part 4

Comment throughout the chapter.


After three weeks later.
Kaira went to Alice production company as she was called for making an app for them.

I went to head office as I was directed.

Alright, I thought my company has the best interior. But the film company's are at a different level. It was pure Bollywood theme & it was true modern theme .everyone are looking so stylish like they are up for any shot.

I went to the office & opened the door and asked to come in, there he was Aryan khan again. I was surprised to him here but I was stupid where else the film actor could be.

" yes please come in" Samir.

"What are you doing here? Where were you gone? Why you weren't after there? What are you doing here? What's going on here? What..? " Aryan as soon as he saw me. He jumped from his chair like a kid like he's been waiting for me from ages.

"Umm. Well," Kaira.

"I called her here for an app" Samir to Aryan.

Aryan was so happy to see her. He was looking for her since then. So Kaira was. she was more surprised to see Aryan's reaction. she didn't expect from him to remember at all.

When the meeting was completed, Aryan wanted to talk to her like a lot. He was lost not only in her beauty but personality. that personality which wasn't trying hard anyone to impress, who was more real, kind.

"So the meeting has been completed, can we can go out now? I mean I owe you for helping me. I don't know what could 've done if you weren't there. " Aryan.

"But no I mean it's OK. I would do it anyways" Kaira.

"Lol doesn't worry if you are I'm not asking you out. I'm just thankful to you. You've no idea how much you've helped me on that day. We have to go. OK at my place just casual hangout?" Aryan.

"OK, let's go" Kaira.

"I and my friend have been planning a movie night. would you mind joining us?" Aryan.

"OK, no problem" Kaira.

He drove us to his home. & I met some of his friends who were so welcoming specially Rishy.

"Hey, new girl" Rishy being lil flirty.

"Hey" me little holding back.

"Rishy keep it casual. don't do something that she goes back" Aryan.
We all laughed.
We all watched movie. it was hunger games. Who has not seen it before well expect me lol?

"So you had fun?" Aryan asked.

"Ya.." I lied. I think it was any sequel of that movie so I had no idea why and what was going on.
Well not completely.

"Are you sure?" Aryan asked like if he wanted me to correct my answer.

He definitely got my lie I guess oh god.

I nodded giving a fake smile.
"Don't tell me you've never seen this movie" Aryan was more shocked than being surprised.

"Nooo. I didn't I mean not a big deal right?" Oh god, where on the earth I live latterly.

He started laughing.

"What?? I'm going OK bye" it wasn't a big deal okay.

"Wait wait wait I'm sorry OK. I'm sorry" he grabbed me from my arm

"Yeah whatever" I sighed.

~~~Tuesday morning ~~~

*phone rings"

"Hey. good morning "Aryan

"Good morning Aryan" Kaira.

"So you're up?" I looked at the watch to make sure it was 11:00 am or not.

"Ah ya, of course, it's 11:00 am Aryan," I said.

"What?? Oh my god, that's why I had so many calls from my manager OK bye" and he hangs up.

But why did he actually call me lol..
*phone rings*

" good morning Aryan," I said or teased no other than Aryann

"Yah ya whatever," he said

"Sooo wassup?" I asked

"Well, I want you to make an app on me. I mean so I can interact with my fans & they can know me better all & all" he explained more like an order

"Oh oh. Cool let's meet up then" I

"Ohk GREAT. I'll text you the details "

~~~ Wednesday evening ~~~

"Hey Aryan " I waved

So the meeting was at his home CZ they have decided to keep it under the rock until it gets finalized.

I entered his room and put my bag at the chair where her manager was sitting by.

"Hey sweetheart " he came closer to me.


"If you wanted to say you love me why you didn't tell me directly " he came closer.

"What" I was shocked.

Oh, wait no I wasn't shocked.

I was freaking scared what the HELL is happening

"You know how much I love you and care for you. Anyways enough playing games. come closer" he smirked and grabbed me from my waist
And now he was looking at my lips

Oh god why what oh god what

"Ahhh what the fuck is going on" I pushed him back grabbed my bag like ready to fight.

I was officially SCARED.

Andddd he started laughing his ass off
And so his manager.

"What can anyone explain to me what is going on?"

"Lol. Aryan doesn't make her more panic now" Mahira said with laughing.

I rolled my eyes to Aryan

"Oh, my Kaira. that was my just dialogue of the next scene. don't worry I was joking"Aryan stopped finally.

"Oh OK cool ya " more like I was telling myself. I finally put my bag back and sat

"Ohk so here how it goes" Mahira started explaining about the apps what they want.

seeing each other was our routine now.

We started getting along really very well.

We do talk about our life, like dislikes




~ Few weeks pass by~

"So how it is? Did, like it?" I asked Aryan pointing towards the laptop screen.

"Ohk Time up. I can't do it anymore" he shuts the laptop.

He got up from the couch and "let's do something else"

"What else?" I asked.

"Let's play PSP" He chuckled.

"Let's play" I got suddenly excited.

He looked more surprised than shocked when I said yes.

"Ohk the kid calm down let's play " he chuckled again.

Sometimes I do think the chuckled expression is plastered on his face.LOl

and we started playing uncharted 4. It's the best game ever I've come across.

"I've never seen any girl playing PSP. I mean with this much excitement" He said.

"Ya. I like video games. I mean I'm a girly girl who'll play PSP wearing stilettoes." Wink wink.

" I know you are so different from other girls and so like me. That's why I hang out with you. I like you very much" he said but keeping his eye on the game.

"Yes I'm different but I'm not like you. well, I'm not kidding" giving him a shrug.

"Oh is that so? And so here how it is you die" he won.
Oh god why

He started his victory dance how little boys do.

"Lol" me.

"What are you laughing at?" He stopped and questioned.

"You reminded of so much of Vicky," I said

"Really? Oh. I'm the only one .but who's Vicky?" He raised his eyebrow

"My neighbor's kid" I started laughing.

Because I found out he doesn't like when people tell him he's like a kid.

But he is.

He smirked. WHY?

He stood up and started tickling me.

"Aryan stop" trying to catch my breath

"But I'm a kid right. "

"Yes. That's the fact"

"You are dead now Kaira" he started tackling more.

"Ohk thinks you are a big man" and he stopped.

And we both finally stopped laughing. I swear if I laugh more I'm gonna die.

That's mean I have to go away from him because being with him means fun & laugh.

I like him so much


What did I say that? No no no. Kaira gets out from here now.

Meanwhile Aryan knew that Kaira wasn't any ordinary girl. He wanted to know her more, wanted to spend more time with her. Her company makes him so much happiness.

I was also surprised by the nature of Aryan. Aryan was so down to earth. I thought of him as a brat, who thinks the world revolves around him only.
Well, the ohk somewhere he thinks but he also respects everyone around him. that's what he makes a good person.

honestly, I never thought we'll be friends because our lifestyle is so different. I guess to be friends connection between two people is important more than anything.


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