Chapter Twelve

Priscilla perched on the end of Robin's bed the next morning with eagerness and excitement glistening in her eyes while Robin struggled to open her own.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Priscilla sang, bouncing up and down and shaking Robin's bed like an earthquake.

Robin groaned and continued to refuse to fully wake up. She was still a little ticked off at Priscilla for keeping secrets from her. They'd always told each other everything. As Max and El always said, friends don't lie and Robin felt like Priscilla had done just that.

"Robin, c'mon!" Priscilla continued. "I've been dying to hear how your date with Vickie went. Just tell me already!" Priscilla jumped like a cat over to Robin's side and laid down next to her. Her face was inches from Robin's and Robin started when she opened her eyes to see Priscilla's nose practically inches from her own.

"Jesus," Robin exclaimed. "Alright, alright." Robin shifted onto her back before sitting up and looking over at Priscilla who followed suit. "But first, why didn't you tell me about your phone call with Vickie?"

Priscilla felt a wave of guilt wash over her and it certainly showed on her face. Vickie wasn't supposed to tell Robin about that. "Okay, in my defense, you wouldn't have liked it if I blabbed to Vickie about your crush on her, right? So, it didn't seem fair to share a secret with you that wasn't exactly mine to share."

There Priscilla went, always saying the right thing at the right time. Robin was starting to really get annoyed with Priscilla being so seemingly perfect all the time. But she reminded herself Priscilla wasn't all that perfect. In fact, she was stringing two guys along because she couldn't seem to make up her mind on who she wanted more.

"That's fair, I guess." Robin grumbled.

"And so, I pushed you two along and...?" Priscilla trailed off, waiting for Robin to finish her sentence.

"It was... It was kind of magical, I guess." Robin grumbled, trying to hold back her growing smile.

Priscilla squealed in excitement and insisted Robin tell her everything in detail on their way to the coffee shop. It was only right that they went to visit Vickie at work this morning. Robin told Priscilla that Vickie had even asked if she would visit the next day. And so, Robin was feeling happy, genuinely happy, for the first time since she lost her sister, Lauren.

Robin began to think back on the day that Lauren discovered her secret. Lauren had been the first one to ever know, even before Robin knew. One night, Robin couldn't sleep and kept pacing around her room trying to reason with herself over her feelings for Tammy Thompson. It was her freshman year of high school, and Tammy was a year older than Robin. Robin took a sophomore math class because she had been advanced up by her eighth grade teacher, still much to her surprise to this day. That was where she saw Tammy for the very first time, and funny enough, Steve as well.

It was this weird feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when she looked at Tammy and she couldn't figure out what this feeling was. She couldn't like girls. That wasn't right. It wasn't okay. She was supposed to like boys like any other girl her age did; like Priscilla did; like Lauren did.

"No, no, no." Robin muttered to herself, continuously pacing back and forth.

Lauren had heard Robin mumbling and peeked into her room without her noticing. She watched for a few minutes as Robin continued muttering to herself about Tammy; about how she couldn't have feelings for a girl; about how this was just a weird phase or maybe she was just jealous of Tammy. That was it, she thought. She was just jealous. She didn't like Tammy. She wanted to be like her. Yes, that was it. But she also could see the way Tammy looked at Steve burned right into her brain and wished that Tammy would look at her that way.

When the door creaked, Robin looked up and noticed Lauren had been watching her from the crack in the door this whole time. She felt her cheeks grow hot and red from embarrassment. She was definitely going to tell their mom and dad about all this.

"Oh, my god. Have you been standing there all this time?" Robin cried, jumping onto her bed and burying her face in her pillows.

Lauren sat down on the bed next to her and rested a hand on her upper back and rubbed comforting circles. "You like girls, don't you." Lauren stated. She knew what this was about even if Robin wanted to continue to deny who she really was.

"N-no. Of course not." Robin stuttered through her tears. Her voice was muffled from the pillow that her face was still buried in.

Lauren smiled to herself. "Robs, it's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone. In fact, I've kind of always known. And it's okay. You're going to find someone someday who loves you for you. And I'll be the one cheering the loudest for you when that day comes."

Robin could feel tears start to well in her eyes at the memory of Lauren. She wished Lauren could have been here to see her have her first date with Vickie and to know that the day they always dreamed of finally happened. Robin found someone who liked her for who she was; someone who could maybe even one day love her the way she always dreamed.

Robin's sentimental moment with herself immediately came to a grinding halt when she and Priscilla returned home to find Eddie's van parked in the driveway.

"Of course he's here..." Robin groaned, getting out of the car and huffing towards the van.

She approached the window which was clouded and foggy from Eddie hotboxing in his van. She banged her fist against the window, attempting to get Eddie's attention but she wasn't quite sure he could hear her over the sound of Judas Priest blasting on the stereo. Priscilla came up next to Robin and helped her bang on the window of the van.

"Eddie!" Robin called out but got no answer. Robin looked at Priscilla and shrugged before thinking of something. She banged her fist on the window once again. "Eddie, I have your wife out here!" Robin called out again.

Almost immediately, the door swung open and almost hit both her and Priscilla. Smoke billowed out of the van and Eddie appeared. Priscilla watched him jump from the van and she couldn't help the way she was feeling. She tried to suppress it but god, did Eddie look good today. He was wearing dark wash cut off jean shorts that hit right at the knee and showed off the stick and poke smiley face tattoo he had right below his knee cap on his left side. Naturally, he had chains hanging from his belt loops and the Metallica t-shirt that he had cut the sleeves off showed more of his tattoos and the lean muscles in his upper arms and shoulders. Priscilla couldn't tell if it was him or the weather that was making her feel so hot.

"Awake before noon on your day off? That's unheard of." Robin commented.

Eddie gave Robin a sarcastic smirk before turning his attention to Priscilla. He leaned back against the van, propping his foot up on the tire behind him. He didn't say a word and he didn't have to. He just stared at Priscilla for a few moments with the corners of his lips slightly curled up in a small smile. Priscilla started to believe that he was looking right into her mind and reading all the thoughts she had whizzing about in there. She felt someone nudging her arm and then she heard Robin mumbling something to her.

"Ask him." Robin half whispered, continuing to nudge Priscilla's arm with her elbow.

"About what?" Priscilla asked in the same half whispered tone but kept her gaze on Eddie.

"Your car, you idiot." Robin grumbled.

Priscilla sighed. She knew this was coming and she might as well get it over with now. She had to get her car fixed. There was no other option and Eddie was a mechanic. And Eddie liked her. There was truly no better circumstance for her than this.

"Eddie," Priscilla began. Before she could continue, Eddie spoke.

"God, I love hearing my name in your mouth, sweetheart." Eddie smirked at her.

Robin gagged. "Oh c'mon, Eddie. Why are you such a perv?"

Eddie flipped Robin the finger before he spoke again. "Sorry." He apologized but it certainly was far from sincere. "You were saying?"

Priscilla took a deep breath. "My car... My car has a lot of problems. And you're a mechanic." Priscilla spoke slowly. She felt like this moment was going to last forever. "Would you take a look at my car for me?"

Eddie let out a low chuckle and cast his eyes down at the pavement before looking up at Priscilla again. He observed her pleading eyes and how her mouth turned slightly downward with anxiety. "Yeah, I'll look at it." He finally said. "But, it'll cost you."

This was the moment Priscilla also knew was coming. This was the moment she had joked with Robin about but deep down she knew it would be Eddie's ultimatum. "And what is it going to cost me?" She asked, knowing full well what his response would be.

He shrugged and pushed himself off the van and stood up straight. He crossed his arms over his chest and took a step towards her. "Dinner, with me." He said.

Priscilla scoffed even though she knew that was what Eddie had wanted all along. "Absolutely not." She affirmed.

"Alright," Eddie shrugged again. "I guess your car won't get fixed, then."

Robin couldn't stand to listen to Priscilla and Eddie argue any longer. She threw her hands up in defeat. "I'm going inside. You two work it out. And play nice."

"I always do." Eddie spoke, his voice sounding smooth and sultry. "Hey Robs, how was that date with Vickie by the way?" Eddie formed his fingers into the shape of a v and held them up against his mouth, wiggling his tongue at Robin between his two fingers.

Robin flashed him the middle finger and a scowl. "You're a pig." She stated before turning swiftly on her heel and heading up to the back door to head inside.

"She's right, you know." Priscilla agreed, taking a step back away from Eddie.

"So that date?" Eddie swiftly changed the subject.

Priscilla shook her head. "I already told you. It's not going to happen. What about Steve?"

Eddie raised his eyebrows at her like he just thought of the most brilliant idea he's ever had. "Steve-o doesn't have to know a thing."

Priscilla wanted to say no. She wanted to stay faithful to Steve, whether they were actually together or not. Going out with Eddie felt wrong but it felt wrong in the right way. She hated to admit that Eddie was starting to get to her just like he said he would. She couldn't deny that she had thought about what it would be like to give in to Eddie and let all her wildest desires come true.

"Fine." She finally said. "I'll go out with you. Just this once. But Steve can't know. And Robin can't know. This has to stay a secret between us..." She trailed off for a moment. "So you'll fix my car, now?"

Eddie gave her another one of his infamous smirks. "Pop the hood."


"So, you agreed to Eddie's proposition?" Robin stood in the doorway of Priscilla's room. She leaned against the frame with her arms crossed over her chest and one leg crossed in front of the other. Admittedly, after she went inside, she peeked out the window at Priscilla and Eddie to see him looking at her car and made the logical assumption that Priscilla agreed to Eddie's offer for a date.

"I did not." Priscilla affirmed, though they both knew she was lying.

"Don't lie to me." Robin scolded. "We both know you agreed to a date with him. He wouldn't have looked at your car otherwise."

"Why were you spying on us? Hmm?" Priscilla countered.

"'Scilla..." Robin groaned, pushing herself off the door frame and walking over to the end of Priscilla's bed. She sat down lightly on the edge of the mattress and gave her a disappointed look.

Priscilla sighed. "Okay, okay. I agreed. But it's only one date. And Steve absolutely cannot know about this. You can't tell him."

"Because you're afraid you're going to fall for Eddie?" Robin guessed.

"No!" Priscilla exclaimed a little too loud for her own comfort. "No," She said again, a little calmer. "I just don't want his feelings to get hurt. Eddie wasn't going to look at my car for any amount of money in this world. He wanted a date with me. I need to get my car fixed. You and I both know that." She explained. "So... I guess this is just the best way to go about it. Go on this date with Eddie, don't tell Steve about it, and everything will be fine." She knew that her plan sounded like an absolute disaster but Priscilla didn't think there was any other way. She definitely couldn't afford to pay anyone else to look at her car and if a single date with Eddie was all it took, she was going to take advantage of it.

Robin sighed. "Fine. I won't tell Steve. But I will tell you that this plan sounds like it's going to backfire right in your face." Robin watched as Priscilla's facial expression twisted into one of hurt. She knew what she was saying to Priscilla was hurtful but Robin really thought Priscilla needed a reality check. "Look, I love you. You're my best friend. I just don't want anyone getting hurt over all this. Do what you need to do. I'll be here for you." Robin patted Priscilla's knee before standing up and leaving the room.

After Robin was gone, Priscilla reached over to her bedside table and opened the small top drawer. From it, she pulled out the polaroid she took of Eddie. It was still the only one she had. After that day she passed by it hanging on her wall, she took it down and put it in the top drawer of her bedside table to keep him as close to her as possible. She held the bottom of it and her eyes scanned over the black letters that she had written on the bottom that spelled out his name 'E D D I E'.

Her eyes then traveled up to where Eddie was pictured with his goofy expression and his tongue sticking out at her from this other dimension inside the picture. She sat in silence for a few moments and just stared at him. She studied his hair; his eyes; his nose; his mouth; the way he stuck his tongue out; the way his hands looked; and the shape of his rings. The feeling she got in the pit of her stomach as she looked at the picture of Eddie was one she hadn't felt since she was a teenager. It was that high school crush feeling. It was the feeling of wanting to see him even if it was just quickly in the hallway in between classes and your heart would flutter even just for those brief seconds. It was the nervous feeling you got when your friend intentionally left you alone with him in the hopes you two would talk. It was like when you couldn't sleep at night because all you could think of was him and you would lay in bed, in the dark, smiling like an absolute idiot as you pictured his face in your mind. It was a hardcore crush and Priscilla couldn't deny it any longer.

"I'm such a bad person, aren't I?" She asked the picture of Eddie in her hand. She dropped the picture onto the bedspread and dropped her head in her hands. "What am I doing? What am I going to do?"
