Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Mitchell went on to tell Amber who controlled which continent and part of their continent where there were multiple Old Ones.

"Do you have to have meetings with the coven leaders in Europe every so often?" Amber asked.

"Yes I do. And the meetings rotate around the covens in Europe. So I will have to travel a lot. Herrick was the same and yes I knew he was an Old One," Mitchell said.

"So where were the Old Ones based prior to vampires taking over the World?" Amber asked.

She knew that vampires hadn't always ruled the world as Mitchell had told her a lot of their history when she was still a slave.

"The Old Ones were based in Europe and when the takeover occurred they shipped out to Bolivia and hid in the mountains where no one could find them until the takeover was complete," Mitchell said.

"And once that happened they split the world into territories based on continents and ruled the covens that way," Amber said.

"Yes," Mitchell said.

Amber knew from her life prior to being a slave that society in general did not know that vampires existed. They had quietly infiltrated all levels of society to take over in a bloodless coup. Tiffany had been listening quietly and she smiled at Mitchell.

"I am privileged to be the slave of an Old One. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you," she said.

"Thank you Tiffany. It is a pleasure to be served by you," Mitchell said.

That night there was a feast to celebrate Mitchell's new status as an Old One. At the feast Mitchell announced the changes to the rules about slaves and vampires not being allowed to fall in love and slaves not being able to become vampires. He then went on to say that Amber had once been his slave until he had turned her and married her. This announcement was met with shock and disbelief from the other vampires. Mitchell admitted that Amber had continued to pretend to be a slave until she and Mitchell had arrived there at Barry Island.

"I hope you will not think badly of Amber and I for what we did. We had no choice as we had fallen in love and as you know vampires fall in love for eternity. I couldn't use Amber as my slave until she was no longer useful then kill her. There is no way I could kill my soulmate as it would have killed me to do so. I can't live without Amber and she can't live without me," Mitchell said.

One of the vampires stood and cleared his throat.

"Long live the king and queen," he called out.

Soon the rest of the vampires were chanting the same thing. Clearly Amber having once been a slave didn't change anything for which Mitchell was glad. Once the chants stopped Amber and Mitchell's new friends chatted with them. They wanted to know from Amber what it was like being a slave.

"Obviously my experiences were quite different to what most slaves would experience except for when Seth had his way with me," Amber said.

She noticed Mitchell pulled a face when she mentioned his name and guessed it still upset him to hear what Seth had done to her.

"Mitchell was caring, kind and loving," Amber continued, "He allowed me to wear a robe when I was in his room so I had modesty and he never took pleasure from me or did anything that would hurt me," Amber ended.

"I couldn't hurt her," Mitchell explained, "I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. You all know of course that I did the Box Tunnel 20 massacre but what you don't know is that Amber was on that train. I couldn't kill her and so I bit her and drank from her enough to knock her out then took her back to the Bristol Coven where she became my slave as I needed a new one," Mitchell said.

"I'm so glad Mitchell saved me," Amber said.

"The other thing you need to know, my friends, is that as part of my role as an Old One I have to check in on the other covens here and in Europe so that means I will travel a lot," Mitchell said.

"Who will be in charge when you are away?" someone asked.

"I will choose a third in command who will be in charge since Amber who is my second in command and my wife will come with me when I travel," Mitchell said.

He leant over and found Amber's mouth with his. The two kissed deeply and when they came up for air Mitchell smiled.

"I think we need to have a celebration of our own, in private," he said.

"I quite agree Amber said.

So later that night after the feast was over the two made their way back to their bedroom.

"Bedroom or bathing room?" Mitchell asked.

"Bedroom I think," Amber said.

So the two continued to their bedroom and once there they greeted Tiffany who was watching TV.

"How was the feast?" Tiffany asked.

"It was great. Everyone accepted Amber even though she is a former blood slave. They have accepted the new rules surrounding slaves and vampires falling in love," Mitchell said.

He pressed a kiss into Amber's hair and the two smiled.

"Are you wanting to celebrate?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes," Mitchell said, smiling at Amber.

"I'll go in the bathroom," Tiffany said.

She got off the bed and made her way into the bedroom leaving Amber and Mitchell alone. When it was over the two cuddled and Tiffany joined them in their bed.

"So what now?" Tiffany asked.

"I live a life of freedom. I have regained the life I lost when I became Mitchell's slave," Amber said.

She was excited and looking forward to what her new life as a vampire held for her.

The End.
