Mavis & Zeref II


I blushed at his smile as I covered my face and turned away out of embarrassment. He chuckled behind and I blushed even harder. After a few minutes, I managed to calm myself down and faced him back while looking down. "You look cute when you blush." I gasped, "WHAT?" Then I heard a knock and the door was opened. "Mavis, master Bob is requesting for some hot tea in his room." I got up from my seat, "Alright, in the mean time could you stay here while I get the master?" Zera nodded her head as I left the room. 

"Master, I brought some hot tea." 

"Yes Mavis come in." I walked in his chambers and placed his tea on the table side of his huge white bed. "He's awake master." 

"Really? I shall go now." He stood up from his bed, put on the robe and walked out of his room. I followed him till we reached the servant's room. Yuri and the others were still cleaning the kitchen and sorting some things out for tomorrow's preparation. 

"Could you leave us for a moment Mavis, Zera? I would like to talk to him privately." Both of us bowed and waited outside of the room. Zera smirked as she came whispering in my ear, "I see someone was blushing just now." 

"You saw?" I asked and she nodded her head with a grin. I shook her shoulders, "Please don't tell anyone!!!! I feel quite embarrassed if you tell them!!!" 

"Geez Mavis calm down. Well your secret is safe with me." I sighed in relief as I kept my hands to myself. Sooner or later master Bob came out of the room. "Sorry to keep you girls waiting." We shook our heads, "No not at all Master Bob. We don't mind." He nodded and walked back to his room. "Good night Mavis, Zera."

"Goodnight master." 

"Hey Mavis, wanna go outside at the garden?" Zeref popped behind us and we both almost shrieked. Zera snapped at him, "Wait you can't simply meet her outside at this time! You should get a rest!" 

"Zera..." She continued, "Your injuries are still recovering now go back to bed and have a good rest." She pushed Zeref to the bed and tucked in under the blanket. Zeref blinked in shock just starring at Zera. Zera wiped her forehead and crossed her arms, "You can meet her tomorrow." He finally gave in as he closed his eyes and smiled, "Ok, I see you tomorrow Mavis. Goodnight." 

I smiled back, "Goodnight Zeref." 

"I wonder how the guys are gonna sleep tonight since Zeref has taken one of their beds." I said as Zera jumped onto her bed looking up the ceiling. "They'll figure out something. They do have an extra mattress. Just go to sleep Mavis. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day." I turned facing her, "What big day?" She yawned, "As always...its Master Bob's birthday." 

I smack lightly on my head, "Oh yeah I almost forgot." 

"Geez Mavis you always forget important things. Well I'm sleepy." She finally drifted off to sleep. I couldn't sleep yet and I was just tossing around thinking of Zeref. He's cute even when he sleeps. Wait...why is my face red all of the sudden. I should just calm down and go to sleep. Yeah that should do it. 


"Zera get the plates for me will ya?" Warrod shouted as Zera dashed off carrying plates into the dishwasher. "Mavis can you get us some stuff from the market?" Yuri handed me a list of groceries as I took it. "Sure I'll be back in a while." I ran off from the kitchen and bumped into Zeref. "Mind if I tag along?" I nodded. 

"So where do you live Zeref? I was wondering since I found you outside of the mansion." 

He paused for a while then he stopped. "Is there something wrong?" He shook his head, "No nothing at all. Actually I don't really have a home. I just wander around the streets." I felt really bad for him as I held his hand. "You can live with us. I'm sure my master would really be happy about it." His eyes widened as he gave a soft smile. "Thank you." We bought the groceries and headed back to the mansion. 

"Here you go Yuri!" I handed him the stuff. "Oh yeah new guy your name is Zeref right?" asked Yuri. He nodded. "Nice meeting you all." Hades nodded while Warrod gave him a bro hug along with Yuri. Master came in. "Oh nice to see you here all well Zeref." 

"Master can he stay here with us? He doesn't have a place to stay so I thought if you could..." before I could finish saying my sentence, master laughed and agreed. "He can stay here and make sure you treat him well." Zeref gasped, "Is there something I could do? I feel really bad that I'm just staying here doing nothing." 

 "Is alright." 

"I appreciate the offer you give me but still I have to repay you. so just give me anything and I'll do it." Master sighed and smiled back, "Fine if you insist, Mavis see to it at once. Give him something light, he's still recovering." I felt happy and bowed my head, "Of course right away. Oh and master..." He stopped facing me.

All of us stood and wished him, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASTER!!!!!" He blushed as we laughed till Yuri clapped his hands, "Get back to work!!!" 


"Zeref could you have me clean up the rooms?" I asked as he grabbed some cloths, "Sure." 

"I'll help too" said Zera.

I never ever felt this happy meeting friends that I loved and a master who welcomes me with open arms. I'll never forget the kindness and the love he gave. Many months past and we really grew closer like a family. Master really adored Zeref with his excellent work and he's always ahead of us and he does a lot of things that really amazed us all the time. Even when there's trouble he's always there to fix it. I think I'm falling in love with him. 

"Mavis you are blushing again...he's going to see you if you keep on blushing." said Zera who popped from behind. I snapped out of reality and continued my work. I could hear master giggling at the side and I blushed even more. 

Days went on and I couldn't tell my feelings for him. The times that we spend together became less as he was always busy and away with the master for occasions and meetings. Master Bob too was busy with his business. I sat alone next to a fountain in the garden till I heard footsteps coming. I looked up seeing Zeref walking towards me. "Is there something the matter?" he asked and I shook my head. "No its nothing." He sat next to me, "You can tell me if you want." 

I kept quiet. It was very quiet till he decided to head back. "Goodnight Mavis." He started walking as I felt like telling him everything about how I feel. I ran and grabbed his hand. He stopped and faced me. "What is it?" 

"The truth is I have feelings for you since the day we met and I couldn't tell you its because I'm afraid..." 

"Afraid of what?" 

"That you were going to reject my feelings." I felt his hands cupped my cheeks as I looked up to him and he smashed his lips into mine. I felt a tingling sensation in me as I closed my hands and wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss. It was my first kiss and the most sweetest memory in my life. I never had this much of love before. We let go as he ran through my hair. "I love you Mavis." 

I smiled back with tears running down, "I love you too." 

After that night things began to change....

And it was never the same....
