
soo it was after school, and i was walking to the quad to wait for the bus with my boyfriend, Jonathan (we've been dating for a little over a month), and my friends, Thaddeus and Johnny. They had just came from pe and I history, and so while we were walking, Thad asked me what object Jonathan is to me. I didn't exactly know what he meant, so i just said i dont know. Then they asked Jonathan the same question about me. 

He said Beauty.


I was like, awwwww and then we hugged for like the millionth time today. Then we started joking around and walking. when we got to the quad, Jonathan had to go to the front of the school so he could get picked up, cuz he doesnt take the bus, and Johnny started walking to Boys and Girls club, which is right next to our school, and Thad kept walking to the bus. After we hugged, I pulled him back towards me and kissed him. It was awesome, but kind of awkward because neither of us has ever kissed anyone before, so we didn't really know what to do. 

then i thought wait beauty isn't an object wtf? oh wellzies it was cute anyways. hes only a little bit stupid. X3.
