baby bee meets baby boo

so for this story Ranboo has been taught some English but not very much so he usually just says things in English but a heavy ender sound so ill just ad random r's like I've been doing :] 

plus he also makes those random little like uhh squeaks?

 I dunno ender noises hiccup things. but he understands most English so that's how he can understand the other peoples and when he doesn't understand 

or forgets things techno tells him in piglin. 


"Ranboo!?" Techno called walking around the snowing plains they lived in. ' I could've sworn I saw him come out here' he thought looking around the hole plains. "boorr!" the smaller yelled grabbing onto the back of Technoblade's waist. 

"there you are little rascal" techno chuckled pretending to be mad and ruffling his black and white hairs. "no crown today?" Technoblade asked noticing that he wasn't wearing his most favorite keepsake. "norperr Mr Tara hars it!" Ranboo said excitedly 

"did he find out how to size it?" techno asked scooping up Ranboo and walking inside. "mhmr!,,,, wait!!" Ranboo said right before they were about to enter the house and sliding down techno's back. 

"⏚⊬⟒ ⏚⊬⟒! ⋔⍀ ⏁⏃⍀⏃ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ☊⍜⋔⟒ ⏚⏃☊☍ ⌇⍜⍜⋏!!" (bye bye! Mr. Tara will come back soon!!) Ranboo yelled to the enders that were Tara's friends and had followed Ranboo this hole time making sure he was okay. "⍜☍ ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⍜⋏⟒, ⍀⎍⋏ ⏃⌰⍜⋏☌ ⋏⍜⍙ ☌⍜ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏁⟒☊⊑⋏⍜" (ok little one, run along now go with techno) one said back while the other warbled in agreement.  "mhm!" Ranboo hummed happily running back to Technoblade and hugging him. 

( in this Ranboo is still a bit anxious away from Technoblade and wants to make sure he isn't seeing things so he hugs techno alot just make sure he is there with him🥺) 

when they go inside they greet Phil "hey dad, you still planning today?" Technoblade inquired after sending Ranboo into their shared room too get changed into his everyday suit. "yep I'm picking him up later,, after i finish breakfast its still really early" phil said turning showing Technoblade he was making eggs. 

"pog" techno said before closing the door behind him to help Ranboo with his tie and get do both of their hair. he picked Ranboo up and walked into the master bathroom setting him on the stool he kept near the sink because Ranboo was to short 

"wanna do your own teeth boo?" techno asked hoping he would say yes so he could brush his own hair. "mhmhmhm" he trilled happily grabbing his toothbrush and beginning to brush his teeth being carful not to get water on himself. 

Technoblade had finished brushing and braiding his hair and was now working on untangling Ranboo's. "Ranboo want me to braid your hair or leave it" Technoblade asked, Ranboo likes his hair a bit longer so his dad can braid them.

    also hasn't asked Technoblade if he can call him dad he just thinks of him that way. 

"oo braidsr!" he said excitedly jumping up and down a bit. techno walked back into their room to the dresser grabbing two hair ties and both his and Ranboo's mask. 

( Ranboo has his own mask that is like Techno's but more enderman themed and black / white.) 

"here get this untangled while I do this, Phil has breakfast ready and remember there is someone coming over today" Technoblade said handing Ranboo the black and white mask whilse setting his own on his face. 

-----time skip----

Phil had already left flying towards the city. techno was cleaning up the table while Ranboo teleported around the room. this was a little hobby of Ranboo's, he enjoyed just teleporting around the room for no reason. 

just then there was a warble from outside the side door in the kitchen leading outside. "mmm!" Ranboo warbled happily running to the door and opening it. "⋔⍀ ⏁⏃⍀⏃!!" (Mr Tara!!) he warbled hugging Tara. "technro technor!!" Ranboo said dragging Tara inside "Mr Tara isr herer!" jumping up and down still holding Tara's hand. 

"I see Ranboo,, hi Tara come in you can have some food if you like"  techno said gesturing to the chests. Tara warbled and bowed a bit in response. " ⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜, ⏁⍀⊬ ⏁⊑⟒ ☊⍀⍜⍙⋏ ⍜⋏ ⋏⍜⍙. ⟟⏁ ⌇⊑⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⏚⟒ ⏃ ⏚⟟⏁ ⏁⟟☌⊑⏁⟒⍀ ⏚⎍⏁ ⋏⍜⏁ ⌇⍜ ⋔⎍☊⊑ ⊬⍜⎍ ☊⏃⋏⋏⍜⏁ ☌⍀⍜⍙."(hello Ranboo, try the crown on now. it should be a bit tighter but not so much you cannot grow.) Tara warbled handing Ranboo his crown back. 

Ranboo excitedly put it on making his ears go down a bit so it would fit around his head. "mhm!!" Ranboo hummed. "⏁⊑⏃⋏☍ ⊬⍜⎍ ⋔⍀ ⏁⏃⍀⏃!!"(thank you Mr Tara!!) Ranboo warbled. 

---time skip--- 

a bit later Tara and Edward are just talking in the corner by the fire place and eating some gapples. Ranboo is re adjusting his mask and Technoblade is outside feeding the pets. Ranboo teleports by Tara and Edward and lay down by the fire next to Tara. 

the older enders chuckled a bit at Ranboo. "⏁⍜ ⋔⎍☊⊑ ⟒⋏⟒⍀☌⊬ ⟟ ☌⎍⟒⌇⌇" (to much energy I guess)  Edward warbled "⊬⟒⏃⊑ ⟟ ☌⎍⟒⌇⌇" (yeah I guess so) Tara agreed. 

a bit later Technoblade walked in both enders turned their attention to him "Phil is here can someone wake Ranboo" techno asked gesturing outside to show that Phil was ready to land.  the enders nodded and techno stepped back outside. 

Ranboo woke up and his ender friends told him that philza was home. "mhm!" Ranboo hummed in agreement techno walked in and went down the ladder to his storage room.

Phil walked in someone was hiding behind his legs. "heya Ranboo" Phil said cheerfully. Ranboo tilted his ears a bit and head. "hmrr" he trilled teleporting a bit closer to phil. "this is Tubbo,, Tubbo say hi!" he urged walking out of the way of the kid behind him. 

Tubbo just stared at the floor. he was a bit shorter than Ranboo and wore a flower crown around his head. "flrowerr!" Ranboo said pointing to his new companion's head. this made tubbo look up and nod. 

"thrats coolr!" he warbled nodding back. " ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⍜⋏⟒ ⟟ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⏁⍜ ☌⍜, ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⋏⎅ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎎⎍⋏."(little one I have to go, you and your friend have fun.) Tara warbled standing up and walking over to Ranboo and Tubbo. 

"ahh!" Tubbo yelped looking up at the tall creature. this surprised Tara a bit but it wasn't un expected. "w-waitr thris is Mr Tara!" Ranboo said teleporting over to Tubbo grabbing his hand. "hres nrice,, threy arll arer"  he said in a panicking tone. "so he wont h-hurt me?" Tubbo asked looking at Ranboo's eyes as best he could threw the mask. 

"mhm!" he warbled grabbing Tara's hand and hugging him. "brye Mr Tara!" he said happily opening the door for him and teleporting back to Tubbo. "woah!" Tubbo exclaimed fascinated "how you do that???" he said jumping. " ender!" Ranboo explained "ooo"  "wanna play hide n seek?!" Ranboo suggested "no teleporting though" Tubbo fixed. 

just then Technoblade came up the ladder "if you go outside wear armor and don't bother any enders" techno said walking over and handing them both some armor, a netherite chest plate and diamond leggings each. "mhm!" Ranboo hummed hugging techno quickly before dragging Tubbo to his room to help show him how to put armor on. 

"sere you purt itr on ovre your srhoulderssrr" Ranboo demonstrated "yeah!" Tubbo said putting on the chest plate.  "why does your voice sound different??" Tubbo asked suddenly out of curiosity. "I jrust learnedrr,,, I srpeakr ender"  Ranboo explained looking down a bit.

 "that's so cool Ranboo!" Tubbo said with a sparkle in his eye jumping up and down "wait wait sayd something in ender" he said staring intensely at Ranboo "⊑⟟ ⋔⊬ ⋏⏃⋔⟒ ⟟⌇ ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜!"(hi my name is Ranboo!) he warbled at the shorter. "woahhh" Tubbo was fascinated in his friend.  

this went on for a bit just Ranboo showing Tubbo what he could do and saying things in ender. "letrs gro outsride andr plray!" Ranboo said they finally had gotten their armor on. "hey hey boo, remember do not. bother the enders unless they talk to you first, Tara just got back" techno reminded him right as he was exiting. "okray!" he said running over to techno and hugging him again. 

"yeah! outside!!" Tubbo yelled once they got outside the door. "mhmhm" Ranboo hummed happily. they were running around all day and now they are taking a break under a tree eating some lunch that Ranboo brought in his inventory bag. "why do you have a mask on?" tubbo asked Ranboo he could see no reason to wear a mask all dat. "o-ohr,, urhm,, techno andr,,, mry facerr,,," he mumbled. 

"oh! so you wear bc Technoblade does! and,, your face???" Tubbo questioned his friend. "uhhrr,, irll jurst show yourr,," he slowly took of his mask revealing his multi coloured skin green red eyes and scars under his eyes. "you look so cool Ranboo!!" Tubbo said excitedly "your eyes are pretty! they're like Christmas!" Tubbo hugged Ranboo "your so cool! I wish I was like you" Tubbo stated. 

after a bit a ender teleported infront of them it suprised tubbo and he gripped ranboo's arm. "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜! ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⟒⟒⋏ ⟒⍀⏃⊬ ⏃⋏⊬⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒? ⟟ ☊⏃⋏⏁ ⎎⟟⋏⎅ ⊑⟒⍀." (hello Ranboo! have you seen Eray anywhere? I cant find her.) the ender questioned. "⎍⊑⊑ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⋔⍀ ⏁⏃⍀⏃ ⟟ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☍!"(uhh with Mr Tara I think!) the younger warbled back at the ender. the ender nodded and teleported away. 

tubbo was still a bit scared of the enders and was clenching hard around Ranboo's arm "itr okray! hre wrantedr Eray" Ranboo said and calmly trilled after in attempts to calm down his friend. Tubbo nodded "its getting later we should go home!" Tubbo said standing up offering a hand to Ranboo who gladly took it. 

after Ranboo stood up he put his mask back on and straightened his crown. then started to walk and Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand as they walk. Ranboo jumped a bit but didn't protest. 

( why is this friendship so flippen cute 🥺 I want a friendship like theirs) 

they finally got insight of the house Ranboo saw techno threw the windows and got exited. he hadn't seen techno in hours. both kids started running to the house. "wererr hromer!" "we are home!!" they yelled in unison as they got to the front door. "about time its almost dark!" Phil stated peaking out the window.  Ranboo teleported over to techno hugging him tightly "hey bud have fun?" techno asked patting Ranboo's back and setting down his coffee. 

"mhm" Ranboo trilled again into techno. "that's good, now go get changed its dinner time." techno said pointing Tubbo and Ranboo in the direction of his and Ranboo's room. Phil smiled watching his son be so caring and gentle with the kids. "ah, techno i never asked what do the voices say about Ranboo? and Tubbo" Phil inquired "yeah they actually really love them,, they are very overprotective lately" techno said smiling a bit. 

philza could tell this was a great relief to Technoblade. then Ranboo came running into the room with Tubbo laughing and giggling.  "frood!!" Ranboo chirped happily climbing into a chair and helping Tubbo up next to him. 

---after eating---

"alrighty kids time for bed say goodnight to Edward" Philza says as he begins to clean up the table. "☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟟☌⊑⏁ ⋔⍀ ⟒⎅⍙⏃⍀⎅!!"(goodnight Mr Edward!!) Ranboo warbles to Edward waving to him. "☌⍜⍜⎅⋏⟟☌⊑⏁ ⌰⟟⏁⏁⌰⟒ ⍜⋏⟒⌇" (goodnight little ones) Edward warbles back smiling. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo by the hand again and ran into his and techno's room. "night Phil" Techno says following the kids. 

techno brought them into the bathroom and began taking out Ranboo's braid. they all brushed their teeth and undid their hair. after they left the bathroom techno took Ranboo's mask + crown and his and set them on the dresser "here Tubbo ill take your flower crown" techno said holding his hand out to the small kid. "okay!" Tubbo agreed handing over his flower crown. 

techno smiled and set it down carefully next to Ranboo's stuff. then Ranboo trilled and ran over to the small storage closet grabbing two sleeping bags."Trubbo!" he said dragging them both over to Tubbo "ooo!" Tubbo said "here ill help" techno offered rolling out the sleeping bags for them next to the bed. 

"groodnright" Ranboo warbled to techno and Tubbo "goodnight Ranboo!" Tubbo replied happily. technoblade smiled warmly looking at his son and tubbo sleep peacefully and then got into his own bed. 


"AWEE" - voice 3994830

"GOODNIGHTTTT" - voice 4576672

"SO CUTE" - voice 5872833

"E" - voice 5673243

"SOULS FOR THE ENDER PRINCE" - voice 3267789


POGGERSSSS this took so long but boy am I proud. 

I really hope yall like it. this is double the length of a usual chapter I write and I did it all in one day. 

I'm going to try and make all the chapters in this book at least 1500 words. 

and as always any ideas for a chapter comment ill try my absolute best to write them. 

that's all bye loves! 

(word count: 2199) 
