2 real life.

"Mom?" Catalina hears her oldest daughter ask.

Catalina looks up from the bouquet that she's making for a costumer. Tulips in her hands, she gives her daughter a smile who jumps onto the counter. A leading look in her eyes as she looks at her mother.

"You know Emily, right?" Isabella asks her mother.

"Yes, i do, why Cariña?" Catalina asks her daughter with a raised brow.

Cutting the tulips end off, placing it with the other flowers and plants. Wrapping the paper around the bouquet. Isabella hands her mother the pink ribbon to tie it around the bouquet.

"Well, we wanted to go out to a party tonight. And i was wondering if you would allow me to go." Isabella asks her mother with an innocent looking smile.

"What kind of party?" Catalina asks her daughter while she hands the bouquet to the costumer. "That would be €9,95 please." Catalina says, the costumer hands her a ten euro bill.

Catalina takes it from the costumer, grabs the change from her cashier. Isa waits patiently for her mother to be done with the costumer. Fidgeting with her bracelet she had gotten from her father.

"Have a nice day." Catalina speaks to the costumer. Before s he turns to her daughter. "What kind of party, Isa." Catalina asks again.

"A party with boys. I promise i will behave." Isa promises her mother.

Cat shakes her head before she turns around to clean her counter of leaves and plant leftovers. Cat has been there too when she was young, she knows how much this means to her daughter who wants to have fun and all.

"Boys? Where is it?" Catalina asks her daughter, who gives her a smile.

"Well, It might be a club. It's only for people between the sixteen and twenty if that makes you feel better." Isa says in a rushed way to her daughter.

Cat sigh, the bell above her doors rings. She knows she has a new customer, she turns around to greet the costumer. He nods his head at her but seems to only want to look around for now.

"Unfortunately for you, Isa. It does not." Catalina says to her daughter. "But who are going with you?" Catalina asks, turning so she is leaning against her counter.

"Well, obviously Emily, Sofia, Anna are the girls and then we have Arthur, Tobias, Logan and my boyfriend Peter. Enough people?" Isa asks her mother with a smile on her face.

Cat shakes her head and dusts of her dress. She knows that she can say no as much as she wants but she was this way when she was that age too.

"If you promise the boys stay with you. Then i will allow it." Catalina gives in with a smile.

Isa jumps off the counter, flings herself around her mother and squeals. "You're by far the best mother!" She says before she let's go. "I'll make dinner tonight!" She runs out of the little flower shop.

Catalina shakes her head and smiles at her daughter. She leans on her counter and knows that her daughter is only saying that because she's allowed to go to that party. She knows that her daughter is a good girl. Not one for drama or weird things.

"She seems really happy." The man says to her.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I try." Cat tells the man.

The hair of the man makes her think about a brown mane of a lion. A smile on his face as he places a bouquet of flowers on the counter. Many tulips in different colours. She smiles at him and types in the price.

"Is raising a kid hard?" The man asks her.

"Try raising three alone and them all being teenagers." She chuckles while grabbing a orange ribbon.

The man chuckles, she can't help but feel her heart racing in her chest as she sees him. She can't help but feel attracted to his smile and his rough and messy hair.

"I wouldn't know, i have no children." He chuckles. "Don't they have a father?" He asks her.

Catalina's smile drops a little before she covers it up. Smiling at him with pain in her eyes. She shakes her head mentally.

"Unfortunately not." She answers with a smile on her face. The pain in her eyes.

"I'm sorry i asked. I didn't mean to upset you." He says grabbing her hand in comfort.

Cat shakes her head with a smile and waves it off. She doesn't mind people asking anything about her. It just still hurts.

"I don't mind, i hope who ever they are for like them." She tells him with a smile.

"I'm sure he will." The man says with a smile before he says goodbye to her.

Catalina smiles at the man before she waves and bids him goodbye. Wishing him a good day before she goes back to rearranging flowers and filling up empty buckets.
