Chapter Twenty:


Now, you've read this report, you've seen my name and you know why I, Isla Pierce am writing about Football. You know that in the past few months I've been through a lot and experienced many things. I've met a tonne of new people, I've done a tonne of new things and I've felt a tonne of new emotions. I've gained experience writing about a game I previously knew nothing about and despite still not knowing the offside rule or why referee's wear shorts that look too big for them, I know I can explain and describe what is going on in a game to someone who doesn't have a clue, well enough to be published online, in programmes and in newspapers. I've met a tonne of new people: a whole football team of them, a Coach and a girlfriend. Of whom they are currently the only people in my life that support me through everything. And I've felt a whole charade of new emotions I didn't know my body was capable of; mainly because of one boy. I've felt attraction, jealously, care and love. Even heartbreak.

You know everything about my first few months working with the prestigious Academy boys, inside and out. From what they get up to outside of football to the individual people they are. From their girlfriends to their views on politics. You know more about them than you do about me, which is unusual in a report like this. I wanted to give you a feel, I wanted you to experience things the way I did and imagine yourself in my shoes.

You did.

You've been through everything I have. Every emotion, every experience, every outfit, every laugh and every tear. You've lived my life working with the boys and you will continue to.

Because this is only part one. 

And the report's only just beginning.
