
*Iofi POV*

After thinking about what I wanted to do for a moment, I decided that I would go with Moona since I haven't spent time with her yet.

"I want to go with Moona!" I declared I was getting a smile from the moon goddess.

"Okay then, we will split up here and meet up in, let's say, ten minutes," Risu said.

"Senpai, maybe twenty, since we also have to do something for my roommate." Anya claimed

"It's whatever; see you two later!" Risu laughed as she turned her back to us and began to run away.

"Risu-senpai-wait!" Anya cried as she ran after her.

I looked at Moona, who had a sour expression. "Why is she so happy?" She mumbled

For some reason, I'm under the impression that those two have gotten into a fight over something because they don't seem to be getting along right now, but I can only see this through Moona since Risu hasn't changed her expression; she has been happy.

"Are you two doing well?" I asked Moona.

The purple-haired woman looked at me confused. "Yes?" she said in question form.

"It is just that you and Risu seem to be on bad terms right now." I said

"It's really nothing-although she is a liar, I still refuse to believe that there is a woman called Ayunda. It's too convenient. I mean, that is her last name. It makes no sense."

I don't know if that is true; she genuinely seemed shaken up about that, and I thought I saw her eyes glistening from tears. Can you force that?

"Sure" is all I could say, but Moona seemed to ignore that.

"We should go and explain to Zeta and Kaela what is going on," Moona said.

"Got it," I replied.

As we began to walk in silence, I tried to think of something to talk to Moona about, but nothing came to mind. I should get to know her better first.

"Tell me more about yourself. Do you have family?" I asked

"I have a younger brother, two younger sisters, and three older brothers," she said.

"Woah, a big family!" I responded

"Also, I have a large appetite, and I am a big fan of SpongeBob." Those are two fun facts about me," she told me.

This is awkward. I don't know how to respond to this. I don't know what SpongeBob is.

"Uhm-that's good to know," I replied.

We fell into silence again, not knowing what to really say to one another. To be honest, without a third person initiating the conversation, it is hard to talk.

"You are so late, Senpai!" Zeta called out

We looked across from us and saw the cat-like girl standing there, her arms crossed.

"Shouldn't you be with Kaela?" Moona asked

"I asked her if I could collect you four, but where are Risu-senpai and Anya-senpai?" Zeta asked

"They are doing things at the park and apparently going to Anya's house," I said.

"Oh, well, then I assume they aren't coming back." Zeta sighed

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked

"Nothing, just ignore me." Zeta claimed

The three of us began our trek to get to Kaela. About halfway there, we passed a shop that sold paintings. There was a painting of a barn owl on display. Zeta stopped and looked at it.

"Do you like barn owls?" I asked the girl.

"Like is kind of a weak word for it," Zeta mentioned.

"She loves a barn owl, and in particular, one is her oshi," Moona explained.

Zeta's face became flushed and bright red. "Why does everyone say that?" She asked

"Who knows?" Moona sarcastically said

"Look-just because I really care about her doesn't mean she is my oshi. I mean, I have a girlfriend!" Zeta cried out.

"Yes, but you also love your oshi," Moona teased.

"Ugh-we never stopped here, okay?" Zeta groaned

I wonder who the barn owl Zeta really likes; they must be an interesting creature if Zeta likes her, because Zeta just seems really unhinged so far.

"Ela!" Zeta called out as we reached our destination.

"Zeta, I'm going to make you play a game with me later for being so late for our date," Kaela mentioned.

Zeta seemed afraid, but why would she be scared of playing a game? It makes zero sense. "I'm sorry, Beb," Zeta responded.

"You must be Iofi-senpai," Kaela said, ignoring her girlfriend's entirety.

"I am..." I told her.

"Interesting. I never expected an alien to look so hot," Kaela said.

"Ela!?" Zeta cried out.

"Sorry, our senpai are hot, though," Kaela claimed.

"Well, you aren't wrong..." Zeta mumbled

"Okay, what are we even doing? Moona asked

"Well, we were going to eat and then probably go home. We actually have to pick Kobo up from school as well," Kaela said.

"Kobo?" I mumbled

"You will have to meet her; she is a character." Moona sighed

From the sounds of it, Kobo is an interesting person. I don't know what to expect from her.

"Shoot. I forgot my wallet." Zeta groaned

"Really?" Kaela asked

"Yes, how about this? You get a table at the restaurant and order for me; I want the usual, and then I can run home and get my wallet so I can pay," Zeta said.

"Well, that's fine," Kaela mumbled.

"Wait-I'll go get the wallet. You two enjoy your date, okay?" Moona asked

She looked at me. I could tell by her eyes that she was asking me if I was going to come along with her, but I don't know because if I go in with Zeta and Kaela right now, I'd be third-wheeling, but if I go with Moona, then I won't be able to look at the menu and decide what I want to get.

"How far away is your place?" I asked Zeta

"Like five to ten minutes, it depends on the route," she said.

I don't know what to do.
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Go With Moona

-[B] Go Inside With Zeta And Kaela

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!
