Chapter 2

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Rory's POV:
L:Morning!Are you all packed?
R:Yeah,I think so...
L:Wow, I feel really old now,first I felt old when you graduated high school,then even older when you graduated college and now you're pregnant and moving in with the father of your baby.I'm going to be a grandma!
R:I know,it all feels so surreal!
L:So when is Logan going to be here?
R:He is not coming,he has two businesses meetings in New York,but he is sending a car,a bigger one this time to pick up my stuff.And it's supposed to come in about 15 minutes.
R:Well I'm going to go get dressed..
Rory's outfit:

L:Rory,your driver is here!-she yelled from the kitchen
I went outside,let Frank in,he grabbed some of my stuff,I tried to grab some as well but he didn't let me because he was ordered to not allow me to lift anything,heavy or not,so I decided to go to see my mom in the kitchen,getting ready to leave for the Dragonfly.
L:Hey,call me when you get there and tell me what's going on?
R:Yeah,sure...Have a good day!
L:You too!-with that she went out the door and I saw Frank carrying the last box to the car and I followed behind.He putted in the trunk,opened my door and we headed to Hartford.After about 45 minutes we arrived at our destination and I saw Shira waiting for me at the gates.
SH:Good morning,Rory!
R:Good morning,Mrs Huntzberger!
SH:Please,call me Shira.There are some things I need to discuss with you,would you like to join me for brunch?
She led me to the garden where in a big botanical garden was a table full of amazing looking food,I don't know if it was because of the pregnancy but I wanted to eat it all!
R:What's going on?
SH:Well,now that we're going to become some sort of family,I was wondering if it would be okay to invite your parents or only your mother and your grandmother this Friday for dinner?
R:Well,we usually have our family dinners then so I don't see why that would be a problem,I just have to tell my grandmother yet,because she still doesn't know.
SH:Well,you could do it then if you'd like or maybe privately if you're worried that it'll come as a shock?
R:I suppose that it would be okay to tell her on Friday,it's not like I'm 16 and pregnant.
SH:Okay then,I would also like to discuss if you would be sharing a room with Logan or you want a guest room in his wing?
R:I think sharing a bedroom with Logan will be fine.
SH:Great,I would tell the maids to unpack your stuff there...
R:No,that's okay i can do it.
SH:You're pregnant Rory,we want you to relax plus it's their job,why else would we pay them.
We chatted for a bit,finished our delicious food.
SH:I would love to spend the day with you,but I have some D.A.R errands to run,but I think that Honor is here and she would love to spend some time with you.
R:That's great,I want to spend some time with her too,we haven't talked in so long.
SH:I'll see you later,Rory.
R:Have a good day,Shira!-with that she left the table and I decided to go find Honor.I was actually quite happy with the situation,Shira is being genuinely nice to me,my baby will have a wonderful father and the love of my life is mine again.As I was looking for Honor,I got a call.
LH:You moved in?-I could hear the smile in his voice,guess he was happy about the whole situation
R:You bet I did,I told your mother that we're sharing a room,because she offered me this or a guest room in your wing.Is that okay?-I asked teasingly,although I'm a little concerned if he doesn't want to sleep with me in the same bed,after all it's been about 10 years since we lived together.
LH:Well,I was hoping you would choose that,Ace.Hey,how do you feel about dinner, tonight,a special dinner?
R:That sounds amazing,where are you thinking?
LH:It's a surprise,Honor will give you the clues.
R:Is that so?
LH:Oh it is so...-he said and yet again I could feel or hear that smirk of his
R:Speaking of Honor,do you happen to know where to find her?
LH:She could be in the library in her wing,trying to find the perfect baby name.
R:Okay,and one last thing...
R:Where could I find a map?
LH:A map?
R:Yes,a map.This place is huge!I'm trying to find the entrance to the house from the garden,I followed your mother's steps,but now I'm at the point where I lost sight of her and can't find my way back.
LH:You were with my mother?
R:I was,she invited me to brunch when I came in this morning,we talked,she was actually really nice.
LH:She was?
LH:And what did you talk about?
R:You know,stuff,Oh and by the way,we're having dinner with my mother and grandmother this Friday.
LH:We are?Like you and me there,like the old times?
R:No,like all of the Huntzbergers and Gilmores at your house.
LH:You mean our house and how is that a good idea?
R:Never said that it was,your mother suggested or more likely insisted on it,and I just couldn't say no,I mean my grandmother has to find out eventually.
LH:Emily doesn't know?
R:No,not yet.
LH:Well that would be interesting,with the fact that Priscilla is coming back on Wednesday.
R:Priscilla?Who's Priscilla?
LH:My grandfather's third wife.She's coming back from Prague,and to answer your question-that's where she is from and her daughter had a baby last month,she was there to help her.
R:Does she live with you?
LH:Yes,she lives with us.
R:Is she nice?
LH:You could say that,she's definitely nicer than my grandfather.Hey,I really love talking to you,but I'm five minutes late to a meeting.
R:Well why didn't you say that?!Go,before I come to New York and go in instead of you!
LH:Bye Ace,I love you...
R:I love you more!
After about a 5 minute walk I saw the house,finally!Even better I saw Honor walking out of the house-great!
R:Hey,how are you?
H:I'm good,how are you?
R:Good,getting used to the new surroundings.
H:Great!How do you feel about spending the day with me?I have some clues to give you...
R:That sounds great!
H:Awesome!I have to run some errands in New York but I'll be back in about two hours,does that sound good?
R:Yeah,sure,no problem.
H:Great,I'll see you then!
With that she got in her limo and took off,while I walked in the house where I was greeted by mine and Logan's personal maid,which was very weird.I mean I was used having a maid from all those Friday night dinners and living in the pool house,but now I have my personal one.
——————-Time skip to hanging out with Honor——————————————
H:Hey,Rory,you ready? are you going to tell me or are you going to stick to Logan's clues?
H:Sorry,rules are rules but trust me you're going to love it!Now before we begin will you come to the library with me,Josh wants me to pick some books for him?

R:Wow!You're library is beautiful!
H:Thanks!Wait till you see Logan's!You can look around if you like,the Russian literature section that I know you'll really like is right over there.-she said pointing to the section.
As I was looking through the books,I saw a note with my nickname "Ace"written on it.
"I see you've found your first clue.Now find your favourite book from your favourite Russian author and continue onto the next one. ;)"
After a long five minute search,I finally found my book-Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy.I saw a piece of paper sticking out from a page,I opened it and saw that he remembered what was my favourite chapter and placed the next clue there.
"I see clue number two has made itself to you.Now,I've hidden a present in our bedroom which you have to find and unfortunately Honor isn't there to help you now.Good luck!"
I tried calling Honor,no response,I tried her cellphone but she didn't pick up it was only voicemail-great!Now I have to find my way out of Honor's wing and to mine and Logan's bedroom and find this present,and I really hope that I can find it fast because I don't want to be late!
After a 35 minute search around this enormous house,I found myself a maid-finally!
R:Excuse me?Do you know which way is Logan's bedroom?
G(Glenda):You must me Miss Gilmore,Mr Huntzberger's girlfriend?
R:Yes,that would be me,but please call me Rory.-she was so sweet,I could tell even by her first sentence to me
G:I'm sorry,but it's policy to call you Miss Gilmore.I'm Glenda,Mr Huntzberger's and now yours personal maid.I can see you finally found your wing,Mr Huntzberger gave me some instructions about you today,now please follow me to the bedroom.
I followed her,then she opened a door in this big hallway that we were walking on and I found myself into probably biggest and most bedroom I've ever seen!

G:Mr Huntzberger,asked us to change it as much as possible in one of your favourite colours-purple.If you don't need me for anything else,I'll leave you to continue your task,Mrs Wellington will be here in a minute.
R:Thank you,Glenda...-with that I started looking around this enormous bedroom trying to find the present and the next clue.
H:I see you finally found the bedroom,took you long enough...-she said from the doorway giggling
R:Yeah,well I couldn't find a map of this house,so I kinda got lost a couple of times..
H:Since I'm a good friend,I'll give you the chance to play hot and cold hide and seek with me in order to find your present.How would you like that?
R:Yes,please,please,I'm desperate!
H:Okay,so right now you're in a very cold place.
I moved closer to what seems a door to the closet.
R:How about now?
H:Warmer,way warmer.
I opened the door, to see the biggest closet I've ever seen with mine and Logan's things in it,I can not believe that my things are already unpacked and in place.
H:Really hot summer,you got there,like burning.
I looked around his side of the closet,and I saw a silver box with a silver bow with a note on it-"Ace".It looked like the same box he gave me with my dress for the Life and Death Brigade's event,I got a little flashback with the memories from that weekend,I think that when we jumped I knew that he was going to be more than just my friend.
R:I found it!
H:Great!Now open it!
In it was a beautiful red,dress with a clutch and red pumps and a little black box in it was a glamorous diamond necklace. The note said "This is what I want you to wear tonight for our date.Honor is there to help you get ready.Now come on,time is ticking..."
R:Wow!He has good taste!
H:Indeed he does...
R:You helped him,didn't you?
H:With the dress and the necklace-no,but with the preparations for tonight-yes and kinda for the idea of the clues.
R:Thank you!
H:Now come on,let's get you ready!
After about two hours of preparation I was ready for my date with Logan and I was really excited!

H:You look absolutely gorgeous!
R:All thanks to you!
H:Oh,don't flatter me now!Come on,the car is here and ready to take you to a magical night!
I got in the limo,and after a 45 minute quiet drive of me thinking about how my life changed in the last week,we arrived at what looked like the Huntzberger private airport.I got out of the car and saw Logan standing in front of his private jet,that he bought last year with a bouquet of roses.
R:Logan,what's going on?-I asked confused
L:We're going on a date.And may i saw that you look absolutely stunning tonight,Ace...-he said giving me a sweet peck on the lips
R:Thank you...-he gave me the roses that smelled wonderful,took my hand and we entered the plane,where we were greeted by a male flight attendant that introduced him self as Oliver.
O:May I offer non-alcoholic champagne for the lady?
R:Sure,thank you.Logan,where are we going?-I asked taking a seat in front of him on the leather couch.
L:We are going on our date,and I know that flying isn't the best thing for pregnant women but I talked with your doctor and she said that you're still early into the pregnancy so two flights won't do any damage.
R:So you're not going to tell me where we're going?
L:Nope.Now tell me what's been going with you outside the pregnancy news?
R:Well,I'm halfway into writing my book,I still haven't got the chance to continue writing because of the moving and all,but 20 chapters of it are done.
L:That's amazing!Do you have a publisher?
R:No,not yet,I'll try to find someone,but not just anybody,someone who is a really good publisher and is big in the business.
L:I might help you with that....-he said smirking
R:Maybe...Now tell me what's going on with you?How is the company?Finn,Collin do you keep in touch with them?
L:The company's good,really good actually,right now I'm part CEO along with my father he is retiring in a couple of years-can't wait for that to happen!I bought some more websites and papers.I still talk with Finn and Collin,we go out basically every week just like college.
R:Not much has changed huh?You being successful and still doing teenage stuff with Finn and Collin and me being a small town girl,who thought that had everything figured out but now is nothing.
L:Don't talk about yourself like that,Ace!You graduated Yale grad and undergrad school,you were editor of New York Times for three years,until LA bought them and they couldn't keep any of their workers,you are so intelligent and talented,you are even writing a book!So don't be disappointed in yourself.Got it?
R:Yeah,I got it-I guess I needed to hear that from him,he was always my rock and he still is-I love you,Logan Huntzberger...
L:I love you even more,Rory Gilmore...-he said kissing with so much love and passion,I felt like I wasn't in the plane,but I was walking on the clouds.
After a three hour flight of me and Logan talking and me eventually falling asleep,we landed to another private Huntzberger airport.When did he buy so much stuff?Airports,airplanes,he bought another yacht that was named after me!
R:Logan,where are we?-I asked for the sixth time this evening
L:We,Ace are in Greece.
R:And where exactly in Greece are we?
L:You'll see while we are in the car,make sure to look out the window.
We got in the car,after getting out of the airport air,I saw a sunset shining on the blue roofs of beautiful white houses and it hit me-we are in Santorini,he remembered that it was one of my dream and bucket list destinations.
R:Logan!Thank you!-I said throwing my arms around him and kissing him passionately
L:Anything for you.-he said smirking and giving me a wink
The whole ride I looked out the window,enjoy this little paradise place.
L:Come on Ace,we're here...
We walked out of the care,his hand intertwined with mine and I saw a beautiful table for two with an amazing view of the island and the sunset,it was perfect.
L:You like?
R:Like?!I love!How did you do all this?
L:I bought a place,more specifically part of the island and I knew that Santorini was one of your dreams so....
R:Wow!Can you pinch me because I think I'm dreaming!-I said giggling
L:Why is that?
R:Because I have you back in my life in the most amazing way,I'm on probably the most magical place on Earth and I'm pregnant!
L:I'm glad you're happy...
R: I'm more than happy!
L:Good,let's eat because I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're starving.
R:You know us so well...
R:Sorry,I meant this kind of habit of calling me-us because of the baby.-I said kind of embarrassed
L:I really like that habit...
R:Yeah,well get used to it-I said smiling proudly
We had a really nice and delicious dinner when I saw Logan get really anxious.
R:Is everything okay?
L:Yeah,why wouldn't it be?
R:You look nervous.
L:Well,there's a question I've been meaning to ask you tonight...
He then stood up from the table and took my hand in his and we started walking down to the beach.We got down he turned me around and looked deeply in my eyes.
L:Ace,you're the love of my life,my whole world,and I love you more than I can even explain.The first time I met you,I found out this new feeling in me and when I got to know you even more I figured it was love,an emotion that I've never felt before.Even when we were apart and I had all this arranged relationships I just couldn't stop thinking about you.So let me get to my point-Rory high-stakes deception Gilmore-we bought chuckled to that with tears in our eyes and my smile bigger and wider than ever-will you marry me?
R:I made the mistake to listen to the wrong person last time,now it's time to listen my heart.Yes,yes a million times yes!-with that he picked me up and kissed me so passionately and everything in my life felt okay,everything was in its place,everything just made sense.
L:I believe it's time for you to wear this...-he put the ring on my finger and it was beautiful but I saw that it wasn't the one that he gave me at my graduation-I lost the ring in a fire five years ago.
R:You were in a fire?
L:My apartment was while I was at work,something from the neighbours below me.-he said giving me another kiss
R:Logan,it's beautiful,it's absolutely beautiful!-I said kissing him again

L:I love you so so much!I never want to be apart from you again!
R:I'll make sure that it never happens!-we said a bit out of breath,our foreheads attached and us smiling.
L:And I want to show you how much I love you...-he said huskily,he picked me up and carried me up the hill,stormed through the little White House,behind our dinner table,locked the door while kissing me and me running my hands through his hair making him groan and he took our love to the bed.
The next morning I woke up in Logan's arms,or known as my safest place in this world.
L:Good morning,soon to be Mrs Huntzberger....-he said kissing the back of my head
R:Mmmm,good morning.....
L:How did you sleep?
R:Amazing,haven't got that much sleep in so long...What time is it?
L:It's 11:35...
R:Damn,we slept well...
L:Damn right we did-he said smirking-breakfast is here by the way
R:When did you make breakfast?
L:I didn't.One of the maids of the residence did.
R:Let's go then...
I got up and put Logan's shirt on butting only a few of the buttons
L:You look hot in my shirt....
R:Thank you...-I said giving him a kiss
We went downstairs and walked out to the porch way,where there was a table with a really deliciously looking breakfast and the weather was wonderful,surprisingly warm for November in Santorini,it wasn't warm enough for the beach but it was sunny,we could take walk later,we might not even need jackets.
R:Everything looks amazing!
L:Yeah,well I wanted everything to be perfect for this trip.
R:It's more than perfect.Now,my first question of the day,where's the coffee?
L:Of course...-he said chuckling
He went inside and pored us two cups of coffee.I smelled it in content and felt that it doesn't smell like normal coffee...
R:Give me your coffee for a second,please.-He looked at me weirdly but still handed it to me.I smelled it and knew that it smelled different.-Why is your coffee different?
L:It is not,i poured the coffee from one pot,the maid brought one pot of coffee...-just with the tone of his voice I knew he wasn't telling me the truth.I took a sip of my coffee then a sip of his and giggled.-What's so funny?
R:You really think you can fool me with decaf!-I said still giggling
L:How can you possibly find and taste the difference?!
R:You see hon, I was raised with coffee,when I was fourteen I had some problem with my heart because of coffee and had to switch to decaf,it was the worst time in my life than everything went back to normal,I grew it out and switched back to the love of my life.
L:I thought I was the love your of life?!-he said faking to be offended with a hand on his heart.
R:Yeah,but after you comes coffee!So can you please give me normal coffee?
L:Sorry Ace,no can do.I want to get the all clear from the doctor on Wednesday you will drink decaf.
R:But my mom drank coffee when she was pregnant with me and I turned out fine.
L:Yeah,a coffee addict,we don't want our baby to be addicted as well now do we...-he said smirking and eating a spoon of his bowl with fresh fruit and yogurt.After a 15 minute of having breakfast of us feeding each other and doing cute couple stuff,guess it was the fact that we just got engaged.
L:You know I love you right?
R:Of course I do,I love you too..-I said back,wondering where this is coming from
L:Last night,you said something that has been on my mind all morning,wondering what it means.
R:What's that?
L:You said that "last time you listened to the wrong person" what does that mean?Did someone tell you to reject my proposal?-that was the question that I've been avoiding most.I sighed and decided to answer him,it was time for the truth to
come out.
R:I've been avoid this question for the past 11 years,I guess it's time to answer it..-I said chuckling nervously-The morning of my graduation as I was getting out the door,I got a call.A call from your father.
R:Let me continue.He said that i shouldn't accept your proposal because it'll ruin your life,I'll be holding you back from your bright future.He said that if I did accept it,he'll do anything in his power to break off the engagement,make cheating scandals,give you so much work so you can forget about me,he'll introduce you to other women good enough for you and your family,basically make our marriage impossible.-I said basically crying at this point and saw Logan basically fuming from anger.-That's why I asked if it has to be all or nothing.
L:I can not believe this!I seriously cannot believe this!I swear to god I'm gonna kill him!And him acting like he adores you in London and in family therapy,I knew he would never change!Once evil,always evil!
R:Calm down,it was long time ago,maybe he changed...
L:I can't calm down,Ace!That man ruined my life!
R:I'm sure he had his reasons...
L:Why didn't you tell me?We could've kept it a secret,eloped quietly and be happy in LA.
R:Because I couldn't.
L:But why?
R:Because if I did,there were going to be so much consequences,it would've been worse.
L:Consequences?What consequences?Did he threatened you?
R:That doesn't matter anymore...-I said looking at the ground
L:He did?!
R:I'm so sorry...-I said tears slipping down my cheeks
With that he hugged me so tightly for about two minutes,let go of me but his hands still around my ways and kissed sweetly but a bit rough as well.
L:You have nothing to be sorry about,although my father will get a piece of mind and probably my fist.
R:Please,don't confront him about it,it was a long time ago and your relationship is much better than before,I don't want to ruin that.
L:I'm sorry Ace,but this is something that I can't keep my mouth shut for.It'll he just between me and him,don't worry,it won't be our first fight.Now are you still up for that walk around Santorini,we can go through the private and public part of the island if you want?
R:Yeah,I would love to...-I said kissing him on the cheek.
We walked around the beautiful Santorini for about 3 hours,we also went to eat some Gyros which was absolutely delicious and if I ever get to come back here,I'll eat numerous of times again.Then we decided that it was best to go home,after all Logan has to go to work tomorrow.
We got to the airport got on the plane,talked for a while until I fell asleep,damn that baby really tires me out.
L:Hey Ace,we're here...-he whispered kissing my forehead softly
R:Did I fell asleep again?
L:Yeah...-he said chuckling softly
L:It's okay.Come on...
We got in the car and what seemed like a second of us talking we were home,yeah I guess it's my home now.We walked in where we were greeted by Glenda and we saw that nobody was awake.We went straight to bed because we were both so tired and I didn't realise it then but this was my first night sleeping in this bed,in this house and in my new life.
