
"Where are you?", asked Arjun from the other side on the phone.

"In the office", I said meekly.

"What the hell? Who goes to the office on Sundays?"

"Actually, I have some work. It's very urgent"

"I don't know anything. I want you to come to the parking lot now"

"Parking lot? As in office parking lot?"


"Why did you come here? Wait how did you know that I'm here. Are you stalking me? You creep "

"I don't know all that and I don't have to answer all that as well. If you don't come down in one minute, I'm coming upstairs to pick you up"

"What? No. There are people in the office. What will they think if they'll see a celebrity with me?"

"I don't know all of that. That's your problem. If you don't come till the count of 60, you will have to face the consequences. And your time starts now. 60, 59 ...."

"What no. I'm coming wait. I'm shutting down the system"


"Now I am out of my cubicle and waiting for the lift"


"That's not fair, waiting time should not be counted"


"You are a psycho"


"Are you nuts? Who goes to 20 after 39?"


"In the elevator, you psycho"


"And 1. Hi there", I said with a wide smile on my face. "Didn't expect you here"

"I knew you would be here"

"How? Are you omniscient?"

"Where else would an over ambitious woman be?"

"LOL! I am not over ambitious. I just like to work"

"I know that. You are a workaholic"

I narrowed my eyes and hit him on his head.

"Ouch, my shoulder. It hurts"

"Such a drama queen you are. Are you allowed to drive?"

"Yeah. It's okay. I am already on rehab so it's fine. And I'm taking you to my place"

"Your house?"

"Yeah. Nanu's here . He wants to meet you"

"What? If you would have told me before, I would have come in some traditional attire"

"Don't worry, my Nanu's very cool. He's going to love you"

"I hope so"

"I have told him a lot of things about you so he already knows you pretty well"

"What do you mean by a lot of things? What have you told him?"

"I can't tell you anything. That's bro code and we can't break it. He's cool so don't worry. Another heads up Abhi is also eager to meet you"

"Okay. Now you are making me nervous now"

"Just be yourself. It's going to be fine"

We reached Arjun's place. And Nanu and Abhi welcomed us well.

"So Adhya, we have heard that you are always busy. Do you dare to explain?", Nanu asked. Actually Nanu, Abhi and Arjun were sitting on the same couch and I was sitting on the opposite one, so they were making me feel this like an interview.

"N...Nanu...", I stammered.

"Arjun! Where did you find this girl? What is she calling me?", Nanu said furiously.

"I met her in Shivin's party. I told you right she's very boring", said Arjun. I gave him a stern look as I didn't understand why he was sullying me. Everybody looked at me very seriously. I was feeling scared. They gave each other serious looks. Then all of a sudden everyone burst into laughter. I was not understanding anything.

"Bestie, Bro's just messing up with you", said Arjun.

"Adhya dear, call me Bro. Everyone calls me Bro. I'm still a teenager", said Nanu.

"Adhya we know how much you support Arjun and you are a huge influence in his life. He always talks about you so we all know you pretty well. Don't worry you won't be judged", said Abhinav.

"You are family Adhya. So don't be nervous and be normal", said Nanu.

"Thank you so much guys. For a moment I was really terrified but you all are really sweet"

"I am not just sweet, I am also very cool bro"

"Arjun told me that Na... I mean Bro. You are seriously very cool"

"Abhi get her something to eat. She must be tired from the travel and the office work"

Abhi went inside to get us all some coffee and snacks.

"So Adhya tell me how do you bear with this vampire? Doesn't he eat up all of your time"

"Bro to be honest, I hated him initially"

"You should. What he did to you in the first meet was awful", said Nanu looking at Arjun. Arjun made a puppy face.

"Then I don't know how, but I found a very good friend in him. I think he's got that from you Bro"

"Yes. That's for sure"

"Coffee and snacks for everyone", said Abhi.

"Thanks", I said taking the tray from his hand. We were having a nice talk and bonding really well. Just then a notification popped on my phone. It was a message from Divya.

D: Come to our apartment now. Don't tell anyone about this.

A: What happened? I'm at Arjun's

D: Come home now. It is urgent. Don't tell Arjun anything

A: What's up with you why are you talking like this?

D: Please Addy I need you

A: I'll be there.

"Bro, I actually have to go home now"

"You want to go home now? So soon? I was hoping that you would stay for dinner"

"I'm so sorry bro. I can't stay. I completely forgot that I called my maid to clean up the house. She's waiting for me. I have to go"

"Is everything okay Adhya? You seem tensed", Arjun asked suspiciously.

"Yes bestie don't worry. The maid is going to charge me more if I  make her wait for a long time. So I am a little strung up about that"

"Bro, I have to go. I am sorry. I really liked spending time with you. Abhi, thank you so much. Loved the coffee. Will meet you guys soon"

"Okay, I'll drop you home", said Arjun.

"N..No.......... I mean no. I'll take a cab and manage"

"No more talking. I am coming with you", said Arjun firmly.

"Arjun. I said I can manage, that means I can. And I don't want you to over strain your shoulder. You are on rehab that means you are not free to do anything. You have to rest it"

"Well said Adhya. This stupid doesn't understand anything and keeps straining himself. You should be firm with him like this. He doesn't understand when people talk to him politely", said Nanu.

"Thanks bro. Now you, Arjun Sharma, go take rest. I will go home and message you", I said. I could see that Arjun was clearly pissed.

"Take care Adhya", said Nanu and Abhi in unison.

I wondered what happened to Divya. Why did she want to meet me so suddenly. We were anyways going to meet in the office tomorrow. Why could she not wait? With a lot of questions in my head, I sat in the cab and went home.


Dear Readers,

Here goes another update. Tell me how you like it and please don't forget to vote.
