part 10

"Are you sure this layout is good? I doubt it?" I asked Samir.

I'm working on a new project with him.

"Hey, wassup? what's going on?"Mahira asked.

Mahira is Aryan's manager.

"Mahira. tell me what do you think of this layout?"Samir asked pointing to the laptop.

"I personally didn't like it," Mahira said.

"see, "I said.

"ughh. I can not take more work for today" Aryan came. He was looking all tired. He came & sat beside me putting his head backward on the couch.

"Or tonight? the day is already ended. It's 11.00 p.m" I said showing my wristwatch.

"show it to Mahira. tell her to give me a know what I'm not doing any more work "Aryan said. "move your laptop". He moved my laptop which of course was lying on my lap and then he lied his head down on my lap.

"goodnight folks"Aryan .and he slept trust me within seconds like he was totally tired.

"lol. how are you going to work now" Mahira said laughingly.

" don't worry I'll manage"I chuckled.





"what? He seemed serious?" I said nervously on the phone.

meantime I didn't realize Aryan had woke up.

"what happened why do you look tenses"?Aryan got up and asked yawning.

"Jasmin called me. boss wants to see me immediately. He seemed pretty serious" I was getting more and more nervous.

"Don't worry nothing will be that serious. and if anything happens just call me"Aryan took me into his shoulder.

"I wish your boss would be a lady. so I could her calmed with my charm . You know"Aryan winked.

"oh.ya you wish"I pat his shoulder and went. He definitely knows how to calm me down.





"Aryan" I called him.

"what happened"Aryan.

"Like this is my nightmare" I sat on the bench outside of my office and put my chin on the palm of my hand. I was tensed super tensed.

"what happened?"Aryan.

"I guess I have to go back home" I

"what? what hap..? can you be more specific? you are scaring me."Aryan.

"You know.I'm running my own company. and it's going pretty well and getting famous. So he thinks I should be no more in his company. He fired me". I said.

"oh. But it's not bad. you have your own company. you don't need them"Aryan said.

"But Aryan" I got up from the bench and start walking.

"I was living in company's home. food, bills everything was provided from the company. even the car. I don't have my own vehicle to go anywhere how will I live here. "I said.

"That is also not a problem. you can live her own your own. just stay in my home"Aryan.

"no. That is not an option. And finding a place for a lonely girl in this city is like switching off the light in the daytime."I said.

"I'll find it."

"But I don't know what mom will say. because the reason I came to this city was this job. what is the meaning of living here if I'm not anymore in this company" I said walking towards the main door of the building?

"are you kidding me. can you just shut your mouth and stop freaking me out. Stop thinking about leaving. I'll never let you go anywhere. you have me here. and your clients everything is here" Aryan yelled.

"Aryan" Me.

"shut up. and don't think anything. I'm coming to pick you up. I'll set everything up".




Aryan's car comes. I sat in his car.

"hi". I

"hi" without looking at me keeping eyes only on road.

"what are you still angry?"I

"oh no. why would I be? I'm not important enough to live in this city. why would I? am I supposed to?"Aryan giving me look which I better say don't anything against it.

"Oh ok I got it.I'm sorry. so where are we going?" me trying to change the subject.

"First to your apartment to take your stuff .and then I have a new apartment ready we'll move stuff there," Aryan said.
