yay wholesome


have this to heal your hearts from all tragedies

(srry this took a while) 


No one__

Technoblade slowly opened his eyes sitting up a bit but felt something laying on his chest. he lifted up the blanket up a bit to see Ranboo had climbed into his bed sometime during the night. techno smiled softly lifting Ranboo a bit letting the small child lean against his chest. 

Ranboo instinctively snuggled up against him. Technoblade softly patted Ranboo's head fixing his hair separating some of the white and black hair from each other. Ranboo blinked a few times stretching out. "mornin' boo" Technoblade says lifting him in his arms walking over to the wardrobe setting him down on the floor handing him his crown and mask. Ranboo was still out of it and slowly blinking holding tightly onto his crown and mask sitting on the floor while Technoblade combed his hair.

Technoblade picked Ranboo up dragging him into the bathroom and handed him his toothbrush and started brushing his own teeth and getting ready. Ranboo just sat on the counter aimlessly brushing his teeth not bothering to move his long hair out of his face. Technoblade looked over to Ranboo who had spaced out and was staring into the distance. "oi Ranboo" he said taking his tooth brush out of his hands and flipping the hair a bit out of the younger's face. 

Ranboo jumped a bit snapping out of his thoughts. "you awake bud?" techno asked laughing a bit at Ranboo's reaction "mhm" Ranboo nodded. "good, now finish getting ready" Technoblade said walking out of the bathroom tying his mask. 

after they both got ready---

"rtechno! hrelpr" Ranboo said walking into the kitchen with Phil and techno. Ranboo sniffed holding out his mask that he had accidently knotted. "its okay we can just untie it, no need to be sad" techno said while kneeling down to help Ranboo. Phil just laughed and continued eating his breakfast. 

once Ranboo had his mask on he ran over to the table after hugging techno quickly climbing into his seat. Ranboo was scarfing down his food as fast as he could. today was supposed to be a really warm day which meant he could go even farther away from the house when he explored. 

as soon as he finished eating Ranboo jumped down from his chair and bringing his plates over to the sink placing it next to the sink instead of in the sink with the rest go so he wouldn't burn himself. Ranboo teleported over to Edward " ☌⍜⍜⎅ ⋔⍜⍀⋏⟟⋏☌ ⟒⎅⍙⏃⍀⎅!"( good morning Edward!) Ranboo greeted him. "☌⍜⍜⎅ ⋔⍜⍀⋏⟟⋏☌ ☊⊑⟟⌰⎅"(good morning child) Edward bowed his head a bit. Ranboo smiled but suddenly got the chills. 

Ranboo started crying and sniffling, philza heard sniffling and saw Ranboo crying "techno!" Phil yelled into the hallway. techno walked over to Phil "what?" he asked before he pointed at Ranboo. "Ranboo what's wrong!?" techno asked worryingly wiping his tears away before they could burn him. Ranboo hugged Technoblade and continued crying. "yrou lreft agrainrr" he cried.


Technoblade hugged him softly "its okay bud c'mon lets go outside and wait for Tubbo" Technoblade lifted Ranboo up going outside after waving to phil. Ranboo clung tightly to techno's robe sniffling a bit. Technoblade moved his robe off of Ranboo letting the sun hit his face. he looked out over the snowy plains, he always loved how the light reflected off the snow. his eyes widened admiring all the light. 

Technoblade set him down on the wooden planks putting his mask on and fixing his tie. Ranboo hugged his ankle while Technoblade was organizing his inventory. "ready to go boo" Technoblade stated kneeling down to allow him to climb onto his shoulders once he was up Technoblade stood up and Ranboo put on his cloak to protect against the weather. 

once they were into town techno let Ranboo down but kept hold of his hand. as they walked through the town they were stopped by Niki "hello techno!" she said waving to her friend. "hey Niki" techno waved back. "awe whos this?" Niki asked squatting down to eye level of Ranboo. "that's Ranboo, my kid,," Technoblade said gesturing for Ranboo to say hi. 

Ranboo looked at Niki and back to the ground he trilled and hid behind Technoblade's leg. Niki laughed  "hes so sweet!" Technoblade proceeded to talk with Niki for around 10 minutes. he invited for her to go to the field and meet Tubbo with them. Ranboo was nervous and trilling every few seconds watching people walk by and talk. Technoblade scooped him up holding him while Niki started walking with Technoblade and walking towards the flower field where they were meeting Tubbo. 

Ranboo saw the field and jumped out of Technoblade's arms. "rdadrr! rtubbo is herrerr!" he warbled jumping excitedly running towards Tubbo with the occasional few meter teleport. Niki laughed "awww" Niki loved kids.  Tubbo was sitting in the flowers watching some bees a bit away when Ranboo ran from behind him and tackled him to the ground hugging him tightly. they both sat up laughing and warbling. 

Niki and Technoblade sat at a bench and were talking about some plans for the syndicate and just talking. Ranboo suddenly ran up to techno giving him a hug then running back into the tall grassy field. Niki was somewhat surprised to see how happy and gentle techno was being especially with a small child. she smiled happy to see her friend so happy. 

 Ranboo and Tubbo were far into the field in a small clearing. they had decided to sit down with the flowers they picked and make flower crowns. Ranboo was weaving the flowers around his crown. Tubbo snuck up behind Ranboo quietly when he suddenly hugged him. Ranboo yelped dropping his crown in surprise.  

"RYOU R SCAREDRR MErr!" he yelled breathing heavily. Tubbo was laughing so hard he couldn't breath while trying to calm down. Ranboo shakily picked up his crown and repositioned himself on the ground. Tubbo saw this as an opportunity to lay down across his lap and laugh again. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's flower crown from beside him and set it on his head. "I hrater ryou" Ranboo sighed his breath still shaky from a few moments before. " no you don't!" Tubbo said confidently knowing full well Ranboo couldn't bring himself to hate him. 

a bit later Ranboo finally took his mask off putting it in his inventory. Tubbo smiled seeing Ranboo being relaxed outside of the house.


the sun was slowly sinking and the sky was getting darker. Tubbo and Ranboo were sleeping on the ground next to each other. Technoblade knew how late it was but decided Ranboo was safe many enderman were around and he could always communicate with the other mobs. Ranboo had been learning more mob languages seeing as they were similar format to ender.  

"s-shouldn't we go get them?" Niki asked techno looking around at the dark. "they are fine, plus they can come back on they're own." Technoblade said confidently.  

back with Tubbo and Ranboo a few ender had stubbled upon them trilling and warbling amongst themselves woke up Ranboo. "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜, ⍙⊑⍜ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍?"(hello, who are you?) Ranboo spoke groggily. the enders were visibly confused "⊑⍜⍙ ⎅⍜ ⊬⍜⎍ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅ ⎍⌇ ☊⊑⟟⌰⎅?"(how do you understand us child?) one of them asked. after Ranboo and the enders had talked for a while Tubbo woke up. Tubbo shivered a bit in the chilly air. "⟟ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⏁⍜ ☌⟒⏁ ☌⍜⟟⋏☌, ☌⍜⍜⎅⏚⊬⟒ ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅⌇" (I have to get going, goodbye friends) he bowed before dragging the tired Tubbo into the field.

Tubbo was falling asleep and eventually Ranboo ended up just carrying him on his back. even though Tubbo was older than Ranboo, Ranboo was tall for his age and easily carried the smaller. "dadrr!" Ranboo yelled once he emerged from the grass seeing Technoblade. he ran over to techno setting Tubbo down on the ground softly before hugging Technoblade. before he suddenly realized he wasn't wearing his mask and Niki was there. 

"thank god your okay it was getting dark the sunset is almost done!" Niki sighed in relief. "is something wrong?" she asked seeing the look on Ranboo's face and how he was trying to hide a bit. "don't worry hes just shy, boo look Niki is nice no worries" Technoblade reassured. Ranboo turned to Niki "hrrello" he said shakily looking at Niki "hello Ranboo" she replied smiling. 

after Niki had left and Ranboo techno were walking home, Ranboo was still carrying the sleeping Tubbo. once they got home Phil was waiting with dinner. "Ello, did ya have fun ?" he asked Ranboo and techno. "yep, we ran into Niki and we talked for a while she says hi btw" Technoblade says taking off his rabe and hanging it up. "boo go put Tubbo in a bed then come back"  Ranboo trilled back. he teleported into his bedroom setting him on a sleeping bag and tucking him in with a blanket. 

 when Ranboo teleported back to the kitchen Technoblade took of his cloak and hung it up next to his. Ranboo hugged Technoblade  and sat down at the table with his family. later after they finished eating they were sitting on the couch watching a show when Tubbo slowly opened the door rubbing his eyes. 

Ranboo teleported over to him hugging him to "hriya" Ranboo mumbled "mmm" Tubbo hummed tiredly. "go to sleep guys its late" Phil says from the couch where he is untangling Technoblade's hair. "okrayr" Ranboo agreed leading Tubbo back into the room and laying on the mattress next to him. "nright nigrhtr" ranboo said before he closed his eyes. 



idrk if I like this it was kinda droning on for a bit bc I didn't really have a plan on how to end

but I still think it was adorable and that's all that matters.

I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy and just forgot sorry. 

next update will most likely be to the angst book, I try to go back and forth equally between the two stories. 

hope you enjoyed! bye bye!

(wordcount: 1725)
