
You woke up in what appeared to be a nurse's office. You looked around but no one was around. You got out of the bed you were laying on. 

"Hello?" you called out.

"Oh I see your awake." A tall blond emerged from the shadow. How did you not notice her? Her golden eyes looked similar to a snake's and her hair was short, but came into a longer braid in the front that rested on her chest. "my name is Medusa, I'm the new school nurse." she smiled.

"My name is (y/n), by any chance would you know where my friends are?" 

"actually, they have been waiting outside this whole time." She said while glancing at the door. " I'll go get them."

"Okay, Thank you." You sat back down on you bed and waited for you friends.

"(Y/N)! your okay!" Hikaru and Karou ran up to you and gave you a tight hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You laughed giving them a hug back.

"I'm glad you're alright (y/n)" Alphonse smiled.

"oh please, I only fainted, nothing too serious... wait were's Mustang and Hawkeye?"

"I'm not sure they disappeared after you fainted."

"After you collapsed, we kept hitting Envy with all we had. But somehow he escaped." Edward clenched his fists. He didn't like the idea of the man that hurt you, being on the loose.

"Is that so?" You rubbed your chin as if thinking.

"umm, (y/n) Do you remember anything about last night?" Hikaru asked nervously.

"well, now that I think about it." You smirked at him. His face turned bright red. You just laughed along with the others. well, it wasn't a lie. You did remember that the host club stood up for you.

"Why don't we all go out to karaoke?" Haruhi  suggested.

"Sounds like fun." Tamaki smiled.

You left the nurse's office and headed back to the mansion to get ready. You put on a pair of tight black jeans and a (f/c) tank top and a loose jacket. You put a pair of convers on and ran down stairs to meet up with the rest of the host club, who was for some odd reason already waiting for you. As you walked up to the group, you caught the attention of the entire host club. They were staring at you. It was a bit awkward.

"So are we going to go or are you just going to stare at me all night? " You laughed catching the club members off guard.

"That was such a cute laugh!!" the Twins and Tamaki gushed while giving you a group hug.

"why is everyone so huggy today? You know what, I don't want to know" You said breaking out of the hug. 

"Come on lets go sing!" Honey cheered.

"let's go!" you cheered along side the excited blond.

You all got in to a limo to go to the karaoke place (I don't know what it's called -_- ) You were really excited. You never been to a place like this before. Once you arrived you got your personal room and a list of the songs.  Tamaki asked who wanted to go first. Of course you volunteered, being the singer you were. You decide to sing one of the Tokyo Ghoul theme songs (beginning video). Since you came to this dimension you fell in love with anime and the music with it.

The music started and you began to sing.


Oh can you tell me

Can you tell me

Exactly how it works?

And who is this I see?

I see inside of me

And how am I supposed to get by

Within this broken world?

I heard you laugh at me

But I don't see a thing.


You continued to sing the some till the music faded out.

"wow, (y/n) I didn't know you could sing!" Edward was shocked.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult. But I'll take it" You laughed.

"It appears we have quite the idol on our hands." Kyoya did one of his fake smiles.

You walked over to him and pinched his cheeks. For some reason it never seized to amaze you how you could do this without being yelled at. You were sure that if anyone else did this to him, he would probably put them in jail.

"Smile for once mister grumpy gills" You looked up at him because he was taller than you. Little did you know it made you look adorable and to top it all off you let out a small laugh.

"For once I'm actually jealous of Kyoya." Karou mumbled.

"Yeah" Hikaru agreed.

"you know you can stop now" Kyoya said through stretched cheeks.

"yeah, yeah" You said letting go. You turned towards Edward." Ed, Your turn to sing."

"huh?!?" He said as he barley caught the mic you tossed him. "Uh, Do have to?!"

"Yup! It's the rules." Hikaru and Karou teased.

"While you're at it, you guys can sing with him" You turned to the twins and smirked.

"what?! no We're not singing."

"Go, before I chose the song for you." You pointed to were Ed was standing nervously on the stage/platform .


They started to sing some over-played song on the radio. It was so funny to see them sing. Ed was constantly mumbling every few words. while the twins were trying to out-sing each other. They were trying to impress you, but you were to obvious to notice.

 The night continued  with laughs and terrible singing. It was certainly  memorable. 


Hiya! as always, comment what you thought and future ideas. ^_^

