Chapter 8(1.1)

15 years later...12.08.2033

Rory's POV:
You might be wondering what does my life look like today?Well let me tell you a lot has happened in the last 15 years for starters a year after we had Richard,we had kind of unexpectedly twins,it's not that we didn't want anymore children,it's just the fact that we expected only just one but we got blessed with two.They were our early Christmas present since they were born just 6 days before Christmas.We're still living at Huntzberger Headquarters but now things probably will change a bit at least hopefully.You may ask why?Well last at 93 years old Fredrick Preston passed away,the guy along with his son in law that hated me the most in this family and I'm not sad but I'm not happy about it because we still lost a family member.The Huntzbergers did become my family and I became slowly but truthfully a Huntzberger.I'm now Vice President of the D.A.R. which brought me a lot closer with grandma,Shira and Honor.Me and mom are as close as ever and she comes and visits a lot, we go shopping almost every week,I don't go to Stars Hollow as much because mostly Stars Hollow comes to me but let me tell you it hasn't changed at all.Me and Nick are also better than ever and he actually has two daughters with Odette and they got married after both of them were born-his first daughter was born two months after Richard and the second one was born a year after the twins.Me and Logan tried as hard as we could to not let the Hubtzbergers not control the life of the kids we did have some success but not fully.They all go to a private school in New York with all of the "gang"'s kids.By the "gang" I mean our kids-Richard,Theodore and Eleanore,Paris and Doyle's two younger kids the older ones just started college-Gabriella,she's the twins' age and Mateo is a year younger than them,Collin and Quinn's two sons-Callum,who is Rick's age and Atticus who is Theo and Elle's age,Finn's son and step-daughter which may surprise you a lot like it did to all of us.Louise one of my high school best friends was happily married with a daughter that is the twins' age until 2020 when her husband was deployed in Afghanistan where he died in a shooting with many other soldiers.Diana was only three and the kids were just starting preschool where we saw Finn a lot because all of the kids went to the same preschool,they started talking a lot and surprised us with the fact that they're dating then a couple of years they got married and now raise there son and daughter together-Henry Morgan and Diana Astor.Lastly we have Robert and Madeline whom met at our wedding and basically fell in love from first site's kids-Vincent and Josette them being only 11 months apart and Ellie and Theo's age.Every year we all usually go to summer family vacations together,staying at one of Finn's hotels or us at home one of our residences around the world.Thankfully all of the kids like each other and are best friends just like we were in college which makes our family friendship even more easier.Now I'm gonna tell you more about my kids:Richard or for short Rick is a copy of his father,his blonde hair,my blue eyes but his total personality.The way he talks and acts just screams Logan even the relationship he has with Mitchum is the same.Mitchum really pressures him about the company and his life but me and Logan always fight with him and for him.Theodore or just Theo who is the elder twin is a good mixture of us both,him and his sister have let's call it my looks-brown hair and blue eyes,Ella even has my freckles.He is book smart and very ambitious like me but very crazy and outgoing like his father,he's also really close with his siblings they all are,which is probably the thing me and Logan are most proud of-the close relationship our kids have.Ella is the princess of the house or mostly to the boys,they are very protective of her and when I mean very protective I mean VERY protective.She's a lot like me,everyone says that she's the young Rory Gilmore,has her goals straight,never gets anything lower than an A and a huge book lover. Although she does have some of Logan's boldness in her as well.I'm very thankful for the relationship I got to build with her,the same or if I could say stronger than the one me and my mom had.Two months after Richard was born we welcomed another Gilmore girl into this world who is my brother and Odette's elder daughter-Lorelai Emily Gilmore IV or just Lora.A year later they welcomed another Gilmore girl who is named Isabelle Vivienne Gilmore or just Izzie.Nick and Odette got married when Lora was five because that was when Camille and Francois approved of him and if you ask what my relationship with my sister in law is,it's tolerable but we definitely don't love each other.Mom doesn't really like her as well but they're nice and tolerable to each other after all they're neighbours,kind of-the girls go to a boarding school in France because Odette's parents insist on that while Nick works in Hartford and live in Stars Hollow where the girls spend their summer and school holidays.Speaking of my mom after a couple years of trying her and Luke finally had a baby with Paris' surrogate agency's help.Me and Nick have a little sister that is now 13 and her name is Chloe Grace Gilmore-Danes.

Elle's POV:
RH:Ella!Did you start getting ready for the funeral?-I heard my mom from the device on the wall in my room.
E:Yes,I just got out of the shower!-I replied back
You might be wondering what a 14 almost 15 year will be doing on a funeral?It'll be keeping the media off of their family's back while everything gets back in place.Now that my great-grandfather has passed away things in the Huntzberger household have been crazier than usual and we're all getting pretty sick of it.Nobody is in mourning obviously after all we're the Huntzbergers plus grandpa Frederick never really showed us love and affection to be missed.He was very commanding and rude to everyone in this house including me and my brothers especially Rick since he is the eldest and is a boy which is very important for the Huntzberger "empire".Grandpa also really pressured me since I was basically 7 to go to cotillions,go to etiquette lady school and etiquette school with my brothers,all of us playing the piano me also playing the violin,going to ballet and rhythmic gymnastics classes which I ended up enjoying,learning all the rules of this family which are very important when we're in public but the good thing is that mom and dad always make or try to make things easier with the elders of the family.I got ready for the funeral in this:

And I know that it might seem disrespectful to wear a jumpsuit to a funeral but it is so hot today,I can't seem myself wearing anything else at these temperatures.I made my way downstairs into the main living room where I saw everyone waiting for me.
R(Richard):Finally!We've been waiting for you for 20 minutes!
E:Did i ask?-I said sending him a glare,you see me and my brothers or at least the older one we have this love hate relationship but we're also really close so it's very complicated
M:Alright let's get this over grandfather stood up from the couch
SH:What do you mean "get this over with"?!This is my father's funeral so show a bit of respect!All of you!-my grandmother yelled
M:Oh Shira will you calm down,please...the man has been nothing but cruel to us and you expect us to mourn over him.
SH:My father kept this family together,successful and made it look like royalty to the world!
M:This family has always been royalty!And now that I'm the head of it and once Logan becomes the neck,things will be different!
RH:Come on kids,let's get into the car...-my mom said motioning us with her hand and eyes to leave
E:Mom?Why am I not sad?-I asked making myself comfortable in the seat in my limo
T(Theodore):Yeah,why do I feel relive that grandpa Fredrick has passed away?
RH:I don't know,why don't you ask yourselves those questions?What kind of wait has been lifted off your shoulders?
R:I don't feel pressure or expecting to see him somewhere in the house or at dinner and him giving me the talk about how important is for me to observe dad and grandpa's doings at HPG and learning everything about the business.
E:And the talks about the rules and my upcoming cotillions and my coming out party next year,about how important is to make a good impression as a Huntzberger lady because all of them had power in the D.A.R.
T:And the most important rule of them all...
E&R&T: Don't ever show emotion and weakness to others always keep it to yourself.-we all said in union,then dad,grandma and grandpa got in the limo
M:We play things by protocol,Honor,Josh and Noah will meet us there.-grandpa said firmly and we all nodded.
After a 15 minute quite ride we got to the cemetery where surprisingly paparazzi and journalists were waiting for us.I felt Theo's hand on my waist pulling me close so nobody would get knocked over and I whispered in his ear.
E:I thought that it was supposed to be a private funeral.
T:Yeah,so did i...-we got closer to aunt Honor with mom and Rick while Dad and grandpa stayed to probably answer some of the questions from the journalist.You see grandpa's passing is a big game changer in this family because of some sort of contract about HPG that the media knows about and not that it is a scandal but everything happening in this family gets all over the papers and social media.
E:Hi,aunt Honor...-I said giving her a hug
H:Hi honey...
T:We thought that the funeral was private?
NW(Noah):Mom just called your security,they were quite a surprise when we came.-our cousin who hated us since we were basically three and him five for an unknown reason to us.Then grandma Lorelai ,uncle Nick and grandpa Luke approached us from the other side of the cemetery
LG:Hey kiddos...-she said giving Theo a hug and a kiss,then Rick and lastly me-how are you?
E:Good,we're good.-the boys nodded with me
LD:What's going over there?-grandpa Luke asked motioning to the  paparazzi
R:They came uninvited,security is on it's way.-to which I saw Noah roll his eyes
T:Why didn't we bring security in the first place?
H:Because we didn't expect there to be any media since my father announced that the funeral will be private.
E:Where are Lila and Izzie?-I asked curious about my cousins' absence
N:Izzie is not feeling well and since their mom is still in France,Lila stayed with her.-soon enough everyone gathered around,the security came and the funeral began.
After about an hour spend in the sun the funeral ended it was time for the wake which was held at headquarters.The tension in the limo on the ride back was so heavy,I felt like I couldn't breathe.All of the guests basically arrived at the same time with us and we all got in where we were welcomed by the maids of the house-Glenda who is our personal maid and my favourite one,Selma-grandma and grandpa's personal maid and Evelyn who is the head maid of the house.As me and my brothers were heading to the drinks station because we were so thirsty from all of the standing in the sun,I was basically startled to the ground by my best friend-Gaby.
E:Look who is back from Florida?-I said giggling,letting go of her
G:I seriously leave you for two weeks and you end up at a funeral!
E:Yeah well...the man was 92...
G:Are you okay?
E:I'm more than okay but the household isn't.
G:Yeah,I read,can't even imagine what your family dinners would be like from now on...
E:You and me both...
R:Leni,do you want something?-my brother asked using the nickname that he gave me when we were little and only he can use.-Hi Gaby,welcome back.-he said nodding at my best friend,who immediately blushed because she got a huge crush on him like all of my friends.
E:A large iced coffee,please.-Richard nodded and left
G:Has your brother gotten more hot over this summer?
E:More dumb yes,more hot no.
G:Rick is not dumb,he's sexy and smart.
E:He's a taken jerk.
G:Oh yeah,Fiona...I thought that they would've broken up by now..
E:Even if they had,I still wouldn't let you date him,because he'll break your heart.
G:You don't know that.
E:Yes i do,I also know that he's gong to break Fiona's heart because that's what him and his friends including Theodore do-break innocent girls's hearts.
G:Fiona is not very innocent...
E:But her heart is.I may not like her,but that doesn't mean I want her to get hurt.-I said as I took my iced coffee from the service table that one of the servants was holding
G:You're too good for this world you know that?
E:It's definitely not the first time I'm hearing it.
G:Come on,let's find Diana and Josie...
After about 4 hours the wake was over and it wasn't so bad because I caught up with all my friends since we were away for the summer,me and my brothers went with grandma Shira,grandpa Mitchum,grandma Emily and her boyfriend Jack on our annual summer trip which this year was in Greece and yes it was a bit stressful but it was also fun and relaxing like every year.Unfortunately dad didn't have time for a family vacation this year but he said that we might go somewhere a week before school starts and for Christmas or thanksgiving.Gaby was in Florida for the summer with her grandparents.Josie and her brother Vincent were half of the time here the other part in England.Henry my brother's jerky best friend and his amazing step sister who is one of my best friends were on a trip in Europe then stayed for a bit in the states and just got back from Australia which is where their grandparents and cousins are.Callum and Atticus were basically here all summer because the McRaes usually travel during winter or with the whole gang,because every year we have an annual summer trip which is supposed to happen next week-three weeks before school.Now I'm getting ready for a dinner which is fortunately only with mom,dad and my brothers.I decided to wear something comfortable so I changed into this:

And I headed to the dining room.
R:Be thankful that we're alone right now,because if you even try to wear this outside,I'll personally grab you and drag you into my closet,dressing you in my biggest and baggiest clothes.
E:Still not letting me wear clothes of my own preference I see...
T:Yeah well,only if you covered up a bit more...
E:Why should I?I'm comfortable and it's not like anyone cares or notices what I wear.
T:You seriously don't see how many guys are drooling over you?
L:Sorry I'm late,but your grandfather has been more irritating than usual today.
R:So is that how is it going to be from now on?More stressful and irritating than before?-mom and dad exchanged a look that thought was unnoticed
RH:We'll try to keep you kids as much as possible away from it but yes things will change.
L:And me and your mother have been thinking and discussing and we figured that it would be best if...
T:If what?
RH:If we send you to boarding school,at least for this year.
E:Boarding school?!
L:It'll keep you away from all the stress in the house,it'll be good for your education and you'll have fun,trust me when I was your age I was sent to boarding school as well,more of my choice but it was one of the best experiences in my life.
R:So you basically want to send us away and get rid of us?
RH:We don't want to get rid of you,don't you ever think that,we just want you to be happy and we think that this boarding school is the place for it at least until we figure things out and how to work the new family if we can even call it that routine.
L:It's a really good school in Switzerland that we've already checked out and they are ready for your arrival in September.
E:So it's already decided?!What about our friends,everything we've built in St Mark's?
L:If you want,we can talk to Finn,Collin Robert and Paris about it and how they feel about boarding school?Plus I'm pretty sure that Finn is looking for one for Henry and Diana since he has a lot of travelling coming up and won't be able to spend much time with them,just like me.Now that your grandfather retires,I'll have full custody and control over HPG and I'll barley have any time for you and I'll be on the plane a lot.
E:But we'll be able to come home?
RH:Of course!Ellie,we're not sending you to the other side of the world forever!We'll come visit you as often as we can and the holidays you'll spend here.
R:I'm not happy about it but I guess we'll get adjusted and happier with the situation as it happens,right?
Me and Theo nodded our heads and we continued with our dinner which is never silent,that is one thing mom and dad always make sure of.After about an hour we all parted our ways because we were from today and mom obviously reminded us to start packing for our cruise around the Caribbean,it's called "Royal Caribbean" and I'm so excited because all my friends are going to be there and we'll party a lot!
