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@carmenalvarez: when you get a cute pic from your son who is out golfing with some of his heroes. You kids had a nice day? #golf

Tagged: @diego_alvarez @carlossainz55 @landonorris

@user1: cute!
@landonorris: it was super fun with him. He might have behaved better then me and carlos.
   @carmenalvarez: such kids, aren't ya, sweeties?
   @landonorris: yes madam.
   @carmenalvarez: as long as you guys had fun, that's what matters the most.
   @landonorris: lots! We had lots of fun!
   @camrenalvarez: that's good, love.
@user2: i like how much of a mom she is to everyone.
@fernandoalo_official: that looks fun kids.
   @landonorris: it was! Diego beat us by a mile.
   @diego_alvarez: I didn't win by that much.
   @carlossainz55: we were constantly distracted by the other. Yeah you did.
   @carmenalvarez: didn't you want to be in the pic, sweetie?
   @diego_alvarez: no. I didn't want to.
@user3: i love carlos and lando so much!!
@maxverstappen1: I'm sad i didn't get to meet you guys.
   @diego_alvarez: me too!
   @carmenalvarez: I'm sure you two kids will meet very soon. I promise.
   @maxverstappen1: i will hold you on that promise.
   @diego_alvarez: same, mom!
   @carmenalvarez: sure, sweeties.
@user4: how can Carmen be such a mom and everyone letting her?
