say something

Say something, I'm giving up on you.

You stare at the wall. Your cheeks paper white, your eyes glassy. The eyes I fell in love with, who held so much life, so much compassion - the feelings that are seemingly lost forever. They are now just a dull brown - no more, no less.

You lie in the bed like a wounded bird. Your frame small and fragile, halfway falling apart. The arms that hugged me with such force, such strenght! Now lies curled around your legs. Protecting you from the world. My gaze trails to your delicate hands. The hands that once caressed my cheek with care and love. The hands that painted the most breathtaking pictures. Now lie limp. White and whitering.

Say something, I'm giving up on you!

I've tried holding us both up for so long. Being there for you as you fight your demons, struggling with the sadness that eats at you every second. Lifting you every time you fall. Stroking the tears away. But you're demons are too great, too vicious! The blackness of your soul has spread like a disease - a disease where i'm not the antidote! I am not the antidote! How many times have I not cried myself to sleep after I realized this? Too many. I tried being your medicine, to be your savior! I tried for so, so long. But I need to save myself now. Your demons are becoming my demons. Your sorrow is pouring over, leaving me to soak it up. Leaving me ice cold.

Say something! I'm giving up on you!

Silence fills the air.
