Daniella's heart skipped a beat when she heard George calling her name from behind. She was planning to go for a night walk which usually calms her down and helps her think, but running into George and talking to him was not the plan. For the past few days, she has done an excellent job at avoiding him, even though they leave in the same building Daniella has somehow managed to not run into him, until now.

She stopped and reluctantly turned around, George came jogging towards her, and he looked concerned but was also glad to see her.

"Hey George," she politely greeted him as her heart started to beat faster.

"Did I do something wrong which I am not aware of?" he asked straight away, sounding concerned yet angry, and his face clearly expressed his emotions.

"No," Daniella mumbled. "Why..."

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" He sounded a bit hurt. "And don't even try to lie," he sternly said.

"George..I was.." Daniella stuttered, trying to find the right words.

"Is it because of the kiss?" George stepped closer, voice softened a bit.

Daniella took a step back, feeling a sting in her heart.


"We shouldn't have kissed George," she replied, almost finding it hard to breathe. "We are teammates and we just became friends again and..." she rambled but once again unable to come up with the correct words.

"I thought you were okay with it," George felt the same sting in his heart as Daniella.

"Because I was not thinking straight," Daniella composed herself a little. "It was wrong and should have never happened."

George looked hurt but he was more worried about Daniella's feelings since she seem like she is struggling emotionally and he doesn't want to see her like that.

"Okay..then we will forget about it," he suggested. "We will never talk about it again, we will pretend we never kissed." He held her hand, trying to make her believe his words.

"No," she removed her hand from his warm touch. "You don't understand...I have feelings for someone else," she lied. "I am in love with someone else and kissing you was..."

Tears started pricking Daniella's eyes and threatening to roll down her eyes but somehow she managed to control it.

If George was not sure about his feeling for Daniella, he is now. He felt his heartbreak as her words hit him like daggers.

"It was a mistake," he took a step back and gave a small smile. "You don't have to worry about anything, I won't bring it up again or do anything to complicate your life with..whoever the lucky guy is, I promise," he assured her.

Daniella let out a shaky breath as George took a few steps backward away from her. "I will see you tomorrow night," he said, implying at the event they were both invited. He gave her another assuring smile before turning and walking away.

As soon as George was out of site Daniella felt a couple of drops of tears rolling down her face.


"So you lied to him and said you are in love with someone else?" Max asked, trying to clarify his doubts after Daniella explained everything to him as they were on their way to the event.

Daniella nodded and looked at Max who was driving the car.

"He believed you?" Max looked at her, feeling bad and concerned.

"I think so," Daniella replied, her voice very low. She felt guilty and hurt as she remembered George's reaction when she told him she has feelings for someone else. "He admitted it was a mistake and he won't complicate anything for me."

"It's for the best Dani," Max gave her a smile and took her hand into his, trying to comfort her.


George was star-struck as soon as his eyes fell on Daniella, for him she is the most beautiful person in the room. She was too busy straightening her dress to notice the familiar pair of eyes on her. A small smile appeared on George's face as his eyes admired Daniella's eyes move. But the smile soon disappeared when he saw Max join her and extended his arm for her to take.

Soon the familiar feeling of jealousy brewed inside George as his look of admiration turned into a glare.

"I know that look," Charles joined George.

"What?" George asked, not removing his eyes from Daniella and Max.

"The look on your face..the way you are glaring at Dani and Max," Charles explained before taking a sip of his drink. "Pierre used to look at Dani and Lando the same way."

"Pierre?" George looked confused as he looked away from Daniella and gave his attention to Charles.

"Mmhmm," Charles nodded as the alcohol in him kicked in and he started explaining. "He and Dani dated for a few weeks in her rookie year but then they decided it is better if they break up and concentrate on their careers. After that Pierre realized he is in love with Dani but by then it was too late, she was already with Lando."

"Did..did she ever feel the same about Pierre?" George reluctantly asked.

Charles shook his head as he looked at Daniella.

"She was completely in love with Lando," he gave a sheepish smile. "Trust me, I tried everything to set up Pierre and Dani but it didn't work," he slight pouted as he remembered all his failed attempts. "She only had her eyes on Lando and was blind to anyone who had feelings for her...and then there was Max, always protecting her and scaring away Pierre."

George's jaw tighten as he once again looked at Daniella and Max. Max had his arm on Daniella's back now as they were involved in a conversation with some other guests.

"Look at them now," Charles pointed at the duo. "He is always there for her."


Daniella came back with a drink for herself but instead of finding Max alone and waiting for her, she found him having a heated conversation with Lewis who arrived late.

"What is going on here?" she looked at her former teammates.

"Oh, nothing," Lewis smiled and gave Daniella a hug. "We were just talking about how I was the best teammate you ever had."

"I strongly disagree," Max smugly smirked.

"Not this again," Daniella groaned and left, leaving the two to argue among.

She went around looking for familiar faces so that she can go and join them. She looked around and had a sip of her drink. As she turned around she collided with someone and spilled her drink.

"I am so sorry," she apologized. "I don't understand why it happens in almost every event I ...," she looked up and came face to face with George.

"I think this is the fifth time you have spilled you drink on me," George smirked at her, making her feel nervous.

She looked at the now stained white shirt he is wearing and then looked up to meet his eyes.

"I am so sorry," she genuinely apologized, feeling guilty. "I will buy you a new shirt."

George let out a laugh as he removed Daniella's long strands of hair to the side and pointed at her dress. "You ruined your dress too, so I guess we are even."

Danielle looked down at her dress finding a few droplets of the drink staining her dress, but she didn't mind.

"That's alright, but your shirt..."

"I am leaving now anyway so it doesn't matter," he replied. The alcoholic drink he had with Charles was affecting him and Daniella can tell he is drunk.

"But you are drunk George, you can't drive like this," she voiced her concern.

"Don't worry too much about me Daniella," George gave a sad smile before taking off his coat and putting it around Daniella and adjusting it so it is now covering the stain on her dress. "Otherwise I will break my promise," he whispered into her ears, making her heart skip a beat.

She nervously looked at him but felt her feelings for him growing even more.

George took a step back when he noticed Max walking towards them. The way Max is with Daniella always made George pretty sure it is him that Daniella is in love with, and no matter how much he wishes it was him instead there is nothing he can do and he intends to keep his promise to her as long as he can.

"Goodbye Dani," George whispered so only Daniella can hear him before walking away.

Daniella wanted to go after him but just then she felt a hand on her back that almost made her startled.

"Are you okay?" Max asked as he noticed her and George's encounter and is worried about her.

"Yeah," Daniella nodded but lied. "I am ready to go home now."


A/N: okay I don't know why a part of me wants Dani to end up with Max even though its a George book. 

So Dani lied to George that she is in love with someone else...thoughts on that? 

Dani x George or Dani x Max? 

Do you think George is gong to keep his promise?
