

Lucy's POV

"What?!? They left?!!!??" Levy and I screamed when Mira told us everyone's gone. "Wait you mean to tell me that you lost them in the pub?" I asked her as she nodded her head, "Yes, apparently I slept throughout the whole night while Erza was getting wild with Jellal and the others." I face palmed as Gajeel remembered something, "Hold on I just remembered something!" We looked up to him. "what is it Gajeel, care to explain to us?" asked Levy. "There was this lady, we have seen her before...oh yeah Ultear! She was there in the pub too with us although I had too much to drink." 

"Then..." I said while Levy shaking Gajeel to continue the story. "Lucy!" 

"Someone's calling me." I turned around seeing Natsu running. "Natsu, what..." I was shocked looking at Erza badly injured and Natsu was crying as he stopped falling onto his knees panting heavily. We all ran to him. "What happened?" I asked as Gajeel lifted Erza up from Natsu. "Here." Mira handed a bottle of water as Natsu drank it up fast. "We gotta go back there and help Jellal and Gray." 

"What do you mean?" asked Levy. "First thing first we gotta need Porlyusica to heal Erza. She's being wounded." Gajeel quickly took Erza followed by Juvia to the infirmary. "Wendy was missing several days ago and we were told by Ultear that the vampires had kidnapped Meredy too." All our faces were terrified and Natsu continued to explain the rest, "So Ultear brought us to see this guy Bacchus to get some info of getting to the vampire world. We were so close but things happened and now it has come to this. Wendy has somehow changed into a different person as though she was possessed by darkness. Jellal and Gray are still in there. I shouldn't left them. I could have stayed and ight along side with them." 

"Its ok Natsu, you did the right thing. Erza would have suffered more if you didn't bring her back immediately." I said patting on his back. "Thanks Lucy." 

"Now I get it so that's why you were in the pub that night. Well the only way we are going to find out is to go back to the same place and question Bacchus." said Mira as we all agreed. "What in the means are you all doing here?" We turned seeing Master Makarov behind. "You have got some explanation to do Natsu about you and the rest missing in class for a few days." 

"Yes gramps." Natsu explained everything to gramps. Gramps was just keeping quiet listening until Natsu finished and he sighed heavily. "I can't allow any of you to go there. Its too dangerous." 

"But gramps we have to help them!" I said but he shook his head. "Its their fault for doing so and look at the results. This is why the hunters had put a barrier to separate the two worlds. Do you understand what happens when you enter the vampire world, you won't even make it out alive." he said in a serious tone. "But gramps, I'm still here." Natsu said. 

"You were lucky that they didn't caught you, but take a look at Erza. She's in a mess although she's a vampire." 

Natsu clenched his fists, "I know, but there's no way I'm going to leave my friends behind. I'm going back there even I have to die saving them. I'll try till the very end!" He ran off as I chased after him. "Natsu! Come back!" 

"Just let him be Lucy." I turned back facing gramps with tears in my eyes, "I hate to say this but sometimes they would be counting on us to help them. So, I'm with Natsu in this. I'm sorry master." I said as I ran off finding Natsu. "Natsu! Where are you? Say something!" I looked for him in the streets, everywhere. "Where could he be?" 


"Levy? Mira? Gajeel and Juvia? what are you guys doing here?" I asked as they stopped running. "Isn't it of course." said Juvia and I smiled. "Thanks guys." Then I spotted Natsu sulking around the corner of the building. "Found you idiot. You should have wait for us." He looked up, "I thought gramps asked your to stay put." I placed my hands on his shoulders, "We wouldn't want them to be killed there. We are going to get them back. Wendy too." I said smiling at him. His eyes widened as he stood up pumping his fists in the air, "Alright let's get that guy Bacchus first." 

"Yeah!" We all roared. 


Zeref's POV

"How is he?" I asked Invel while he was placing Jellal in bed in one of the rooms. "He should be fine after all his heart is only pierced through halfway. A pure blood like him could survive this kind of damage." I nodded, "Fine, changed his clothes and fill this room with roses." Invel bowed, "Yes Sire. Right away." I smiled as I left the room. A few hours later, Invel came in my chambers, "Sire, its done. I did it according to your liking." 

"Well done Invel, I shall see to it." I said as I walked out. I opened the room seeing the room filled with black roses and Jellal in his new set of white and black clothing still unconscious. I walked as I sat at the side of the bed touching his face and running through his hair, "Very soon, your heavenly body magic will be mine. I'll paint every of your existence black including the lives that you hold dearly. You could have stop me from the beginning the moment when we have met, but you couldn't. Such a shame Jellal. I've won the game." 

I stood up heading to the door when I heard a laughing sound. I turned around seeing Jellal in a dark figure staring at me with his glowing red eyes. "I wouldn't call it as the end of the game. I'll simply have to kill every pawn of yours and get Wendy back." 

I snickered, "Try me." 
