
So we went to Divya's party, spent time with our friends and had a great time after a long- long time.

"I really want you guys to be a thing. You look adorable together", Divya whispered in my ear.

"Shut up! That's never going to happen. We are just good friends"

"I said what I saw. Taking it or not is completely your decision"

"Thanks for the advice. We are happy being friends"

He's just a friend, good friend, nothing more. I told my heart and brain.

"Ready to go Addy?", asked Arjun.

Addy? Really? Okay friends do that Adhya grow up.

"Actually I'm staying back. Divya wants a girls night out"

"So Shivin's coming with you. Enjoy yourselves boys", said Divya.


Days passed. I can actually say months. Everything started changing rapidly. Life started taking unexpected turns. For someone it was beautiful but for the others it was slowly becoming a curse.

Arjun's career took a dip after his injury. He was not in great form since then. He had a low string of scores which is why he was dropped out of the team for a number of matches. He couldn't perform well in the domestic matches as well. It really crashed him and his confidence.

"Arjun, did you go for practice today?", I asked him on the telephone. It was my daily ritual to call him up and take his updates.

"What difference does it make? Anyways they'll drop me for the game"

"Never do that Arjun. The game will only respect you when you respect it. Give your best Arjun, don't expect for the results"

"I have been doing that for months Addy. I give my best and you know the results. Now all my endorsements are slowly going away. One day I'll be out of everything. I'll have nothing left"

"You'll always have me Arjun. I will never leave you. I promise"

"I know that. You call me every single day even after knowing that I'm a big failure and I'm going to let you down"

"You are not a failure Arjun. Just watch your old performances and tell me that. You have just lost some touch. You will play well one day. I know that"

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for always being there for me. Shivin and you have always been my constants"

"I know sweetie. You still have a great career ahead. I know it. Now your next goal should be the IPL. I think it's the perfect platform to show your form back. Did the franchise come to negotiate?"

"Not yet. But they called Sourabh. They'll be here next week. I'm thinking to go for the same price or maybe less"

"Arjun, you deserve the best. Never let yourself down. You are going to perform well in this IPL. I trust you and see the franchise will also get you for the same price"

"Let the time decide"

"Between, I forgot. How was your shoot?"

"How do you expect it to go? That man always finds a way to bring me down every single time"

"Don't say that Arjun. He's your father. Atleast respect his age"

"Respect my foot. How do you expect me to respect a womanizer? That man never deserves respect"

"Okay calm down. And tell me what happened in the shoot"

"All the as usual stuff Mr Sharma does. But this time he started meeting Abhi. And Abhi never told me about it. My whole life I have tried protecting Abhi from that monster and now he's meeting him on his own"

"Arjun, Abhinav is a grown man. He knows what's right and wrong for him. Let him make his own decisions. I'm sure he will never let you down. Trust him"

"You know I can't trust that man. That man will make my brother go against me"

"You trust your brother right. Nothing of that sort will happen"


"No ifs and buts. Now I just want you to focus on the IPL. You need to train and practice well for that"

"Okay as you say ma'am"

"Arjun please be serious"

"I swear. I train hard and try to get better to prove myself in the IPL"

"That's the spirit. Now you'll have to excuse me. I have loads of work to do. I'll call you back soon", I said and hung up.

I really want him to become the old Arjun. Now he was demotivated and very sensitive. I have been trying my best to get the old Arjun back. The IPL was his last chance to prove himself again. I really hoped to get my friend back.


Hey guys,

Here goes another update. Hope you like it.
