Chapter One

Since their first day of kindergarten, Priscilla and Robin had been best friends. Robin had found a dandelion during recess and gave it to Priscilla, dubbing her as Robin's official best friend from that day forward. Robin had been one of her best and only friends she had. Priscilla couldn't imagine spending a single minute without Robin by her side. She and Robin shared everything with each other. Priscilla remembered the day Robin came out to her. She told Robin she had already known. "The closet was glass, Robin." She joked, but she was glad her best friend was able to live her truth out loud.

Robin remembered when Priscilla dated Steve for a brief amount of time during their freshman year in high school. She teased Priscilla for going after "the hair" Harrington. Steve was a year older than them in school and Robin was shocked that Steve, of all people, was open and willing to date a freshman. Priscilla couldn't believe she had actually dated Steve once upon a time. What had her freshman self been thinking? Steve had been popular in school but once he graduated, he turned into a much more humble version of himself. Around that time is when Robin grew a little closer with Steve. Working together at Scoops Ahoy one summer helped, too. Robin would fill Priscilla in every day on Steve's constantly failing love life. Robin kept a whiteboard behind the counter with two columns titled 'You Rule' and 'You Suck'. Each time Steve failed to impress a girl that came into the ice cream shop, she would write a mark under the 'You Suck' column. Unfortunately for Steve, there were more marks under the 'You Suck' column than he would have liked to see.

One day, close to the end of August of that same summer, Robin spilled to Priscilla that Steve confessed that he had feelings for Robin and she stopped Steve hard in his tracks, breaking the news to him that she only liked girls. Robin and Priscilla joked and laughed about that moment for weeks to come. Another mark under the 'You Suck' column for poor Steve.

Robin and Priscilla had been inseparable best friends up until the day Priscilla had to move away. It was their sophomore year at Hawkins High and Priscilla's dad got a new job in Pittsburgh, forcing Priscilla and her family to move over three hundred miles away. Priscilla still remembers the day she left Robin behind.

"You promise you won't forget about me, right?" Robin held Priscilla's hands in hers as she said her final goodbyes to her best friend.

"I will never forget about you." Priscilla assured. "I'll call you every night and I promise to visit every chance I get."

Priscilla kept her promise and visited whenever she could. It would usually be for a few days to a week at a time, most often during the summers. Priscilla never found a better friend than Robin. She spent the remainder of her high school years flying under the radar and just trying to get by so she could be finished with that part of her life and move on to college where she could come and go as she pleased, not have to answer to her parents' constant worrying, and visit Robin whenever she wanted. But college proved to be much more challenging and straining on her and Robin's relationship than she had expected. Priscilla found herself consumed by her coursework and more invested in her romantic relationships than she was in her friendship with Robin. Robin tried to understand that Priscilla was living in a different world than she was, but it hurt that her best friend had almost completely forgotten about her.

After Priscilla graduated from college, she promised Robin she would make it up to her. She admitted she had been a shitty friend the last couple years, being more invested in herself than in their friendship. She was determined to make this right.

"I'll come stay with you the whole summer." Priscilla offered. "That is, if you'll have me that long. I miss spending every single day with you, watching movies, going on walks in your neighborhood, teasing Steve over his failing love life. It'll be fun. You and me. This summer will be ours. Besides, I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing with my life now that I'm done with college and coming "home" seems like the best thing for me right now."

"'Scilla, I'd love nothing more than to have you stay with me." Robin agreed. She sometimes called Priscilla by the nickname 'Scilla, because when they were in kindergarten, Robin couldn't pronounce Priscilla's full name and would call her 'Scilla. The nickname sort of just stuck. "You can stay in Lauren's old room." Robin continued.

Robin's older sister Lauren had tragically passed away in a car accident when Priscilla and Robin were thirteen. Priscilla still remembers the day it happened. She was sitting in math class with Robin when the principal suddenly showed up, asking for Robin to join him in the hallway. Robin looked at Priscilla, confusion and panic mixing in her eyes. She hadn't gotten in trouble, so why was he asking to see her? Priscilla vividly remembers hearing Robin wail, shrieking no over and over again from behind the closed classroom door. Priscilla shot up from her chair so fast that her desk almost toppled over. She ran to the door, ignoring the teacher's voice telling her to sit back down. She burst out into the hallway, grabbing onto her best friend and holding her while she sobbed, Priscilla's shoulder growing increasingly damp from Robin's tears.

The day that Priscilla was scheduled to leave for Hawkins couldn't come fast enough. She'd had her bags packed for days, counting down the hours until it was time to say goodbye to Pittsburgh and welcome home to Hawkins. Priscilla had called Robin the night before, telling her how excited she was to finally see her and her plans on getting there.

"You're driving here?!" Robin exclaimed. "It's like six hours. And isn't your car on the verge of falling apart?"

Priscilla clenched her jaw at the thought of her junker of a car making its way six hours to Hawkins from Pittsburgh. "It'll be fine." Priscilla reasoned. "Besides, you don't drive and without my car, how are we going to get around?"

"We won't if your car falls apart before you can even get here." said Robin in a joking tone.

"It'll be fine." Priscilla assured, although she wasn't convincing herself it was going to be fine and she was sure Robin wasn't convinced either. "Have things changed much since I've been gone?" Priscilla quickly changed the subject.

"Well," Robin began, "I think I told you I started to become friends with Eddie."

Priscilla scrunched her nose at the sound of his name. "Eddie? The D&D guy?"

Robin let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah... After you moved, I really didn't have any other friends. No one exactly wants to befriend the band geek. And no one really wanted to be friends with the metal head D&D nerd. So, one day at lunch when I was sitting alone, Eddie came to sit with me and we agreed to become friends. Two nerds finding each other; how fitting, right?"

Priscilla rolled her eyes even though she knew Robin couldn't see. "You're not a nerd, Robin." Priscilla flopped down on her bed, propping herself up with her elbows. She glanced at the clock sitting on the dresser across from her. Twelve more hours and she would be on the road, finally heading home.

"Steve has been asking about you." Robin teased, bringing Priscilla's attention back to the conversation.

Priscilla scrunched her eyebrows together. "Really? Steve?" Priscilla flipped over onto her back, staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars plastered to her ceiling. Steve was the last person she expected to be wondering about her. Their relationship only lasted a couple weeks. She didn't think it had been that serious. "I can't imagine why," Priscilla continued. "It's not like we had a long lasting relationship."

"You may not think that," said Robin, "But I think he's still harboring some feelings for you. He works at Family Video now so when we go to rent movies, we can cause chaos during his shifts." Robin chuckled.

"Is his love life still in shambles?" Priscilla asked. After dating Priscilla, Steve dated Nancy Wheeler for a few months but Nancy left him for Jonathan Byers. Ever since then, Steve had gone on a string of disastrous first dates, none of them wanting to stick around for a second. Part of Priscilla felt bad for Steve. He'd been kind of an ass in high school, but Robin had filled her in on Steve's sudden personality change after he graduated. He seemed like a genuine guy now and Priscilla wanted the best for Steve, whether it was with her or not.

"It is indeed," Robin confirmed, "Maybe that's why he's asking about you. It's been, what, six years since you guys dated for, like, two weeks? I don't think it'd be the worst thing to try it again; that is, if you're up for it."

Priscilla turned over the thought of dating Steve again in her head. Maybe Robin was right, it wouldn't be the worst thing. A summer romance could be fun. She really hadn't had a lot of time with Steve before and with his new found humbleness, maybe it could be worth it to try again.

"'Scilla? You there?" Robin called out.

Priscilla shook her head, blinking a few times to dissipate the thoughts of Steve. "Yeah, sorry." She apologized, coming back to reality.

"I should let you go, anyway." Robin said, "You have a long drive ahead of you and you need your rest. Please call me if anything goes wrong along your drive. I don't need you getting stranded in the middle of nowhere if your car doesn't make it."

"Promise." Priscilla smiled and Robin could hear the smile in her words. "I'll see you soon."

After hanging up the phone with Robin, Priscilla laid awake in bed, thinking about what potential could lay ahead for this summer. There were so many possibilities and she couldn't calm her thoughts down long enough to close her eyes and sleep. She just wanted to be in Hawkins already. She wanted to see her friends and go to their old hang out spots. She wanted to be home again. Pittsburgh had never been her home. It was just the place she had to be because of her dad's job, but she never felt like this was home.

Priscilla thought about Steve. What would it be like to see him again after all this time? Did he look the same, just a bit older? Did he still have that full head of glorious hair, living up to his nickname of "the hair" Harrington? Priscilla had never known this new Steve that Robin talked about so often, and she was eager to see just how different he was now. Priscilla let her eyes close as she drifted off into dreams of homecoming.

Before she knew it, her alarm was blaring, signaling that it was finally time to get on the road and make her way to Hawkins. Priscilla was convinced she'd only slept for a few hours. There was too much adrenaline and excitement coursing through her veins to even think about sleeping. In about six hours time, she would finally be hugging her best friend again. It had been far too long that Priscilla and Robin had been apart. Even though they called each other almost every night, Priscilla felt like she and Robin had so much to catch up on.

Priscilla had breakfast with her parents before saying her goodbye's to them. She could tell her parents were upset that she was leaving. She had just been away at school and they thought they'd finally have her back for just a little while but Priscilla was determined to get away from Pittsburgh. She had nothing here but her parents; no friends to tie her down, no job, no responsibilities. Her home was Hawkins, and that was where she wanted to be.

As Priscilla settled into the seat of her car, she glided her hand across the top of the steering wheel. "Alright, Jesse, get me to Hawkins in one piece." She said, as if the car could hear her and tell her back that everything was going to be okay. She was going home.
