The subconscious telling us what we want in the world. That's how a psychologist would interpret dreams. They show what people truly desire in the world. That wasn't the case with this dream.

Emilia had tried to fall asleep out of sheer boredom. Elijah had been sent out and she had absolutely nothing to do. It reminded her of when she had been stuck at the witch house. During her time at the witch house, she'd sleep to pass the time and preserve whatever strength she could. Sometimes it would work, otherwise times it wouldn't, leaving her more frustrated and bored.

This time it did work though. Emilia didn't even bother to question if people could fall asleep on the other side or not.

She didn't exactly know how the dream started, no one ever does, but she remembered at some point seeing a woman. "Hello Emilia. Great to meet you."

"Am I supposed to know who you are?"


Emilia interrupted her. "Silas's girlfriend?"

Qetsiyah interrupted her. "Ex." She held out her hand showing a ring. "Currently engaged. You can call me Tessa."

Emilia looks down at the ring impressed. "Damn that's nice."

Tessa walks around Emilia observing her. "Sorry, you have to be stuck with my ex. How has he been treating you?"


"You don't have to tell me I can guess. You probably know this but Silas is trying to pull you into the real world."

"Is that supposed to be bad?"

"Yes. Resurrection isn't that simple. He can't just pull you there like that. No power could really allow someone to come back via pulling. If he does that your life will become a hell of a lot worse. You'd be permanently in-between and if the anchor dies or if he's able to figure it out, you become the anchor. We don't want you dealing with that."

"So what am I supposed to do about that? And who's we?"

"Two ways you can go back. First, raise Silas, he takes the cure, finds the anchor, and lets you pass through, but once he figures out who the anchor is he may not be too keen. That would be problematic considering the amount of power he has. The other option is also complex. It will require heavy sacrifice from you."

"Do I even need to go back? I mean there's no point."

Tessa avoids answering that question and keeps speaking. "No matter which option we end up taking I have to show you a few things."

"Why should I believe either of you? Neither of you has done anything particularly trustworthy for me. I've heard of peace, I'll just look for that."

"You can't!"

"Why can't I?"

"Are you that suicidal? Just a while ago you killed someone to survive. How have you changed so much?"

"I know you haven't been alive for a while, but let me tell you life ain't that good! I've gone through things that no one should have to go through! I have nothing! Not to mention that I've already died and now I'm dead again!" Emilia sank down to the floor finally thinking about horrible her life was. Tessa sat next to her, rubbing her back.

She stood up looking like she was listening to the air for a second. She looks down at Emilia and pulls her up. "Come on." Tessa grabs Emilia's hand and walks her to a door. Tessa put her hands on it and started to chant. She removed her hands and the door opened. The door was like a portal to another place. Tessa held out the door for Emilia. Emilia followed her cautiously. Once they stepped out the door, Emilia recognized that they were in the Mikaelson mansion. "What are we doing here?"

"Seeing people who care about you."

"They care now, but they'll forget about me. We all knew I didn't have forever."

"Maybe you thought that, but they certainly didn't."

Tessa led her into the living room. Emilia heard their conversation.

Kol looks to his brother. "Can I trust you?"

Klaus replies to him. "Of course you can."

Kol asks him again. "I mean seriously can I trust you?"

Klaus replies. "Yes, you can."

Kol believes him. "What would you say if I tried to bring Lia back?"

"I'd say let's do it."

The brothers hugged each other and time felt slow for Emilia. Tessa looked at her and began walking in a different direction. "Don't you see? People do care about you." Emilia follows her as she walks. "They are smart and paranoid. If they didn't care about you they wouldn't be raising the one man on Earth who can make everyone's lives hell."

As Tessa was talking, Emilia went into the room Tessa was in. She looks at her coffin. She kind of wanted to see what she looked like. She opened the coffin and touched her foot accidentally. As she did that her eyes turned red and the part she touched started turning to ash. She screams at Tessa. "What's happening!"

Tessa looks at what she did in fright. "No, you weren't supposed to do that!" She drags Emilia away from the body. Emilia stares at what she did in fascination, interest, and a bit of confusion, eyes still bright red. Tessa snaps her fingers in front of Emilia's face trying to divert her attention. Eventually, Tessa can get Emilia to look at her as the fire stops. She tries to get her to focus hoping she didn't do too much. "You okay? How many numbers am I holding up?"

"Three?" Emilia guesses and passes out.

Tessa looks at her hand confused about how Emilia got it right, but immediately stops thinking about that and catches Emilia before her head hits the floor. She places her down gently. Her body begins to fizzle out of view. "Shit! No! No! No!"

Kol and Klaus come into the room smelling the smoke of the flames. They saw where the flames started and ended but they couldn't see what she had done. After Tessa left, Kol and Klaus inspected the room to see if anyone was there. When they looked into the coffin, Emilia's body was no longer there, in its place were ashes. Klaus looked around the room and shouted remembering the last time something like this happened. "Em! You there!" There was no response and he sighed. Klaus went to Emilia's coffin and put the ashes away.

Rebekah had been settling into her new place while all of this was happening. She had bought a big house just outside of Mystic Falls. She just needed a break from her brothers. Once alone, she had time for self-reflection, she finally thought about Emilia and her death. She broke down. For someone so powerful, she felt powerless. She was so strong yet she couldn't save her friend from a band of rag-tag humans.

She had been happy when she read that the council was killed. She was fairly sure one of her brothers had done it, she wouldn't have even been surprised if they did it together. However, once she read that it was due to a faulty gas line, she knew that her brothers hadn't done it for several reasons. First, if they had the bodies wouldn't have been found so quickly. Secondly, they would've made it dramatic, most likely with an ominous invitation to some sort of dinner where they became the meal. Third, she would've hoped to have been invited.

Rebekah didn't grieve too hard after the first night alone. First, she knew Emilia wouldn't want her to be grieving and living in the past. Secondly, knowing her brothers and after hearing the phone call about Silas, she knew that they would do whatever it took to get her back.

She just wished her brothers would tell her their plan, but she wasn't going to beg. She was too prideful for that. She'd wait for them to tell her.

She decided to go back to school and throw a party. She created some flyers and them up around the school. She walked into the history classroom with flyers. "Morning, everyone."

A random group of guys catcalls but she rolls her eyes walking over to Elena and Stefan. She hands out a couple flyers to a girl who looks like she'd die to be invited to a party. "So, I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts at fifth period and goes 'til whenever. Spread the word." The girl runs off so excited. She turns to Elena. "You're welcome to join, Elena if you'd like to bury the hatchet."

Rebekah hands Elena a flyer. Elena takes it. "It's a pretty enormous hatchet. Shouldn't you be grieving at home? Unless you don't really care about anyone."

She avoids Elena's question. "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit. I could say the same about you."

Elena looks at the flyer. "New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?"

"He didn't kick me out, I left."

"So, you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?"

Rebekah looks at Stefan. "Well, your boyfriend liked me once." Stefan looks up at her, clearly not happy to be dragged into it. "Actually, a lot more than once."

Rebekah smirks. Elena looks furious. Stefan defends his girlfriend. "Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?"

"Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman...?" She pauses dramatically. Elena's rage intensifies. Rebekah smiles. "Oh, that's right, I killed him."

Elena loses her temper and throws her pencil at Rebekah's face. Rebekah grabs it and throws it back at Elena, which impales her in the shoulder. They glare at each other. Elena removes the pencil from her chest and gets up before anyone else in class notices what just happened. Stefan and Elena walk out into the hallway. Elena is still visibly furious as Stefan gently holds her arm and tries to calm her down. "Just breathe, just breathe. You haven't felt this kind of rage before."

"I hate her."

Stefan and Elena talk together in the hallway. Elena decides to go to the restroom. She takes off her sweater before grabbing some tissues and rinsing her blood-soaked hands and shoulder with water. After a moment, a girl named Heather, the girl Rebekah gave the flyer to comes into the restroom. She walks into the restroom behind Elena with her hand clamped over her neck. "There you are. Rebekah sent me to see if you were okay."

Elena throws away the tissues. "I'm fine, Heather."

The girl looks at Elena. "I'm not."

Elena turns around and looks at her, confused. She sees blood dripping from Heather's neck underneath her hand. Elena starts to breathe heavily as she tries to resist the girl's blood. Rebekah enters the restroom. "What's wrong, Elena? Getting hungry?"

Heather removes her hand from her neck, making the blood easier to see and smell. Elena panics. "No, get-get away from me."

Rebekah wipes at the blood from Heather's neck with her finger. "But she's so delicious." She places her finger with blood on Elena's mouth.

Elena slaps her hand away. "You shouldn't be here. This is my school. It's my life. And I'm not gonna let you ruin it!"

"It's my school now. My life. Maybe you're the one who shouldn't be here. And I couldn't help but overhear that a vampire hunter is roaming the hallways." Rebekah rubs her hand over Heather's bloody neck wound. "How inconvenient for you." Rebekah rubs her bloody hand all over Elena's face. Elena vamps out and growls. "See you in the gym. I think it's dodgeball day." Rebekah makes a signal to Heather and she follows Rebekah out of the bathroom. Rebekah gives her some vampire blood letting her wound heal and compels her to forget about what she did.

Emilia woke up in the cave. She didn't open her eyes. She didn't know who was watching her. She heard Silas's voice. "I know you're not sleeping. You know I can hear your heartbeat." Emilia opened her eyes. She stood up to stretch. Silas looks at her confused. "You do that a lot?"

"It's called stretching. It's helpful to do when you've been sitting down on uncomfortable rocks all day."

"So what does it do?"

"It helps you keep muscles healthy. It's probably good for you since you lay on your back all day, but you're also an illusion, so I'm not sure how that works."

"No, I still feel my body and whatnot. So how do I do this?"

"Really? You want me to show you how to stretch," he nodded. "Alright then. First, you're going to bend down and touch your toes."

She starts to bend down for a second but feels his gaze on her. "Are you staring at my ass?"

He puts his hands up in defense. "Maybe but your ass is pretty nice."

She looks at his. "Yours isn't half bad."

"My ass is way better than half bad! You take that back!"

She laughed. "Never!"

He manipulated her mind. The location changed to a calm lake. There was a house nearby and she was at the edge of the dock. She was alone on the dock. It felt tranquil, quiet, and relaxing. All of a sudden, she felt someone grab her from behind and jump into the lake with her.

She felt the splash of the water in her face as she went under. She swam back up to the top and laid down in a T-position, floating in the middle of the lake. She looked up to the sky and she saw a pretty sky above her. She felt someone's hand near hers, but she didn't do anything about it. She just wanted to enjoy the moment.

They laid there for a while just relaxing for a short time in their lives.

Eventually, she moved out of her T-position and swam to the dock. She climbed up the little ladder and sat down. Silas got out of his position and started to swim over. He climbed up the ladder to sit next to her with his shirt fully off, while Emilia was still in the same clothes as before. She didn't trust him. "Why? Why did you bring me here?"

"What do you think?" She shrugged her shoulders so he tried to answer for her. "Because you deserve to experience the peaceful life you want."

"How would you know what I want?" His plan failed even before it could start. He didn't know what to say. She stood up. "You went through my head!"

The location started to change back into the cave and he now wore a shirt. His face wore an expression most people would recognize him with. "Qetsiyah has already gotten into your head. From now on there will be no more sleep for you. I will make you stay awake until I'm freed."

Emilia rolls her eyes, knowing this wouldn't be fun.

During the party, Rebekah and Elena had been fighting. Rebekah tried to burn Elena alive in the sun and Elena tried to use the white oak stake on her. Later, Rebekah rolled her eyes at Elena as she walked out of the house with Stefan to go on a motorcycle ride slightly jealous that Elena had people who cared about her so much in a romantic way. She went to the backyard and started to feel sick. She went behind a tree and started to throw up blood. Rebekah heard a voice behind her. "You ok back there?"

Rebekah smelt blood. Her veins darkened under her eyes. The girl looked at Rebekah's eyes seemingly unafraid. "Throwing up blood? I'm going to guess vampire with a werewolf bite. That sucks."

Rebekah's eyes went back to normal. "Who are you? How do you know about the supernatural?"

She holds her hand out. "Toni Danton, nice to meet you."

Rebekah shakes her hand. Rebekah's veins come out and Toni's hand glows for a second. They both realize what happened and are quiet, but Rebekah is the first to break the silence by hugging her. "I finally found you."

Toni is a little freaked out and lets her hug for a second, before pushing her away a little bit. "I'm glad we found each other, but first I have to deal with that werewolf bite."

Rebekah looks at her confused. "Don't worry I won't die, I'm an original. What are you going to do about it‏?"

Toni looks at her. "Trust me this will work and you can see what I am. Where is the bite?"

"I don't exactly know I think it was in the beer."

"Ok then just give me your hand." Rebekah gives Toni her hand and she grabs it. A glow forms around Toni's hands as she siphons off Rebekah. Rebekah grimaces in pain for a second but soon feels better.

Rebekah looks at her amazed. "You're one of those?"

"You can say it Bekah."

"You're a siphoner."

Emilia was in the cave and she was getting extremely tired. She hadn't been given any food or water. That made her more prone to exhaustion. In Silas's two thousand years of being in a cave, he had forgotten basic things that humans need to survive.

Silas had come out and seen her eyes closed, so each time he sent Zach out to give her an aneurysm to keep her awake. Zach didn't dare question him even though he knew this wouldn't do anything, but make her inevitable collapse quicker. One time would eventually be the last. Once again, Zach was commanded to give her an aneurysm. Emilia screamed in pain. She held her head, eyes glowing red. She could feel her collapse coming. She let the pain take over and she finally collapsed.

Emilia passed out and her body fizzled out of Silas's view. Silas looked to Zach. "You did this! This is your fault!"


"You knew what would happen if you did this and you didn't say anything!"

"I didn't want to argue with you!"

"Well guess you got what you didn't want. You're going to go find her and bring her back here no matter what!"

Zach stammered. "But.... If I get found..."

Silas interrupted him. "Guess you better not get found. Go!"

With that command, Zach was flung out of the cave and into the grass. He got up sure of what he needed to do.

While that was happening, Klaus was dealing with his own problems. He and Damon, but mostly Klaus, had set a trap for Connor at the hospital. After figuring out that Connor was part of the five, Klaus decided to imprison him because he'd help Klaus find the cure quicker.

Tessa had been roaming around the other side trying to find anyone that would be able to help her. Eventually, she was able to find one of her descendants, Bonnie Bennett. She didn't know if Bonnie knew any of the originals or not but knew that she was extremely powerful when she had her magic. However, first, she had to find some sort of connection that she could use to temporarily tether Emilia.

She thought of the ashes at the mansion and quickly scooped them up, bringing them with her. Once she found Bonnie, she didn't have to do much work. Shane had invited her to the college and also since he was compelled, called Kol and told him that a Bennett witch would be coming to one of his classes.

Kol had put on a hoodie and sat near the front of the class, so no one would be able to see him. He put his head down, pretending to be sleeping while he listened to the conversations in the rows behind him.

Elena whispers to Bonnie. "Is that him?"

Bonnie nods. "Yeah."

Elena whispers. "He's kind of..."


Kol rolls his eyes from under his hood. Professor Shane continues his lecture. "Now, in reality, or in this reality at least, witches appear to cross every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural; responsible for everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to vampires to doppelgängers."

Damon scoffs. "What is this guy, Witch-apedia?"

Elena laughs and Bonnie calms her down. "Shhh, shut up."

Professor Shane keeps talking. "Now, if you're a skeptic, you'd call that a coincidence. But, if you're a true believer, you know that there's really no such thing. It scares the crap out of us."

Elena whispers to Damon. "What if I'm a Ripper?"

"You're not a Ripper."

"What if I am?"

"Well then, pick someone and we'll find out."

Elena looks at him and he raises his eyebrows. Elena starts to look at the other people in the classroom. She looks at a boy in the front of the class sitting near Kol.

Damon shakes his head. "Stoner guys are no good to grab. They're too paranoid and you don't want the extra buzz."

They look further down the row. "Now, she is a fun size, a tutor. Geeky girls are inherently suspicious of anyone nice to them. What you want," He places his arm around Elena's shoulder and points at a girl. "Is the little blonde, pretty girl. Self-absorbed, easily flattered, you just have to separate her from the pack and make your move."

Damon points to Kol. "Or if you are feeling men then sleepy guys are the way to go. Also self-absorbed but way more unaware of the world around them."

Professor Shane speaks to Damon and Elena. "Am I interrupting you guys?" They both look at him and Shane responds. "Or is it maybe the other way around?"

Elena apologizes. "Sorry."

Damon adds on. "I was just saying how much I love witches."

Shane nods. "Yeah, you and me both, brother. Alright, listen, we should probably talk about the readings that none of you did." He turns around and looks at the board to continue teaching his class.

Toni looks to Bekah who is laying next to her. "Do we have to go see your brother?"

"Yes. He agreed to tell me about his plans."

"Plans for what? World domination?"

"No. He'd never tell me those."

"Then for what?"

Rebekah sits up in the bed. "What you need to know is that being a part of my family, being my soulmate, puts a huge target on your back. If you want to avoid that let's just stop now before you get in too deep. If you want we can just call this a random one-night stand, leave, and never speak of it again."

"Why would I do that?"

"Living for a thousand years brings you a lot of enemies, but more specifically against my brother, being tied to him, our family name, doesn't bring any good. Our track record at keeping soulmates alive is so far zero for two, not including you."

"What do you expect me to do? Just leave? I mean you're my literal soulmate I can't just forget you."

"I don't know. Maybe I just wanted to let you know what you were getting into. Just try not to be scared of my brother he's done horrible things to all my previous lovers."

"It's a good thing I'm here to suck up any strength he has."

They give each other a quick peck on the lips before getting out of bed. They both get dressed, but Toni has to borrow some of Rebekah's clothes because she didn't have any there, yet. Rebekah promised they'd go shopping soon together.

They got in the car and Toni drove them both over to the mansion. Once in the parking lot, Rebekah looked at Toni. "I'm supposed to be fighting with my brother about throwing Elena's blood or something. We still don't have much left so he'll run out soon. Don't say anything about it. According to him, it's supposed to make the Salvatore's more willing to help, but honestly, we don't need them and the cure won't be for Elena. FYI, Elena is a Petrova doppelgänger."

"You know a Petrova dopplegänger? You know how many people would beg to use Elena's blood, even as a vampire."

"She's a dull vampire her blood means nothing anymore."

"If she's a doppelgänger, from what I've heard in the witching community, I think even as a vampire her blood still possesses its magical qualities."

"Are you saying that her vampire blood could possibly be used to turn a hybrid?"


"Don't tell my brother that. Let's go in."

Rebekah and Toni walk in together, holding each other's hands. They walk into the living room and split for a moment.

Klaus looks at the two in speculation. "Bekah, the first time you brought a lady home to meet the family." He turns to Toni, holding out his hand. "I'm Klaus, the older brother, and who might you be love?"

He holds out his hand and she shakes it. He starts to break her hand, so she siphons off of it to heal herself. He screams in pain but is unable to release his hand. "You know this could've been avoided if you didn't try to break my hand."

Seeing that they were both in pain, she forced the two apart. Rebekah looked to her soulmate. "You alright?"

Toni nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

Klaus stands back up watching the two. "Care to explain who you are and what your deal is with my sister."

Rebekah answers for them both. "She is my soulmate and you will treat her with respect."

"Why didn't you just say that? Let's go to the dining room shall we?" Klaus walks away leaving Toni and Rebekah alone.

Toni whispers to Rebekah. "Is he always like this?"

"Moody, then yes. He hasn't been for a while, but you'll get used to it."

Klaus peeks his head out through the hallway. "I'm the hybrid, you know I can hear you both. Now chop-chop we have a guest over."

"Coming Nik!"

They followed Klaus into the dining room where they spoke to Stefan about the cure and the five for the rest of the night. Klaus was happy Rebekah found her soulmate. Many years ago, all of the siblings made a pact that they would never lie about someone being their soulmate. He could easily tell they were soulmates. When they just were turned, the siblings discovered who Finn's soulmate was. They were all there to see it happen and there they created that pact, but this one included all the siblings.

He was also glad that she found someone who would love at his sister's pace. Rebekah tended to fall very fast so it was good at least from what he saw that her soulmate shared this quality.

Back at Whitmore, Professor Shane told Kol about Bonnie coming to his office. He needed Kol's help to get Bonnie to do magic again because he had a lot more knowledge about witches. Kol was walking towards the office when he saw Bonnie walking out. He purposefully bumped into her. "Bonnie Bennett, just the person I was looking for."

Bonnie backs up stammering. "What do you want?"

"Why would you assume I want something?"

"Have you met yourself?"

"True." He grabs her wrist forcing her to follow him. "Come with me."

He walks down a hallway or two before reaching Shane's office. He opens the wooden door and looks at Shane. "Out."

Shane nodded and quickly walked out of the office. Kol gestured to one of the two pillows on the floor. She sat down on one and she sat on the other. He stared her down for a moment then ended the silence. "I heard you lost your magic. How did it happen?"

Bonnie began. "That was the day Elena was transitioning. I went to the other side to try and keep Elena from transitioning into a vampire. Then," She paused for a bit not liking this part of the story but continued. "I saw my Grams. She told me I was doing something bad. After that, we were punished by the ancestors."

Kol was confused. He needed to ask one more question. "Are you sure there was no one else there?"

"No. Just me and my grams."

Kol thought of something. He had seen several emails sent to him by Professor Shane regarding why he performed the sacrifices. Kol knew what Bonnie needed to do. He went over to Shane's desk and grabbed a candle, placing it between him and Bonnie. "Light this up."

"I told you I didn't have magic."

"Do you have willpower? As a witch, you have an innate source of magic no one can take away from you. No matter what the ancestors say you can find it. You just have to look deep into your mind."

"Are you lying to me?"

"Why would I lie to you?"

"Give me hope that I can feel my magic again only to crush my spirits when you know it won't work."

"I was a witch when I wasn't a vampire and I've been alive for hundreds of years. I know many things. I have helped many witches. I promise you I know what I'm doing. I'm going to need you to close your eyes. Search your mind. This could take a while it can—"

"Found it!" While he was talking, she had already closed her mind and did what he said. She quickly lit up the candle.

Kol looked at the candle pleased with himself. "That was quick. Now it's time for a seance."

Bonnie looked at him. "Is it weird that I feel more powerful than before?"

"No. Most witches nowadays aren't properly taught how to use their magic. Old witches knew a lot more. Some of those things have been lost with time. I know many of their secrets."

"You know you should write a book or teach a class. Witchology 101."

"Yeah, I don't know about that. Now grab five candles and place them into a pentagram. Pentagrams are a great way for witches to concentrate their power." He sits down next to Bonnie. "Now remember that place you found, grab onto it. Do you know the words?"

"I think so. I remember reading something in my grandma's grimoire."


Bonnie chanted the words as she remembered from her grandmother's grimoire. She chanted all the words correctly. They waited for a little bit, but nothing happened. Kol looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure you reached that place in your mind because the spell you chanted should have worked."

Bonnie was about to respond to defend herself, but someone else answered for her. "She did it right Kol. Why else would I be here right now?"

Vanessa Morgan as Toni Dantin


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Who do you think showed up during the seance? Let me know down in the comments! 
