Author's Note

Hi everyone!

So these epilogues are taking longer than expected because I am also working on a my adaptation of the Fazbear frights series. And I am working on a side project, unrelated to FNAF. It's going to be called, The Arised Essence of Abraham Ellis. Here's a short description. Keep in mind that is may vary, depending if I change it or not.

Abraham Ellis is a normal man, living a normal life, living within a society in the brink of destruction. That was, until life changing events, that Abraham became involved with a curse he did not know he possessed before. Adventuring through the abnormal, the darkness, and the other worldly, Abraham ventures into the depths of a vicious entity, one that is screeching for blood.

That was the description of that story, which will include other books connected to this. That's all I am going to reveal for now and the Count the Ways Epilogue, Noah's Book for my Fazbear frights, and the epilogue for my own Fazbear frights. That's all for now and I hope y'all are doing great!

Edit: I know it's been a while and I apologize. I will continue these stories and I recommend checking some of my other stories :)
