
*Iofi Pov*

After giving it a decent amount of thought, I decided to go back to my room and sleep there. As I got in bed, I ripped the covers over my head and fell asleep immediately, only to be woken up in the morning by a loud banging noise.

"Risu!!" Moona yelled, "Wake up!" She yelled before continuing to slam on the door. I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and walked out of the room.

"What is going on?" I asked

"Risu isn't responding, and her door is locked." Moona claimed

"You have a key to her room, no?" I asked

Moona nodded and walked into her room, getting her key. "She's so frustrating," the moon goddess sighed as she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Huh?" I said as I peered into her empty room, "Where is she?" I asked

Moona walked inside and inspected her bed. "It's still warm, so she was here." She claimed, inferring that she had to have left recently.

"How did she get out?" I asked Moona looked at the window, which was not only closed but also locked, meaning it was impossible for her to have gotten out that way, and it would have been impossible for her to have gone out the front door without any of us hearing her.

"Risu?" Moona said loudly that she got on the ground and looked under Risu's bed only to see nothing, and then she went over to her closet and opened it only for her not to be there either.

I glanced at her nightstand, and her phone and wallet were placed there where I had put them when I brought her to bed.

"Is that a good sign?" I asked

"No..." Moona said I could tell she was genuinely worried about this in the moment.

Moona pulled out her phone and called Anya, asking her if Risu went there, but Anya told her that she hadn't. Moona then went into the basement, only to come up without anyone.

"What could have happened?" I asked

"No clue; it's like she vanished from her bed." Moona claimed

"Should we call someone to help us find her?" I asked

"No-just get ready since we are meeting up with Zeta, remember?" Moona sighed

I nodded and did as told, getting ready for the day, and as soon as I ate breakfast, Moona and I set out.

"Can we make a pit stop? Maybe check to see if she is at Ayunda's grave?" I asked

"Fine...." Moona muttered

We made our little pitstop, but there was nothing. Actually, there had been flowers set out in front of the grave that weren't there before, but the only sign that someone was there was the flowers. Moona climbed up the wall and walked over to the grave. "Risu, I'm here," Moona said before she prayed in front of the grave.

"Wait, why would you-"

Moona cut me off, and I saw her wipe her face as if she were hiding something from me. "Nevermind, let's meet up with Zeta." She sighed, but before she walked away, she placed a small bag of nuts on the grave.

"What is that about?" I asked only to not get an answer.

We got to the meet-up spot completely in silence, but then Moona spoke.

"Iofi, don't worry about Risu anymore." She told me I was about to ask what she meant but decided not to as Zeta approached us with Kaela and a brown-haired girl.

"Oh hi!" The brown-haired woman said as she saw me, "You're Iofi, correct?" She asked

"Yes!" I told her only to get a laugh from her; she seemed to think my nervousness was funny.

"Mumei-senpai, pay attention to me!" Zeta said loudly

"Zeta, I don't have to be attached to you all the time, you know." Mumei claimed

"I know, but still..." Zeta sighed

"How about I take you to dinner later, just the two of us?" She suggested Zeta's face light up, and she nodded. "By the way, I want to meet up with Reine at some point," Mumei said.

"You can only do that if Moona isn't here because she cheated on Reine," Kaela explained.

"Ah, I can't imagine cheating on Reine; I'd cherish her, to be honest," Mumei said.

"Ugh-it wasn't what it looked like; I was only was texting the other girl, alright?" Moona stated

"That's still cheating." Zeta said

"Oh, where is Risu?" Mumei asked

Moona walked over to Mumei and whispered into her ear, and then she did the same with Zeta and Kaela. She is still hiding something from me.

"Moona, you know what happened to Risu, don't you?" I asked

"Nooo..." She said with an unconvincing tone that her eye told me she was lying.

"Moona, please just admit if you know something I want to at least know. I won't push to look for her, but I at least want to know if Risu is okay!" I yelled

"Look, I don't know Iofi!" Moona screamed. Tears began to fall from her eyes. She suddenly ran off. I looked at her as she ran back in the direction of the cemetery. "Don't follow me!" She yelled

Zeta and Kaela looked at one another, and then Mumei cleared her throat.

"Moona does know what happened with Risu," she said as she walked forward.

I stared at the owl girl and bit my lip. "Iofi-senpai, are you going to go after Moona-senpai or are you going to stay with us?" Zeta asked

"Go after Moona-do you think she will tell me where Risu went?" I asked

"Maybe, but I doubt it," Zeta said.

"Morning!" Anya called out as she arrived at the meeting spot. Behind her stood Reine, who was purely silent.

"Oh Reine!" Mumei said as she walked over and hugged the peafowl.

"How have you been?" Reine asked

"Really good! I just heard about how Moona cheated on you, so I assume you are doing bad."Mumei laughed

"Gah-you are really bold." Reine sighed

"I know you saw Moona run off just now," Zeta claimed.

Reine nodded. "She doesn't care about Risu; those tears are fake... I don't think I have genuinely seen Moona show a real emotion," the peafowl claimed.

I don't know why her tears seemed genuine... I'm worried about Moona, but at the same time, she told me not to follow her, so should I listen to her?

"By the way, Iofi, has Moona talked to you about Ayunda yet?" Anya asked

"Only that she doesn't believe that she exists." I claimed

"She's an awful liar..." Reine signed as she began to follow Mumei and walked away.

Risu told me that Moona didn't believe in Ayunda either. Now that I have so many questions, I don't know what to do.

"Can you tell me what Moona has done, why she is a liar, and why you are so mad at her? Can you help me wrap my head around this?" I asked

"I will only tell you on one condition: don't go after Moona; if you go after Moona, I will never tell you anything." Reine said

"Isn't that a little much!" Anya asked

Reine wasn't budging on her words at all.

If I go after Moona, I may be able to find out what happened to Risu, but if I don't go with Reine, I will never know what is up with Moona because I know I won't be told the story from Moona, and Reine is the only one that can tell me her experiences.

"I'm sorry..."

Huh... I looked back. I could have sworn I heard Risu, but there is no one there.

"Iofi-senpai, you look pale..." Kaela commented

"No-what do I do!" I yelled

"Reine, can you just tell her so she can go after Moona?" Anya asked

"No, I refuse to tell her if she goes after Moona, and that is final because if she is going to side with Moona, then I can't trust her with my feelings. That's how things are; this is what it means to make a choice," she said.

"I agree with what Reine is saying," Mumei claimed as she tapped the peafowl's back.

"Of course you would..." Anya and Kaela said

"You have a choice to make Iofi choose..." Reine said
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Go After Moona

-[B] Stay With Reine

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!
