
WOAH. 60 READS?!?!?!?!? THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!! ALMOST TO 100 READS!! 40 MORE!!!!! unfortunately, no votes... *sad puppy dog eyes

Pwease vote fow dis stowy if you twuly wuv cookies. I will give you one:

Anyways, if I get to...... idk............ 100 reads, so forty more, then i will make a GaaraxReader one shot, which might *cough cough  most definitely will cough cough*. Oh excuse me i had a chocolate m&m caught in my throat from the cookie.  the cover will probably be this and will be called " My Kazekage " unless you guys come up with a better Idea.

I know I know I messed up on the lips and hair and his shirt but hey, I was drawing from memory, not tracing or looking at a picture.

And I know that 60 isn't really a big number compared to what you guys must have, but I like celebrating the little things in life and also this is the most reads i have ever hasded cebause I is a potato .3.

Just to brighten you day... or night if you're nocturnal like me.... (^3^) this would be a good cover... yeah screw the one I drew, imma use dis one
