I should have known

WARNING: this chapter contains a series of emotional situations that may or may not make you fangirl, cry, grin like and idiot , and/or hate certain people. You have been warned.


Karou ran up stairs to see his brother as you were returning to the host club. You walked over to Loke, Arai, and Haruhi.

"I'm sorry about Hikaru, he just doesn't know how to control his emotions very well." You sighed as you gave a slight bow.

"It's fine, I'm not sure what I did wrong though." He laughed scratching the back of his head.
The host club was about to see off the two cousins, when a familiar orange haired twin came waltzing out.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier... Are we cool?" He asked.

The two boys nodded in agreement and walked off saying their goodbyes. You waved along with the rest of the club.

"So Karou," Haruhi started.

"Why are you dressed up as Hikaru?" You asked. 

"Heh!? You saw through me?" He laughed.

"Yup." You said.

The whole host club didn't even realize it was Karou until you said something. you all smiled and continued to talk. but you over heard Karou and Haruhi talking.

"Hey Haruhi, I have a favor to ask of you."he asked the brunette and smiled." How about you and I go on a date?" Everyone froze up, including you.

That was yesterday, Haruhi accepted and for some reason Hikaru had to stand in you Karou. The whole host club decided to follow them on their date and as fate would have it, you were dragged along too. Everyone was wearing some stupid costume, trying to blend in. Watching them was torture to you. Even though you hated to admit it, you were a bit jealous. You felt selfish for feeling that way, but you couldn't help it. After you talked with Hikaru the other day, you started seeing him in a different light. You kept telling yourself that you just didn't know the whole story, and thats why he was on a date with Haruhi. But you knew that wasn't the case.

"Why are we even following them?" You sighed. 

"We can't miss up the opportunity to see this." Karou said while staring at the two.

"Yeah, whatever I'm going to look around at the stores, have fun being stalkers." You said as you walked into a near by antique store.  You gazed around at the items on the shelfs, but none were peeking your interests. As you continued to walk around the shopping outlet you noticed a cute little store with a colorful design. You walked in and looked around. After a few minuets a pair of familiar voices came into the room. You looked up at say Hikaru and Haruhi laughing and having a great time. It hurt to see them together like that. You were fed up with yourself. You didn't understand why you would get to jealous over this. You pulled up the hood to the (f/c) hoodie you were wearing and quietly walked out of the store. 

~With the Host Club~

"I can't believe we lost Al." Ed said with hands behind his head. "And we don't know were (y/n) is."

"I'm surprised that your not freaking out right now." Tamaki commented.

"Al is probably with (y/n). They're both strong," Ed sighed.

"Yeah, We should probably head back now, we don't want them to catch us."Karou said. Everyone agreed  and started to head to Misuzu's. 

~Back to you~

After a you got out of the store, you started sprinting as fast as you could. The sky was getting dark, rain made your automail shrink (in a way) and it hurt like hell. As you were running, you passes a tall suit of armor. Al started chasing after you, he noticed the tears streaming down your face and got extremely worried. 

"(y/n) wait up!" AL called. At this point you guys were in a forest-like area. 

You just kept running, luck was not on your side today. The rain started to pour down and you auto mail sent a wave of pain through out your body causing you to stiffen up. You kneeled down trying to stop the pain. Al saw you in this state and picked you up and placed you down under a tree that protected you from the rain. You were cold, shivering and balling your eyes out. 

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Al asked is a soft tone.

"I don't know what's wrong with me...  Why do I feel so guiltily, I don't understand why i'm so upset. I should be happy. I have you, Ed, and everyone in the host club there for me. So why do I still feel like I'm losing someone again!?" You broke down.

"(y/n)..." Alphonse whispered. He pulled you close and tried to comfort you the best he could in his armored state.

"I... I just don't know what to do" you cried into his armored chest. " I feel so selfish, I hate it! I don't understand any of these feelings!" The thunder started to roar. You poured out your heart and soul to Al. You told him every mixed emotion, every thought you had about everyone and he quietly listened. That's what you loved about him. He would listen and not judge anyone for their opinions.

"It's just I love everyone in the host club, including You and Ed. And from what I understand, everyone feels the same." You spoke wiping away some tears. "it's just... I know we will have to leave. I don't know when or if we will even have a chance to. But I don't want to jump into something that will just be thrown aside when the time comes. I don't want anyone getting hurt again because of me."  You auto mail rubbed parts of your skin raw and you started to bleed a little.

"It's okay, (y/n). What ever makes you happy, makes us happy."

"Thanks Alphonse." You gave him a small kiss on his helmet.   

As it was said before. luck was not on your side. Hikaru and Karou were near by and heard you talking to Al. They saw you kiss him, and were furious. 

"What the hell (y/n)!" Hikaru gave you a cold glare." You can't just go around playing with every guy you meet!" 

"It's not like that at all Hikaru!" You retorted.

"Oh really?" Karou stepped in.

The twins were yelling at you to explain, You were fed up with them today. You stood up as fast as you could and dashed towards them. Your body stiffened up again and pain overwhelmed  your nerves.  You collapsed holding your now bloody sides in agony.

The three males noticed the blood on the sides of your shirt. Their eyes widened and ran up to you. Hikaru and Karou tried to help you up but Al picked you up bridal style and turned to the twins.

"I think you have done enough for (y/n)" Al began walking to Misuzu's  where the entire host club was waiting for your return.  Alphonse had no problem with the twins but when you were hurt because of them, that's were her drew the line. 

After a few minuets of walking you and Al were back at Misuzu's. You were unconscious in his arms. Al walked in to the hotel and everyone ran towards you.

"What happened to (y/n)?! Why is she bleeding!" Edward asked in a panicked tone.

"She's fine it's just her automail." Alphonse reassured.

Your eyes started to flutter open. You saw everyone staring at you with worried expressions. 

"what... " You asked sitting up.

"(y/n) you need to go clean up."  Edward sighed looking at the blood on you sides. 

"Yeah, okay." Al put you down and you walked up stairs to take a shower. While you were washing off, the twins came into the hotel. 

"Hikaru, Karou. Where were you?" Tamaki asked.

"We were looking for (y/n). But there was a slight change in plans." Karou stared down Al.

"Okay well, why don't you guys go change you are soaking wet." Misuzu suggested. The twins agreed and walked up stairs.

You were done with your shower and changed into a grey loose crop top that said 'partners in crime' across the top. Whinry bought you and Ed matching shirts as a joke. But you actually really like this shirt. You were lucky that a you had it in your back pack when you went through the portal. Although you weren't really sure why you had it in there, but you did. You put on a pair of black, high waisted shorts with teacher's symbol (that you painted) on it.  You walked back down stairs to the group and to grab something to eat. 

You guys talked for an hour or so. Misuzu said that a new room opened if anyone wanted to sleep there for the night. Of course Ed  volunteered., which  meant Al would be staying too. You excused yourself from the group and went to bed. The Elric brothers were right next to you. 

~In da morning~

You woke up in the morning. But something didn't feel right you ran down stairs. No one was there. All of a sudden you heard Al freak out.

"BROTHER! (Y/N)!" You're an right back up stairs to see what was the matter. Al was siting on the floor. his helmet wasn't on his shoulders anymore.

"Al were's your head!" You asked astonished.

"I don't know. I woke up and it was gone!" (just pretend Al can sleep)

"Let's asked Hikaru and Karou." Ed suggested.

You walked over to their room and knocked on their door. You could hear them giggling as they didn't open the door. Something had to be up. You clapped your hands and placed them on the wooden frame. It opened and  revealed the twins crouched down messing with something.  Your eyes widened, it was Al's helmet. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" You hissed at them. They froze as you walked over to them and picked up the helmet. You eyes started to water as you saw the graffiti. Why would they do this!

"What the fuck is wrong with you." You asked in a low tone.

They didn't respond. 

"Answer me!"



sooooooo yeah. anyway comment and stuff.

also I wanted to know who your favorite character in the story is so far and who I need to add more of.













Some random character you want to see in the story.

Till next time

