spanish sahara

please listen to spanish sahara by foals while reading - believe me, it makes a difference.

I'm driving fast. The sun is high in the sky, beaming down on my sunglasses. I'm driving through narrow roads with radiant meadows on each side. They're the most beautiful green. Swaying to the beat of the wind.

A low, murmuring happiness is massaging my sore muscles. Sweat, rolling down my temple. My hair dances wildly in the warm wind. And I laugh. I laugh the hardest I've ever laughed.

Meadows is replaced by small, yellow cottages and sea. The smell of salt and warm car enfulges me. The harsh wind is soothing my too warm skin. It feels nice. Rays of intense sunlight shoots sparkles into the sea. It loooks like a million of diamonds are resting upon the chaotic surface. The waves are big, splashing hard against the rocks below the road.

One wrong turn and I'll be among the fish, that's how close the road is the crashing waves. Big, majestic fjords lull me into their warm embrace. "Spanish Sahara" is blasting out from my stereo. Sending delighted chills down my spine as the bridge of the song climbs.

As I drive through the breathtaking view, the bridge reach It's climax. I feel content. I've never felt this kind of energy draining, adrenalin pumpuing kind of happiness before. It's fucking fantastic. A soft tickling in the pit of my stomach. My hair is in every direction. My lips form a lazy grin. If I could I would stop time and live this moment a thousand of times. The happiness is too great, it almost hurts.

My only ache is pushing the gas a little more. Which I do. The strenght of the car boiling my veins. I feel so light, it's amazing I'm not flying. Every fibre of my being is alive. Every nerve, filled with fireworks of content. I can feel everything. 

But these kind of moments don't last. They disappear before you even start to grasp the concept of real content, real happiness. Before you can bask in it, memorize every feeling; buzzing with life.

Before you can even start trying to comprehend that for a few precious minutes everything in your life was wonderfully perfect.

The previously almost empty road gets busier and I relucantly slow down. The feeling of rushing adrenalin boils down ito nothingness. The heart-wrenchingly good song ends.

The sea developes into beach.

The chaotic, wonderfully blue mess flush over the sandy shore. Giving the end of their journy a kiss, before getting dragged into the deep blue yet again.

The beach gets greener and greener till It's no longer a beach, but a grassfull lawn. The grass gets higher and thicker and suddenly the scruffy road gets yet again surrounded by trees and fjords. Everything is inbedded in green yet again.

The only exeption being the petite waterfalls that travel down the bumpy mountians.

Later that day I would replay the moment again and again, til' everything - every little detail - was saved. Saved in the unsafest place of them all, my memory.

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its not flawless i know, but i like it. wrote it on a roadtrip on the coast of sweden. i was blasting spanish sahara and i got this really, really good feeling. my hair was blowing in my brothers face and we laughed and had the greatest roadtrip ever. the scenery was fucking fantastic too so. be proud sweds.
