The Last Game Starts - Chapter 48

-I was thinking if I could ask you something. – You say giggling and he looks at you with suspicious eyes.

-Anything for you. What do you want? – He asks and you stop walking, making him stop too.

-Can you give me a pig back ride? – You say and he chuckles.

-Sure. – He says turning around and squatting down as you jump excited. You get closer to him, now feeling a little unsure.

-Are you sure? I think I'm kinda heavy tho. – You say and he grins.

-Come up. – He says and you smile.

          Holding on his shoulders, you pass your legs around his waist and he puts his hands under your tights. He stands up fast making you let out a low gasp. He starts to walk and you giggle liking the experience.

-Are you comfortable? – He asks and you hum confirming.

           You hug his from behind feeling the essence of his cologne on his neck. How could someone smell so good after dancing and running? You don't know. Feeling too tempted, you leave a slight peck on the back of his neck and you can see immediately his skin shivering, making you grin.

-Don't do that. You're gonna fall. – He says laughing, but that only made you want to do it even more.

-Oooh, so you are sensible on your neck. – You joke.

-No. I'm not. – He says back and you smirk, leaving a bunch of pecks on his nape.

-Y/n... - He scolds you, not want you to know he is actually enjoying it a lot. You giggle hugging him again.

-Okay, I'll stop now. – You say leaning on his shoulder.

-Are you nervous for today's game? – He asks and you pout thinking.

-Nah. Maybe just because of the shots. It can hurt a bit if you are too close. – You say sighing.

-Take care there. – He says and you nod.

-Yes, sir. You too. – You say and he smiles.

          After some minutes, you get to the place. Jeno lets you down before meeting the family and you two finally are ready to start the match. From the other side, Julian rolls his eyes seeing you sneaking up with a naughty smile on your face. ''Does she not even care about the games anymore because of him? What does he have of so different that I don't?'' He asks himself mentally. Before, all you had in mind during the vacation were the games, but since Jeno appeared in your life, Julian noticed how much you've changed.

-Julian, I don't want to play this game anymore. - Rylee wakes Julian up from his thoughts and he sighs heavily.

-Rylee, we are here now. You should have told me before. - He says annoyed.

-I did tell you, but you don't listen to me. I'm afraid of these guns. I heard that they hurt. - She says crossing her arms.

-Just hide somewhere then. When my family win the match, you can come back. - He says and she arches an eyebrow.

-Well, you should stay with me and protect me, shouldn't you? - She asks.

-I have no time to protect you just because you can't take a stupid bullet made of silicone, Rylee. I must win the match. - He says and she scoffs.

-Why are you talking like that? You've been so pissed lately. Is this game more important to you than me? Is that what you are saying? - She asks and he looks at her.

-Stop stressing me, Rylee. Why can't you do it if you know it's important for me, ugh? Maybe you are the one who is taking your priorities over me. - He says and she clicks her tongue.

-He is not even a bit gentleman... - She whispers to herself.

-Alright, boys and girls! - Your mom starts to speak and everybody looks at her. - Let's begin with our last match to decide the winner of this year. You can explore all the place and the last one who remains ''alive'' wins. Remembering that this game has the objective of being friendly and secure, okay, boys? - Your mom glances at Julian, who is already glaring at Jeno, and him doing the same. - So, let's throw a coin to decide who will enter the arena first. - She says and throws the coin. It lands on Bennet's team and they start to go in there.

          You bend your lips. Who enters first gets more chances of winning because they will be hidden and will know more of the terrain. After all of them enter, you look at Jeno and nod, indicating that it's starting. Your team enters there and each one goes to a different direction. Looking around with your gun on your hands, you try to make less noise possible. Stepping softly, your feet walk and your ears try to sense any movement. Suddenly, you hear a step. You hide behind a tree and your heart beats fast. Peeking carefully, you see Julian's niece. She walks softly searching for someone to shoot. You aim the gun and wait for a good moment to shoot. One step closer... You shoot! It gets on her shoulder, painting her with a green color. She gets surprised and looks over where you are and groans.

-Ugggh, Y/n! I didn't see you there. - She says scoffing and you wink at her. She shouts her name out loud so the others know that she lost and then she proceeds to walk over the exit.

          Continuing to walk, you hear some other shoots. Some names are shouted and you know it's starting to get serious. You still haven't heard Jeno's, Haechan's or Mark's name, what it's a good sign. Jumping from behind a tree to the other, you walk with much attention and investigate the place. You hear some steps and see Julian's uncle walking around. You smirk noticing he hasn't seen you. You aim your gun, but right when you were about to shoot, you see his wife next to him. You take you gun back getting startled and giving a wrong step, making a noise. You hide again and they look at where you are. ''Crap, Crap! I didn't know he wasn't alone.'' You say to yourself. They start to walk towards you with the guns propped in their shoulder. You hold your breath, knowing you probably are going to die. At least you will try to kill both of them.
           Breathing out, you nod firmly to yourself and decide to attack fast and kill them both. They are just a few steps away from where you are hidden, but then, you hear another sound at the opposite side. The couple turns around and that's when you shoot both of them. They click their tongues and shout their names.
          Another couple from the Bennet's team is out. You sigh relieved by still being safe, but now you have to hide the fastest you can because the others are gonna follow the screams and come to kill you. Like you just imagined, you hear many steps running towards you. ''Oh no... They all are already here.'' You think.

-Over there! It must be Y/n! She is sneaky like a fox. - They say and you press your lips together. - Y/nnn! We know you are here! Get out from wherever you are and surrender right now. - They say and you gulp. ''I have to run or they will find me.'' You say as your heart jumps inside your chest. You peek behind the tree and see 4 of them together. Preparing to run, you hold the gun with both hands and breath out. You start to run. - There, guys! She is there! - They shout and start shooting. You deviate from the bullets running in zig zag.

-Aaah! Shit! - You say, not knowing where to hide anymore, but suddenly, you feel someone pulling you strong by your wrist.

          You let out a squeak which is quickly suffocated by a hand on your mouth. Looking up a bit at the person's face, you see Jeno. He makes you a signal to stay quiet and you nod. After waiting a while, you two walk until you get to a hut. He closes the door and lets go of you, looking at the gap of the door. Seeing the 4 boys running to another place looking for you, he lets out a sigh and looks at you.

-That was close. - You say taking a deep breath.

-Yeah. Both times. - He says and you arch an eyebrow confused. - What? Who do you think that saved you some minutes ago with Julian's uncle? - He smirks and you widen your eyes.

-That noise was you? - You ask and he nods. - Woow... How did u do it without getting found? - You ask impressed.

-I threw a rock to distract them so you could kill both. - He says and you nod with an impressed face. - Well... I don't know if we are safe here, actually. Soon they will come back and maybe find us here. - He says peeking at the window again.

          You stare at him, checking him out. That uniform he is using looks so good on him. All black and tight, drawing minutely the curves of his muscles, and his belt holds his tiny waist firmly. His hands were hidden for the black leather gloves, but his veins still appear going up his forearms. He also wears a mask, which covers half of his face, letting out only his, at the moment, sharp black eyes. What a body he has. You suddenly miss the times where he took his shirt off to tease you. He turns around meeting your eyes.

-Why are you staring? – He asks chuckling.

          Ignoring his question, you reach out your hand and pull him closer by the belt. He takes two steps closer to you, a little surprised. You pull his mask down revealing his lips just to crash them with yours in a second. He arches his eyebrows, getting surprised by your kiss in such moment. You quickly open your mouth, not caring about warning him about the deep kiss, but he already is experienced enough to know you would do it. Your hand slides from his neck to his shoulders, travelling to his chest and finally to his waist, drawing Jeno's attention. He pulls away letting you a little disappointed and chuckles.

-What are you doing now, ugh? – He asks with a naughty smirk on his face. You chuckle brushing your nose on his and pecking his lips.

-What do you think I am doing? – You answer looking up at his eyes, seeing his jaw clench.

          You get closer again, continuing what you were doing and you can feel your body start to feel hot. Maybe that's because the summer weather hitting you both inside of that hut, or maybe that's because the view of Jeno in that uniform kissing you so slowly. He plays dirty when he bites your bottom lip making you let out a low groan. He grins widely and his stomach rolls.

-Shh... don't make any sound if you don't want to be found. – He whispers aware he was the only motive you were making noises. Thinking better now, it was not a good moment to start what you started at all.

          Outside the hut, you hear shots. You and Jeno stop and hear Mark and Haechan shout their names and also other names from Julian's team. You two look at each other and you click your tongue.

-I think they are getting closer again. It's better if we get out. – You say and he nods. You stand straight from the wall, but before you could go, he pulls you back by the waist sealing your lips again in a sloppy kiss.

-Just in case one of us die. – He jokes and you laugh.

-Silly. – You say.

         Now, coming back to the real life, you focus on the game again. Jeno opens the hut's door and you two get out. You decide to separate. You go to the right and Jeno to the left. Walking carefully again, you pass through the trees and see a few from Julian's team. You breathe deeply and aim your gun. You shoot one. The others look behind and find you.

-SHE IS HERE, GUYS! – One of them say.  
