Chapter 6

Everyone gasped again and Seth looked sulky.

"Alright alright so I took pleasure from Amber. My slave wasn't giving me the pleasure I was seeking so I sought pleasure elsewhere. Is that such a crime? Slaves are here for pleasure as well as feeding after all," Seth said.

"Your slave should have been giving you adequate pleasure. You just wanted pleasure from Amber because you desired her. And you've overstepped the mark by a long way by entering my room without permission and when I wasn't there," Mitchell said.

"He is right Seth. And because you've stepped way over the line I have left it up to Mitchell to determine your punishment," Herrick said.

Seth eyed Mitchell a sneer on his face.

"Well come on then big shot. Do your worst," Seth goaded Mitchell.

"I have already decided your punishment. You have broken two very strict rules. And that means you can't be trusted here or in any other coven. So the only punishment I can give to you is to be staked in the heart," Mitchell announced.

Seth stared at him in disbelief. Mitchell withdrew the stake he had placed inside his jacket before going to the meeting and before Seth could move or protest he raised his arm and slammed the stake into Seth's chest. Seth dissolved into smoke his clothes left in a pile on the floor.

"Let that be a lesson to anyone who may have been thinking about taking pleasure from someone else's slave," Herrick said.

"Herrick I have a request. I know I already have a slave but I was wondering if I might also have Seth's slave as a second slave. She now doesn't have a master and I hardly think it fair that she be disposed of. She hasn't done anything to deserve it and as far as I know is still reasonably healthy. I saw her in Seth's room when I retrieved Amber the first time he stepped over the line," Mitchell said.

"You are right. Her only other option would be to go into the choosing room and be chosen by someone else. I am not aware of anyone needing a new slave right now. And as Seth had offended you, you have first right to his slave. You are my general and I believe I will permit you to have Seth's slave as your own along with Amber. She too doesn't deserve to be disposed of as would normally happen when you decide it's time for a new slave," Herrick said.

Mitchell nodded and the meeting was over. He made arrangements for his new slave to be bought to his room and then he and Amber headed back to his room. Once there and the door was closed Amber put her robe back on then Mitchell turned to Amber and the two kissed.

"Everything's worked out as planned," Mitchell said, a smile on his face, after they came up for air.

"Are you going to give your new slave something to wear while she's in here?" Amber asked.

"Would you like me to?" Mitchell asked.

"It would be nice as you don't really need to see her body do you?" Amber asked.

"No I'd much rather see yours," Mitchell admitted.

"And I trust you aren't going to use her for pleasure as you'll have me for that after we marry," Amber said.

"You are the only one I want to make love with so no I won't use her for pleasure," Mitchell said.

"I don't mind you feeding from her though," Amber said.

Amber and Mitchell kissed again. They had cuddled up on the bed and it felt good to be alone together.

"How are you going to secure your new slave to the bed? You've got me cuffed to the bed at the moment," Amber said.

Mitchell had put the cuff back around her wrist as usual after they'd entered his room.

"I am being bought another chain and cuff which will be attached to my bed. So you'll both be attached to my bed," Mitchell said.

"So we'll each have to sleep in your bed one on each side of you," Amber said.

"Yes. Don't worry I will cuddle only you," Mitchell said.

The two kissed and cuddled enjoying one another's company until a knock came at the door. Amber shed her robe and the two female vampires who had escorted her to Mitchell's room on her first night there entered along with a naked female who looked frightened. Mitchell nodded recognising the naked female as the one he had encountered in Seth's room. He hadn't noticed her when he had retrieved Amber from there and guessed Seth had been between slaves then. The two female vampires left the room after attaching the second chain to Mitchell's bed and securing the new slave to it. Once they were gone Amber put her robe back on.

"I am John Mitchell but you may call me Mitchell. And this is my other slave Amber," Mitchell said.

"I'm Tiffany," the girl said.

"Nice to meet you," Amber said.

She still looked frightened and her eyes continually darted to Mitchell.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm not like Seth," Mitchell said.

"What happened to my master Sir? All I know is he didn't come back from the meeting and I was told you were to be my new master," Tiffany said.

"Please call me Mitchell and Seth is dead. He came in here without permission and used Amber for pleasure and fed from her," Mitchell said.

"That's against the rules isn't it? At least that's what I've been told," Tiffany said.

"Yes it is. And it wasn't the first time he stepped out of line. Do you remember he had Amber in his room and was whipping her?" Mitchell asked.

"Did he?" Tiffany asked.

"Perhaps he'd sent you to get something when it happened. I don't remember you being in the room when I burst in and rescued Amber," Mitchell said.

"I do have to admit that one morning after I went to exchange some books at the library I got back to find Master in a bad mood. He beat me and took pleasure from me very roughly. Maybe that's when it happened," Tiffany said.

"Could well have been," Mitchell conceded.

Amber looked at Mitchell.

"I didn't tell you but when Seth came in here and took pleasure from me I tried praying out loud. He gagged me though as it made him recoil," Amber said.

"Yes it would. I'm glad you tried it," Mitchell said.

"When Master came back that night he was really happy. He actually treated me nicely that night which was unusual for him," Tiffany said.

"I have a robe for you to wear as I have no desire for you to go naked in here. That's why Amber is wearing a robe too. You will have to remove it when your food is bought in or we go somewhere else in the house. Amber is the same," Mitchell said.

Amber had been looking at Mitchell not Tiffany as she had no desire to see Tiffany's body. Mitchell passed Tiffany a robe. She pulled it on looking surprised.

"Master always made me stay naked in his room," Tiffany said.

"Seth was one of the nastier vampires when it came to slaves I'm afraid," Mitchell said.

"Will you want pleasure from me Mitchell?" Tiffany asked.

"I don't think so. I have Amber for that," Mitchell said.

Tiffany nodded.

"Is it just me or is there something going on between the two of you?" Tiffany asked.

Mitchell and Amber exchanged glances.

"What makes you say that?" Mitchell asked.

"You said you have Amber as far as pleasure goes. Aren't we both here for you to use for pleasure and feed from?" Tiffany asked.

"To be honest yes Tiffany there is something going on between Amber and I. We are in love and are planning to get married. That is one reason I wanted you as my secondary slave. Now that I have you to feed from I can turn Amber and we can secretly get married," Mitchell said.

He smiled at Amber and drew her close, kissing her. When they came up for air Mitchell looked at Tiffany again.

"But... but isn't that against your rules. Master told me slaves did not become vampires and vampires did not have a relationship with slaves. I wasn't even allowed to look at the male slaves," Tiffany said.

"Yes it is against our strictest rules. And that's why you mustn't say ANYTHING to ANYONE," Mitchell said.

"I won't. I promise," Tiffany said.

"Good. You will be our witness when Amber and I perform the secret wedding ceremony," Mitchell said.

"When are you going to do that?" Tiffany asked.

"Just as soon as I've turned Amber into one of us as the sharing of our blood will bind us much more strongly if we are both vampires.

"How do you turn me?" Amber asked.

"I will feed upon you until the point of death and then feed you some of my blood. That will begin the turning process," Mitchell said.

"Will I still need to be chained to your bed after I'm turned?" Amber asked.

"Yes as you will still need to appear to be my slave. No one must know that you're a vampire or that we are married," Mitchell said.

He smiled at Amber and bared his fangs. She felt the usual pain as his fangs sank into her throat and was aware of Tiffany watching what Mitchell was doing. Mitchell began to drink and this time even though Amber grew weak he continued to drink until she was near death. Finally he withdrew his fangs then bit himself, drawing blood. He put his wrist to Amber's mouth allowing his blood to enter her mouth.

"Drink my love and become one of us," Mitchell said.

Amber swallowed then grabbing his arm began drinking hungrily until she fell back against the bed. Her body shuddered and she then lay still.

"Is Amber ok?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes she will be fine. She's clinically dead but her body will be reanimated as a vampire soon enough," Mitchell said.

"I see," Tiffany said.

While they waited for Amber to revive Mitchell and Tiffany talked. She told Mitchell more about herself.

"I am sorry that Seth chose you. I wouldn't have wished him on anyone," Mitchell said.

"He had to have someone to feed from I suppose," Tiffany said.

"Yes unfortunately," Mitchell said.

"You are very different to Seth. You're kind and caring. Thank you for choosing me and saving me from certain death," Tiffany said.

"As I said to the vampires you hadn't done anything to deserve being put to death and you weren't at the end of your span of usefulness either," Mitchell said.

"I hope I will be as useful to you as possible," Tiffany said.

"You will be useful to both of us. Amber will need to feed just like I will. While she and I can drink from each other we will need human blood, your blood to sustain us both," Mitchell said.

Tiffany and Mitchell continued to talk until Amber shuddered again and her eyes opened. They were jet black just as Mitchell's had been when he had been turned.

"Welcome back my love, how do you feel?" Mitchell asked her.

"Sick and hungry," Amber said.

She bared her fangs at Tiffany and smiled.

"You may feed from me," Tiffany said.

Amber tipped Tiffany's head to one side and sank her fangs into Tiffany's neck. Mitchell smiled as he watched her feed. As she feed her skin gained a more lively color.

"You're now a real vampire," Mitchell said, when Amber finished feeding.

She smiled and found Mitchell's lips with hers and the two kissed intently. When they came up for air Mitchell took Amber's hands in his.

"To get married we need to drink each other's blood and pledge ourselves to each other. The very act of drinking each other's blood will bind us to each other for eternity," Mitchell explained.

"What do I need to do?" Tiffany asked.

"Nothing, so just watch. Or you can read or use the bathroom, whatever you like," Mitchell said.

He turned to Amber and smiled.

"Bite your wrist and offer me your blood," Mitchell said.

So Amber did and Mitchell drank from Amber's wrist.

"I John Mitchell pledge myself to you and promise to love you, care for you and protect you for eternity. I love you Amber," Mitchell said, after he'd consumed some of her blood.

Mitchell then bit his wrist and offered Amber his blood. She drank then spoke.

"I Amber Reigns pledge myself to you and promise to love you, care for you and protect you for eternity. I love you John Mitchell," Amber said.

Mitchell and Amber then pressed their wrists together merging their blood. They then each offered the other their wrist and drank again.

"Drinking our merged blood will strengthen our bond," Mitchell had explained.

"You are now my wife and I your husband," Mitchell said.

Amber's wrist was already healing and Mitchell looked at her.

"As a vampire you are now able to heal almost instantly from any kind of injury except that which is fatal to us such as staking. And things like being bitten will hardly hurt for the same reason. You are also extra strong and you won't tire," Mitchell explained.

Amber nodded then smiled.

"Why the heck are you still dressed? You've got far more on than I have. How is that fair," Amber said.

She grabbed Mitchell and pulled him close her lips finding his. She tore at his clothes, eager to remove that barrier between them and he quickly helped her to avoid his clothing getting ruined.

"I'm going to use the bathroom. Let me know when it's safe to come out," Tiffany said.

She disappeared into the bathroom and the two knew that she was giving them privacy to consummate their marriage. 

"I am not sure what to do," Amber admitted.

"Just do what you feel is natural to do," Mitchell said.

"I will take this very slowly. Please let me know if at any time you're uncomfortable. I know this may bring back memories of what Seth did to you but I promise that this will feel much much nicer than anything he did. This is love making and what he did was NOT love making by any stretch of the imagination.

Amber nodded.

"Shut up and make love to me Mitchell. I want you, I need you," Amber said.

She found Mitchell's lips with hers as he began...

After it the two lay together in a tangled mess of sheets and sweaty bodies. Mitchell's love making had been very different to what Seth had done to her. He had been brutal and rough while Mitchell had taken his time slowly making love to her, making sure it felt good. Tiffany finally emerged from the bathroom.

"All done guys?" she asked.

"Yes we are. Thanks for giving us privacy," Mitchell said.

Tiffany sat on the bed, hesitant to get in the bed. Finally she slipped under the covers and curled up her back to Mitchell, who was cuddling with Amber.

"Will. Will I get pregnant?" Amber asked.

"No you won't as if you remember I told you I was sterile. We are both sterile now. We are frozen as we were at the moment of turning," Mitchell said.

"Ok I thought that might be the case," Amber said.
