The Words I Wanted To Say - Chapter 68

        You feel so lost and hurt that Jaemin notices your expression and gets concerned.

-Hey...! Are you okay? - He asks making you look at him. You gulp feeling your eyes get teary. - Listen, don't take it too seriously. It was something in the past. Everyone has had the first love before. You've dated Julian too, right? - He says and you nod slowly, but you don't feel that convinced.

          Yes, it's true. Julian was someone you once loved and now you hate him, but still, just a minimum chance of losing Jeno opens a hole in your chest. Jaemin sighs, seeing you looking down, and holds your hand. You look up at him.

-You made me a question. Now I can make you one too, right? - He says and you furrow your eyebrows nodding. - Okay. What has happened between you and Jeno? - Jaemin asks and you take a deep breath.

-We... broke up. - You say and he widens his eyes. He never thought he would hear that.

-W-What? Did he break up with you? That idiot... How could he- - He says, but you shake your hands denying it.

-No, no. It was not him. It was me... – You say and Jaemin gets even more surprised. You feel your eyes getting teary again and you take a deep breath. Jaemin stares at you for some seconds, waiting you calm down.

-It doesn't look like you wanted to do it. – He says in a low tone.

-It's... complicated. – You say simply. You think it's better not to tell Jaemin about everything. Maybe he could tell Jeno and it would be all be useless. – I don't know if it will be good if everybody knows, so can you keep it for now? – You say, but suddenly, Jaemin's phone rings. He takes it from his pocket and gulps.

-I think everybody already knows. – He says and you talk your phone fast widening your eyes.

          "Shocking news! Our most famous couple has come to an end! Jeno and Y/n are officially not dating anymore. After their popularity about being perfect for each other, not long after they are no longer together. Definitely a shocking beginning and a shocking end." You read the university's blog and sigh. You can imagine how this information has spread so fast. Reading it like this feels even more unreal. Somehow, you haven't thought about when you and Jeno would really end. You were already so used to have him around. Seeing him every day, taking pictures with him, dancing, supporting him, hugging, kissing. It all looked so real, but what starts with a lie doesn't go so far.
          Meanwhile, clicking her tongue in annoyance, Sofia leans on the table in front of her pc snorting. Her mind tries to find a way for her plan to work, but everything seems a mess right now. A vibrating sound calls her back to the world and she takes her phone on the table, seeing someone calling her. She sighs and picks it up.

-Hello? – She says in a not excited tone.

-Meet me at the practice room in 10. We need to talk. – The masculine voice says and hangs up immediately, not even giving her the chance to react.

          She widens her eyes glancing at the screen again. She knows that voice like the palm of her hand. It was Jeno. And he said they need to talk. Sofia's heart beats stronger, not knowing what he has in mind. Why would he suddenly call her like this? What does he want to talk about? There's only one way to answer these questions: going there.
          Not wasting time, she rushes to the practice room. Getting there too soon, she waits for him stomping her foot on the floor in an anxious movement. Like he had just said, Jeno got there in 10 minutes. He opens the door and enters the room with a serious aura. He drops his backpack on the table, not pronouncing any word. He pulls out a chair, positions it in front of her with some distance and looks at her deep in the eyes, making her gulp.

-I want to talk. – He says in a low tone. Sofia sits down crossing her legs and her arms.

-Yeah, you've said that already. Before hanging up on me. – She says, but her sassy tone doesn't impress Jeno, who ignores the last phrase.

-It's funny how I've spent so much time wanting to do this. – He starts to say. His voice sounds calm, but somehow, she can feel tension in the air. – But now that you're finally back, I want you to go away. – Sofia looks away sighing. – Why have you come back? – He asks and she looks at him again.

-I've told you. I came back to help you-

-Quit playing, Sofia. – He says running his hands through his face.

-I'm not! – She looks deeply in his eyes.

-And what for? To clean your conscience for what you did years ago? You never do something to help other people. You just think about yourself. – He says and she rolls her eyes.

-Ok, I got it. You still think about the past, but I've changed, ok? – She says and he scoffs. – I'm your best option now. Why can't you give it a chance and do the test with me?

-Because I don't trust you! A partner is someone you have trust on. That you can lean on when you need. You betrayed me, Sofia. You broke this trust. – He says with such intensity that she could feel it hitting her in the chest.

-It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Jeno! You also dreamed with that! You would have done the same! – She says in a higher tone.

-I WOULDN'T! – He barks with all his strength, making her get startled. His voice echoed by all the room and the silence took place a second later. His breathing was heavy. The vein on his neck jumped out as his eyes got teary and shiny. He stands up from his chair, walking by the room. – IT WAS OUR DREAM! WE WERE PARTNERS! – He continues, pointing his finger at her and at himself. – I PUT MY SOUL IN THAT DREAM. I LIVED THIS FOR YEARS. I LOVED YOU! – Sofia doesn't dare to say a word. It was not about being afraid of his anger. It's about how hurt he looks right now. – And you... you... didn't even... tell me. – He lets out a laugh that imparted everything but happiness. – You let me behind on the day of the test and went away with him without saying goodbye. You ignored my texts and never, not even once, asked how I was. – He says while her eyes look anywhere else than at his eyes. She couldn't handle his gaze now. The embarrassment is all over her. He stays for some seconds in silence, walking by the room again catching his breath. – And now... you come back, without any warning, as usual from you. And of all things you could have said, you ask me if I still think about the past. – He laughs again. – Yes, Sofia. I think about the past. Because you've destroyed it. I've almost given up on everything because of you. And you never apologized to me. You never showed a little bit of regret. – He says with a harsh voice. – You just came back to take what rested of important to me. You sent Y/n away and my other chance of doing this test. So, again, I'm gonna repeat it for you to understand. I'm not like you, Sofia. I wouldn't have abandoned you for someone else. It's not like I had no other options at that time. Maybe that's what I've always wanted to tell you. You can grab your stuff and come back to Joffrey. You're not gonna be my partner. – He says turning the back at her and walking towards the door. Sofia clenches her jaw as her breathing gets heavier seeing him holding the doorknob.

-I'M SORRY. – She shouts firmly and Jeno stops before leaving the room. – I know what I did! And don't think that I didn't think about it! Because I did. Every day. – She says and he turns around looking at her. – You're right. I thought about myself and myself only. I betrayed you. I'm selfish and I hate to regret decisions I've taken. I don't like to admit it. That's why I couldn't text you back. I didn't want to confront that decision. I didn't want to face you and the dreams I had thrown away. – Her voice gets out her throat with difficulty. – But I'm here now. Not in the perfect way, I know. Sorry for what I did. I know you wouldn't do it. I know you would have stayed with me until the end. – She says and Jeno looks away from her. – So now, be selfish too, Jeno. Use me as a step to get there. Get your revenge, your karma, your justice, whatever shit you want! For once, don't think about my motives. Don't think about the others. Just be selfish. And get to Joffrey. – She says intensely.

          Both of them stay silent. Their gaze stare at each other after an intense discussion. Jeno had finally said everything he wanted to her. He exploded saying what was stuck inside him for so long and now it feels like a burden was taken off his shoulders. He wanted to say how angry he was and how much his love was turned into hate.
          He looks at her again, seeing her eyes staring at him. He sighs looking at the roof. His head feels pulsing from pain.

-I have promised someone that I would not give up. – He says and Sofia's breath stops. Jeno turns around towards the door again. – We start on Monday. Don't be late. – He says with a calm tone and leaves the room. Sofia stays there frozen with her eyes widened. It took her some seconds to realize what he had just said.

-YES, YES! – She says laughing out loud and jumping.

          At another part of the university, the blond boy taps the table with the tips of his fingers in a boring mood. Julian sighs waiting for the professor to arrive for another class of the day. Glancing at his side with pouty lips, he sees two girls looking at him and whispering something while laughing. His lips grow in a smirk and he winks at them. The girls arch an eyebrow and scoff looking at him with a mocking gaze. Julian's smirk fades away as he pokes his cheek with his tongue and rolls his eyes. "Whatever." He thinks with himself. Taking his hands to the pocket of his jacket, he grabs his phone to check the social media. His eyes widen immediately reading what's on his screen. "Jeno and Y/n are officially not dating anymore." His month opens a bit in surprise.-They broke up? – He mumbles to himself. – Nah, no way. – He chuckles not believing that. The sound of his laugh remains in the air as his gaze becomes darker. – They broke up... - He repeats, slightly running his finger on his lips. 
