To Be Beautiful - Epilogue

The sun rose above the shadowed cold mountains as the clouds cleared to make way for the radiance of warmth fall upon the town. Abby awoke from her quiet slumber, her black hair in a mess after her sleep. She looked around her room, still continuing to be the same as when she was a child. Abby stood up, feeling great until she had remembered that Sarah wasn't here to greet her in morning. Abby changed into her purple poncho and green skirt as she fixed her hair in her vanity. She never really cared about her appearance, always tying her hair into the same braids and wore her gold wire-frames glasses. What happened to you, Sarah? It had been a month since she disappeared, nothing or no one has heard of her since. Many people had reported seeing a girl with scrap metal over growing on their body. With no leads, Sarah's case was ruled as a missing case file, with no information being leaked to the students, only family.

Abby went downstairs to greet her father reading the newspapers as he drank coffee. "Hi Abby" said her father, while he adjusted his glasses. Abby waved to her father as she grabbed a bowl for cereal. She poured the sugary cereal and poured the milk as the cereal drowned in it. Abby sat down and munched on her cereal. Once finished, she grabbed her things, as well as an extra bag for her dance class after school. She left her home as she catched the school bus toward school. On the bus, Abby gripped her backpack hard as she searched for a seat. She sat where Sarah once sat, usually reading magazines of beautiful models or make up videos she would occasionally lift the volume to hear. The other students were still speaking about Sarah, how she slipped, how she ran as her body was seen turning into scraps. Abby wanted to solve her case, she wanted to find her, and most of all, wanted closure. When the bus came to a stop, everyone piled out of the bus into the school. Abby couldn't sustain the feeling of loss every time she had returned to school.

She walked into the hallway where students talked while opening their lockers or perhaps laughing. This time, everyone was quiet as some stared at Abby, since she was the only one to help Sarah when she fell. Abby went to her locker, opening it as she put her dancing bag and took out her English book. Class went well as usual and Abby couldn't stop thinking about the incident. What happened to you? When we fought during lunch, you were the you. But then, you became more beautiful in such little time. And then, you had legs made of- "Abby! For the last time, what is the correct grammar for this sentence?" Angrily spoke the English teacher as she pointed her finger on the board. "Oh sorry, it's a semi colon" replied Abby as she quietly sighed. The English teacher then shifted her attention back to the other students. The class went by fast as when Abby was trying to make sense of her thoughts, the bell rang for next period. Again, Abby packed her things and went towards math class.

Lunch came in a hurry as Abby grabbed a tray to serve herself food. There was pizza for lunch, with a apple juice within a cardboard box shaped like a house. Alright Abby, theory time. Abby wrote down her thoughts so she could process them and help her remember what happened that Monday. She left through the east side of the lunch room's exit. Abby stared up as she noticed empty lunch tables, with few students eating. At this time, most students were in therapy after the incident but Abby had scheduled them until Saturdays. Abby stared at the empty seat in front of her, the empty feeling that she wasn't there. Abby's sense of loss suddenly turned into rage. That's it!

Abby was determined to solve Sarah's case and so, she left towards the security room where all video cameras could have showed where she had ran off to. "Hello Abby, how may I help you?" almost immediately said the principal as Abby wiped the tears of her coffee-with-cream complexion. "I want to- no, I need to see where Sarah went". At the name Sarah, the principal eyes widened, as his happy attitude faded away. He began to shake his head but then he reflected upon the window leading to the beautiful outside world. "Fine" said the principal, seeing how there was nothing to lose anyways. Abby smiled at him, as he lead her into the camera footage that day. He skipped through what had occurred the current month and when that fateful Monday, both of them made an interesting revelation. "Why is Sarah..." "...blurry?" Abby finished the sentence the principal had begun, as they stared into the disturbingly glitchy foggy humanoid figure walk with the popular girls at school. The figure moved into the cafeteria as she walked a few steps until she slipped. The moment Sarah had fallen, Abby noticed the necklace flew off as soon as it occurred, and then she noticed the glitchy effect on Sarah's legs. She wasn't blurry and Abby stared away, she could not stand watching this a second time.

Abby returned her attention to Sarah's appearance slowly turning from a beautiful girl to a overlapping of flesh and junk. The security cameras caught Sarah leaving the school and heading towards the direction of her home. Abby wrote down every detail, and tried to connect the theories she had already written down. Nothing matched and Abby thought that maybe her uncle could help. He was a sheriff and Abby thought that he can help her. When the bell rang, Abby didn't return to the gloomy hallways with the same emotion. She felt happy because she could solve Sarah's case and bring closure to herself, and her family.

After school, Abby went to the sheriff's office and knocked on it. "Yeah? Oh hi Abby! I'm a little busy right now but we can talk after work" Said her uncle, in his brown and tan uniform and a shiny golden sheriff's badge, reflecting the glow of the afternoon sun. "I'm not here to talk Uncle. I'm here to solve Sarah's case" firmly and seriously said Abby as she straightened herself better. His eyes stood still for a moment and his smile turned into a frown. "She's... still missing" said her uncle, knowing that Sarah and Abby were very close. "I know but, I have clues of where she might have gone after the incident at school". His eyes widened as he stood there in surprise and lifted his head to say 'lead the way'. Abby lead the way down Sarah's neighborhood as she spoke to her uncle. "So based on the security camera footage at school, she had fled out of the campus and went the direction of her house" as her uncles expression of curiosity returned into that firmly unsurprised one. When they arrived to Sarah's home, the house had seemed like it wasn't properly taken cared of. The garden outside was overgrown and the layer of dust on the porch was overwhelming. Outside, Abby stared into something behind overgrown grass as her uncle knocked at the door. Abby moved the grass and gasped. In front of her, there was a tombstone made for Sarah as her uncle approached behind her. "I'm sorry, I should have told you" as he knelt beside her. Abby fell to her knees and all glimmer of hope that she might, although impossible, still be alive was gone. "You found her body?" quietly said Abby as her uncle closed his eyes and then spoke.

"So, you found her body in the garage with a pile of junk next to it?" Said Abby as her uncle nodded. "It looked like her body was taken apart at different times though that doesn't quite make sense" he said as Abby turned. "How come?" "Because if she had already lost parts of her, she should have died but she was alive and based on doctors, each piece of her body was a day apart of decomposition". Then, Abby made a disturbing revelation. "Now I get it... " said Abby as her uncle stared in confusion. "What do you mean?" he said as Abby stayed quiet for a moment, and then said, "Before Sarah's disappearance, she had slowly becomes more beautiful. It seemed more normal than then now" "Wait, I still don't understand. What does Sarah's beautifulness help in her disappearance?" said her uncle as he tried to make sense of it for a moment, and then return his attention to her. "Because, I noticed how each part of her changes. It was her arms, and then her legs, and then her torso, and then..." Abby stopped as her uncle realized what she meant. "Sarah was already taken apart as the days went by, so by the time she slipped, all parts of her must have been junk like her legs, which explains the pile of junk found next to her body" said Abby as she stared into her uncle's widened distressed eyes as she could see herself in the reflection of his eyes.

Abby returned home with her uncle as when Abby checked the time, she had already missed her dance class. Ever since Sarah's, now murder, happened, the instructor had taken it easy on Abby so she figured missing a day wouldn't hurt. She went upstairs as the uncle stayed downstairs, trying to distress about the situation. Abby laid in bed, after writing down her revelation as she closed her eyes. Abby was in the middle of a darkened room; filled with green plastic bags used for trash. The sudden sounds of Sarah's voice startled Abby as she stood to her feet, walking towards a shadowed object in the distance. Then, when she approached the shadowed object, she realized it was alive yet also, disgusting and dead. In front of her, contorted severed limbs combined into the amalgamation with other body parts squirming to join the disgusting pile. Abby heard the squirming and the wiggling of the bloody human parts combining into the amalgamation. She then heard voices coming from it. In unison, voices of different people Abby did not know. They sounded like teenagers, girls mostly as she heard the familiar voice of Sarah's voice within the amalgamation. "Sarah?" yelled Abby as the agony of the amalgamation overwhelmed Abby's mind. The agony emitted from it was great as she could feel the sense of loss and tragedy within the air. She backed away and bumped into something cold, metallic, and looming over her. Abby turned turned to see a tall humanoid figure with red bright hair pulled into two ponytails. It's face was streaked with lines across her face and was painted white. Her rosy cheeks matched the circus design on her as her eyes glowed a bright green. It smiled at Abby, revealing sharp teeth as it grinned viciously as Abby felt the arms of the amalgamation grabbing her.

Abby woke up as she sit up right quickly as she gasped for air. She felt relief it was a dream but who was that clown woman? Abby glanced at her clock, proclaiming the time of 7:21 AM. She tossed some clothes on and prepared her things as she went to go take a shower real quick. She got ready for school, wearing a purple overalls and a white shirt she would love to wear. She went downstairs and greeted her father who was, again, drinking his bitter black coffee. "Hello Abby, I noticed that you missed dance class yesterday. Is everything alright?" said her father as he bit his golden brown toast. "Good morning dad, yeah everything is fine. I just forgot" although Abby knew well nothing was okay.

That morning, Abby walked to school instead of taking the bus as she needed some quiet time. The breeze calmed her as she passed the massive foul smell of the approaching plot. It was giant piles of scrap metal and junk laying around. When Abby turned to see the junkyard, she noticed something. Is that... When Abby approached, it was a hand, though it was metallic and shiny. The trunk was flimsy and easy to move so Abby lifted it up. She backed away as she saw before the same thing as in her nightmare. It's clown face with green motionless eyes, its rosy cheeks with a tiny smile, its red hair covered her head, and put into ponytails. Her black metallic neck and the red costume she was wearing which was a crop top and a battered red silky skirt. She was visibly thin and seemed fragile though awfully creepy.  She dragged it out for a closer inspection when she heard a switch flip on the doll. It twitched and it shook as Abby backed away. It rose as if it awoke from the dead and finally said, "Hello friend!" as she showed a blank smile. Abby thought for a moment and then said "Hi". The doll smiled and said on a cheered little girl's voice, "Thank you for rescuing me! I feel so much safer!" she closed her eyes and said, "I am Eleanor". Abby was quite confused and then she noticed something oddly familiar.

* * * * * * *

"That was so funny Sarah! What a klutz!" laughed Emma as she pointed to Sarah on the floor. It was streaked with spilled water and the trash landed upon Sarah's nice clothes. They continued to laugh as Abby stared back. When she did, Abby saw Sarah's necklace on the floor and then saw Sarah on the ground, with her legs turning into junk. The popular girls stopped laughing and talked amongst themselves as some students began to scream. Sarah stood up in confusing and gasped at her metallic legs. Abby came to her aid and noticed the heart white shiny silver pendant on the floor, and gave it back to Sarah. "I have to go" said Sarah as her voice shifted to normal to metallic. Abby left her as the students crowded before her. Abby heard the squeaky metal thuds moving away as she cried.

* * * * * * *

Abby saw the necklace, same as Sarahs, on this Eleanor robot doll person. Abby knew it was her, or perhaps she was involved. But she's a robot, how is it possible? "Hi Eleanor, I'm... Abby" Eleanor's eyes had showed she was plotting something and Abby had a feeling Eleanor already knew her. "Abby... you saved me. Now, tell me what I can do for you?" As Eleanor laid her hands on Abby's face. Is this what Sarah experienced? This is how she possibly got murdered. Was it her? Did the necklace have to do something? Did Sarah take a wish from a robot? Did she really take this creepy robot home? "I don't need any wishes, I don't want anything" replied Abby as Eleanor twirled around as her skirt spun, and then laid a hand on her shoulder. "Everyone wants something, what do you want?" "No really, I don't want anything, Eleanor. Well actually, just one thing..." said Abby as she searched her surroundings. "What might that be?" Said Eleanor, smiling. "What did you do to Sarah?!" Eleanor stood in place and her friendly face disappeared, as her grin expanded onto her face. "Your Abby, aren't you? The one Sarah mentioned in her last moments" mischievously said Eleanor, as she giggled.

Abby stood there to process when Eleanor lifted her pendant into her hand. " 'I made your wishes come true, and in return...' " repeated Eleanor as if reading a book. " 'Well, you certainly made my wishes come true... Abby was right about a lot of things' ". With that, Abby was angered that she began to throw the metal rods around her. Eleanor dodge them as she ran towards Abby. Abby ran into the junkyard, passing by hills of useless items no longer for use to anyone. Eleanor quickly gaining speed, Abby continued to throw objects to slow her down. Eleanor reached Abby and lifted her into the air as Abby was pinned against a pile of junk. "I guess you'll end up like your friend, Sarah" as her gripped tightened around her neck. Abby stared around her and noticed that Eleanor was protecting the necklace with her other hand as if important. With no other solution, Abby grabbed a metallic shattered plate and aimed for the pendant. Eleanor loosened her grip as her hand was impaled with the plate and the pendant was slightly broken.

Abby blinked and Eleanor was long gone before her. Abby stood up and checked if she was hurt. Luckily, she had minor injuries and Abby didn't feel remorse or sadness, she felt relief. She had found out and gained closure to Sarah's case. Abby stood up and was determined to stop that monster whatever the cost. She was going to become a police like her uncle, so that she could chase that monster. It was time to end the reign of Eleanor.


"I might have underestimated that Abby" said Eleanor as she gripped her hand and then felt the partly broken pendant on her torso. She walked into the forest as she left to her objective.

She found herself at where the Stitch wraith had gotten rid of the Afton Amalgamation. Eleanor did not bother that Afton, her creator, was gone. She was going to continue her torment to others because, not only was it enjoyable, but because she was planning something big. Bigger than Afton, and any other successor, because Eleanor was going to become the next era of this world.
