooze. I was still tired.

It felt like forever until I was bothered.

"Hey Isla... Isla..." I tried to ignore the stupid voice and stay asleep.

"Yeah she's asleep." Another voice muttered.

"Good." The first one said and before I knew it a heavy, wet, slimy lump bundled on top of me. My eyes flew open and I squealed.

"Theo get off of me you're soaking!" I exclaimed and pushed him off me and back onto the sand. I sat up immediately and yawned. Theo was laughing to himself on the sand and I looked up to see Jack smiling to himself above me. I huffed. "You're such an idiot!" I groaned and Theo just continued to laugh.

"You love me."

"No, I really don't." I huffed and tried to brush the water droplets left from him from me.

"Come in the water." Jack said and nodded to the sea. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No thanks its cold."

"Isla we've been in there for half an hour, come on." Jack said and Theo nodded. I looked around and spotted Elliot standing in the shallow end, with only his feet in the water, droplets rolling down his bare back, his hair dark from the water and his muscles taught as he stared out to sea.

"Fine." I muttered and stood up. I brushed any sand from me and followed behind the boys to the sea. I made sure my bikini looked nice and slowly walked up to the water. Theo and Jack rushed back in, pushing each other under at the nearest convenience, but I hung back. I gently entered the water, only a few steps away from Elliot. I didn't look directly at him but noticed him glance over at me, once and then again as if he was shocked I was there. The water was surprisingly warm as it lapped at my feet, but I crossed my arms across my chest as a cool breeze swept across my skin. I looked over at Elliot as my hair blew slightly in my face only to see he was still looking at me. He looked troubled as he watched me, his eyebrows furrowed but his lips straight, like he was trying not to smile. I smiled at him; I couldn't help myself. Even looking at him was making my insides go mushy and the hairs on my arms stand on end. I wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and hug him, kiss him, touch him. Anything. If he even smiled back at me, I think I would faint. He looked gorgeous, sun shining on his tanned skin and water droplets running down his body, his shoulders, arms and abs. I was trying not to blush at the way he was making me feel. He looked away and I felt slightly disappointed. I didn't think he would completely ignore me.

I took a few steps further in until I was in front of him, up to my bum in the water. I faced Theo and Elliot and shivered slightly as I got deeper in.

"It is a bit cold!" I complained and Theo rolled his eyes whilst Jack sniggered.

"Get over yourself!" Theo shouted and pushed Jack under the water whilst he wasn't paying attention. I rolled my eyes at them and turned back around to face Elliot. His eyes snapped up to my face as I did so. Was he staring at me?

"Are you coming in?" I asked bravely. I couldn't be around him and not say anything. I think I would explode. After a moment he nodded and took a few steps further in. I continued into the water until it was up to my chest, Theo and Jack still a lot deeper in, treading water.

"Come further in then!" Jack called and I shook my head.

"I'm good here." I said and stayed put. Theo turned his attention behind me, and Elliot suddenly appeared by my side.

"Are you scared of drowning?" Jack asked and I shook my head.

"No, but I've got make-up on and if I go any further I know you guys will drown me!" I exclaimed and Jack just began to laugh. I frowned at him, not knowing why. But a second later I realised, as two strong arms grabbed me by the waist, picked me up out of the water and threw me further in. I went under and appeared a second later, treading water and trying not to rub my eyes as the mascara would sting. My eyes narrowed at Eliot and I huffed.

"Why would you do that?!" I asked in anger. Theo and Jack were besides me and I could see they were trying not to laugh. Elliot just ignored me, and with a blank face swam further in. "Twat." I mumbled and Elliot stopped and turned back around.

"What was that?" He asked, an annoyed expression on his face. I sighed and rolled my eyes, trying to act like the sound of his voice wasn't making my insides jump.

"She called you a 'twat'." Theo said, making fun of the way I said the word

"I didn't ask you. I asked her." Elliot snapped and Theo raised his hand in surrender and swam away slightly. I kept my face blank as Elliot swam closer to me. I was excited, and kind of glad I had called him a name. I couldn't tell if he was actually annoyed but I doubted he was. He stopped when he was just in front of me, and if I leant forward our bodies would've touched. I kept my face blank but couldn't help the slight smile that was on my lips as I stared at his face, water droplets running down it, his blue eyes shining in the sun, filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "Well?" He asked sternly, his voice deep and breathless. My insides churned at the sound and I was trying so hard to resist the urge to slam my lips against his and tell him how I felt. He was so unlike anyone I had ever met before and I almost hated how I felt when I was around him.

"I called you a twat." I mumbled; my voice was weak despite how strong I tried to make it. Elliot stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes trained on my own, with an intensity I had never felt before, before he swam slightly closer. His head was above mine, his chin almost resting on my forehead and I felt my body tremble the closer he got, especially when his leg brushed my own. He stared down at me and a water droplet fell from his face to my own. I gently wiped it away and stared up at him. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked in a whisper. I was so confident suddenly, too confident, and I knew I was winding him up, but I didn't care. I just wanted him to interact with me – in a desperate plea for attention, really.

Under the water I felt his hand grip the side of my bikini bottoms and he pulled my hips towards him. Our bodies bumped, I could feel everything, and I felt faint with his touch. He was making me feel things I didn't know my body was capable of and I just wanted more. His hand kept its grip as he bent his head down so that his mouth was almost pressed against my ear. Our chests were touching, and I couldn't help the way my head tilted back as his mouth hovered over my ear and neck.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Isla." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear, his lips occasionally touching my skin as he spoke. "I would give up now." He continued. His hand that was on bikini bottoms slid to grab my hip and I felt him swallow before he spoke again. "Because you're going to lose." He muttered, voice deep and gravelly, sending vibrations through my body and leaving me hot with attraction.

Before I could reply he was gone, swimming towards the boys and leaving me alone, in the water, feeling accomplished and demolished at the same time. Faint and woozy with his touch. I gently swam back to the shore and headed back to my towel. Laying back down to dry off remembering the feeling of his lips on my skin and his chest against mine.

I wanted him, more and more. And I was going to get him, even if it killed me.
