This time Emilia woke up to someone knocking on her door in the morning. She didn't know who it was, but she knew she wanted to go back to sleep. As quietly as she could, she went over to the door and locked it. She slowly walked back to her bed half asleep and plopped back in it. She placed her face into the pillow.

Right when she tried to go back to sleep, the banging started again. Emilia sighed. She could tell it wasn't Klaus. Usually, when he tried to wake her up, he'd try once, and then she'd simply lock the door and he'd go away. However, whoever was at the door was stubborn.

No one was more stubborn than Rebekah. She knew she was going to have to get up. She got herself out of bed and walked to the door. She opened the door rubbing her eyes. "Seriously six in the morning?"

Rebekah budges her way into the room. "I haven't seen you in weeks. I have a whole day planned for us."

"You couldn't have tried to wake me up later?"

"Nope. We have to clean up the mess from the dance."

"Yeah no."

"C'mon, please. You're my only friend in this wretched town."

Emilia goes and sits on her bed. "Yeah still no. You know you could literally just not do anything and Caroline would just do it herself. Was there a huge declaration that you were undaggered? If not just say you missed it cause you were daggered."

"Fine you don't have to go. But if you don't go we are going shopping. You desperately need some clothes." Emilia rolls her eyes. Rebekah sits at the foot of the bed. "Also, if you're not going I need details on your trip."

Rebekah only asked because she wanted to see what was going on with Emilia and her brother. Klaus and Elijah had told her before they left for Denver. Rebekah was totally cool with it, but she just wanted to hear if anything had happened between them.

Emilia scrunches her face in confusion. "What?"

"You know you and my brother." Emilia shakes her head. "Well you're hot and my brother is a flirt."

"Are you asking if we?" She nods. "Oh no. I've never even done it before. Don't care to."

"Is this like some sort of choice? Well, let me tell you that it's great. Even with women."

"No no sort of choice just never wanted to." She pauses. "Oh my god. Are you?" She nods her head. Emilia leans over the bed and gives Rebekah a high five. "You go, girl. They all know?"

"You think I would've gone a thousand years without telling them?"

Emilia shrugs her shoulders. "Well I don't know if you know this, but gay marriage is legal now."

"Really?" Emilia nods her head. "Wow, that's amazing. This century just keeps getting better." Rebekah pauses and changes the subject. "Do you find my brother attractive?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

Rebekah chuckles. "Well, it doesn't really matter. I was just curious. It's not like I'm going to tell him."

"Well yeah he looks nice, I'm not blind."


"And what? That's it."

Rebekah glances at the clock. "See ya. Have to head to the high school. And you better be ready to go shopping when I come back."

"You know I won't."

Rebekah walks out of the room and Emilia plops back into the bed. She manages to get about twenty minutes of sleep until she hears Rebekah slam a door downstairs. Emilia walks down the stairs to see Rebekah walking towards the living room. "What the hell is going on?"

Rebekah didn't bother to look at the fact that she was clearly not ready for whatever they had planned but explained the new threat. "Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me."

Klaus stops packing things and looks at his sister. "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead."

"Well, he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nik. Too strong."

Klaus questions Rebekah. "Where is he now?"

"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now."

"Fine. I'll collect Elena, we'll be on our way."

"Forget Elena! You don't need any more stupid hybrids!"

"What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us."

"We'll protect each other like we always have. Always and forever, Nik."

"I'm not leaving without her."

"I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own." Klaus looks at her but says nothing.

Rebekah glares at him. "Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care." Rebekah walks out of the room, walking into Tyler on the way out. "Move it, sire boy!"

Tyler looks at him. "What's her deal?" Klaus stares at him and Tyler goes into another room.

Emilia glares at Klaus. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Emilia pushes him with her eyes turning red. "How dare you treat her like that!"

He doesn't fight back. "The hybrids will protect us!"

"Seriously! If Alaric is apparently stronger than an original what would a hybrid that can be killed in seconds by the likes of Stefan and Damon do against Alaric! And who knows how long the hybrids will stay loyal! Look at Tyler! He's probably trying to find some way to break the bond as we speak!" At that moment Tyler walked past the door in Klaus's eyesight, he quickly walked backward when he saw Klaus glance in his direction.

Emilia didn't notice and continued to lecture him. "As Bekah said you don't need the hybrids. You have Bekah! She's been by your side for a thousand years! You have the rest of your siblings. Hell, I'm here too! Grow the fuck up and let's leave!"

Emilia walked out of the room and upstairs. As she left, she heard Klaus scream at his hybrids to pack the essentials. She smirked and Rebekah came back inside the house probably to get some stuff. She listens to Klaus order his hybrids around. "How is he actually packing?"

"I may have given him a little lecture."

Rebekah fist bumps her and walks into the living room, while Emilia went to the bathroom. After she came out of the bathroom, she sees Bekah speed towards her and hugs her. Rebekah hugs her a little too tight. "Thanks, E."

"Can't breathe. Might want to loosen your hug."

Rebekah releases Emilia. "He actually apologized to me. I can't believe it. What did you do to him?"

Emilia shrugs. "Sometimes he needs to be stood up to by someone outside the family."

Klaus speeds next to Rebekah. "Please Em anyone who gets to lecture me like that and live is family. Now let's get going."

They all walk outside and Rebekah shouts. "I call shotgun."

Klaus looks at Emilia. "Rebekah called it first."

Emilia unlocks the car and gets in the driver's seat. Rebekah gets into the front and Klaus into the back. They start to drive out of town. On the way, they pass the high school and Klaus listens to the conversation. "Bekah can I get Elena?"


He points to the window signaling for her to listen. "I think she's the solution to this problem. Hurry up and decide."

Rebekah sighs. "Fine. Go ahead."

Klaus speeds out of the car. Emilia looks at Rebekah confused. "Why did you let him do that?"

"Alaric's life is tied to hers. If she dies, then he dies too."

Emilia doesn't get to respond because Klaus speeds back into the car with Elena in his arms. Klaus looks at her. "Drive us back to the mansion Em."

Emilia has her hesitations but drives them back to the mansion. Several minutes later, they arrive and they all step out of the car. Once they get back, they all split up. Klaus goes left with Elena towards a living room. Emilia heads upstairs to a bathroom. Rebekah goes to the right towards the kitchen to drink a blood bag.

Klaus places Elena's body down on a chair. A nurse comes in and sets switches up Elena to get her blood drained. A couple minutes later, the nurse switches out the filled blood bag for a fresh one. Elena becomes weaker. Elena speaks to Klaus. "What about your hybrids? You'll need more than this to create your army."

Klaus takes one of the blood bags from the nurse. "These last few liters will have to suffice. You see, by attempting to kill us, my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need hybrids. I have my family."

"If you believe that, then why take my blood at all? You want a backup family. You know that your siblings will never trust you again."

Rebekah walks into the room sipping a blood bag. "Oh shut up Elena. Stop trying to cause a fight. We do trust him. We just have to remind him of what it means to be family half the time."

Klaus looks at his sister. "Hey."

"You know it's true Nik." She walks out of the room. She tries to go upstairs to check on Emilia but her neck is snapped from behind.

Inside the room containing Elena, Klaus is about to kill Tyler. "Goodbye, Tyler."

Klaus attempts to grab Tyler's heart out of his chest, but Tyler twists his arm around. Stefan and Damon come into the room. Damon grabs Klaus's other arm and Stefan puts his hand into Klaus's chest. Klaus' heartbeat begins slowing down and he begins to desiccate. Damon moves away from him and goes towards Elena, who is waking up. He helps her up and he gives her to Stefan who removed his hand from Klaus's chest. A hybrid who is watching this play out finds Rebekah. He manages to wake her up and tell her what happened to his brother.

Rebekah was deeply pained by that news. She was sad about her brother. She was also worried she and her other siblings would be next. She called Elijah and told him the news. Elijah told her that he'd get his body from Elena. Rebekah didn't know how Emilia would react. The one thing she was sure of was that Alaric would send the council after her, her siblings, and Emilia. Emilia was a lot easier to kill. She needed a head start and Rebekah didn't know if she would just up and leave. She decided to call her other brother. He answered the phone. "Hello, sister. Quite a nice day we have. No immediate threats. A day of relaxation."

Rebekah was annoyed. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"Sister. Language! I skipped town for half a day to get a decent snack. I'm pulling up into the driveway."

"Well, recap. Alaric is alive with a white oak stake. Nik has been desiccated somehow. And Emilia needs to get out of here quick."

"Ok. Then why are you standing around talking? She'd probably just go if you told her to."

"I don't know if she would Kol."

Kol rolled his eyes at his sister, but he knew that he was going to give in to whatever his sister was asking eventually. She always knew how to win him over. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

"Since you're not busy. I'm going to pass her off to you and you will get her out of town."

"What will you be doing?"

"Getting Nik's body back."

"Fine. I'm in front of the house."

Rebekah hangs up the phone and Emilia joins Rebekah. She sees an upset look on Rebekah's face. "What happened while I was in the bathroom, Bekah?"

"Nik's been desiccated."

"I've been gone for five minutes. Where is he?"

"I don't know." She speeds towards Emilia and quickly knocks her out. She gently grabs Emilia's body and starts to pick her up. "But I can only focus on one task at a time."

She speeds outside and finds Kol waiting outside. She passes her body off to Kol. "You know how upset she's going to be when she wakes up and figures out that you knocked her out."

"She'll have to realize it was for the best. Now go."

He places Emilia's body into the front seat of the car. He shuts the door and speeds into the driver's seat. He closes the door and starts to drive away from the house. He looks over at Emilia's unconscious body. She looked a bit peaceful just lying there. He wondered if she'd have to run with them. Despite her loyalties, he didn't think that she'd want to run for the rest of her years. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He had grown to enjoy her and didn't want to subject her to the horrible fate of the Mikaelsons.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. He picked up the phone. "Hello, Lijah."

"Brother. Do you promise to run and let Alaric chase us until Elena dies?"

"Wait what?"

"To get our brother's body back, these are the terms they will most likely agree to."

"Fine. I know you wouldn't make such a deal without leaving some caveats unsaid."

"So do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise. And what of Emilia?"

"What about her?"

"Do you think she'd really want to run away with us until Elena's natural death? Plus, she'll get old eventually. Are we going to subject the rest of her life to this? She wishes for things that she won't be able to get if she had to come with us?"

On the other line, Elijah was shocked by these words. He didn't believe that he had started to care for someone other than family so quick. "Brother. She may have to."

"Why would she? Despite her status as some unknown sort of supernatural, she's not bound to this family by anything more than friendship. As her supposed friends shouldn't we give her the life she deserves."

Elijah rolled his eyes. This was not the right time to consider becoming selfless. They were all being selfish, but it was worth it to him. "Kol. I'm going to tell you this one time and one time only. Emilia can't leave us. When you two touched, something happened."

Kol hung up the phone immediately. He could put two and two together and he knew what Elijah was going to say. He couldn't believe it. If what his brother was saying was true, then he couldn't let her go. He also wasn't completely shocked that it'd be someone like her. She spoke her mind and seemed alright with his vampirism, but he wasn't really looking for love. He also didn't have any feelings towards her yet. She wasn't his usual type in terms of looks, but that didn't mean she wasn't good looking to him. He wouldn't have picked her out of a crowd at first, but now, after knowing her, maybe he would.

A couple of hours later, Emilia is still unconscious and he gets a call from his sister who was in tears over her brother's, Klaus's, death. He meets Elijah in some woods a couple of hours out of Mystic Falls. Rebekah shows up behind them in tears. "He's gone. There was nothing I could do to stop it."

Rebekah and Elijah walk towards each other and embrace. "Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. You said that Niklaus turned their bloodline."

Kol responds. "He told Emilia himself that he did."

Elijah questions. "Then how are they still alive?"

Rebekah contemplates. "I don't know."

"Then we will have to run."

"I don't want to run anymore." Kol nods his head agreeing with Rebekah.

"We have a deal with them."

Kol replies. "Nik is dead Lijah. The deal is off. We can't do this anymore. She won't want to do this."

Rebekah looks at Elijah. "You told him?"

"He slightly implied that he was going to make her leave us."

"One brother dies and then the other starts to care."

There's a silence, not an uncomfortable one as everyone is thinking in their heads. After about a minute, Elijah breaks it. "Go ahead. Do it. I'll watch Emilia."

Kol looks confused. "Do what?"

Rebekah answers his question. "To kill Alaric, we have to kill Elena."

"Fun." Kol and Rebekah then speed away together.

Elijah walks over to the car. He sees Emilia stir in the front seat. He goes around and sits in the driver's seat. She wakes up. She immediately feels towards her back feeling that the bumps are still present. She looks to Elijah. "When, where, and what?"

"Well, it's currently two in the morning."

"Yeah, nevermind skip the where and the what. You can tell me when it's actually morning." She curls up back into the side of the car, falling back asleep. Elijah goes on his phone bored and starts to play a little iPhone game to pass the time. Eventually, he gets a text from his siblings that they've killed Alaric and that they are at the mansion. He sighs knowing that he's going to have to drive all the way back to Mystic Falls in the silence. He does so anyway and he makes it back to the house before sunrise. He places Emilia into the room she had been sleeping in. He writes a note to Emilia telling her to ask Rebekah and Kol for the what.

He leaves the house and goes to the airport. He flies back to New York before any of them even wake up.

Around nine in the morning, Rebekah wakes up and goes downstairs for breakfast. She grabs a blood bag out of the fridge and starts drinking it. She goes inside the living room and looks at the pictures Klaus had drawn. She picks one up and begins to choke up. She throws the picture down and knocks the rest of them off the table in a fit of rage. Damon enters the room behind her. "You should know better than to sneak up on a lady."

"Good advice. Have you seen one?"

Rebekah turns to face him. "Tragic about Elena. Not to make a grey cloud grayer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?"

Rebekah turns back around. Damon rushes at her with the indestructible white oak stake. She grabs his wrist and prevents him from killing her. She pushes him against a dresser and he drops the stake. Suddenly, someone starts firing wooden bullets through the window. Damon manages to escape but Rebekah is shot in the heart with an arrow and temporarily dies.

Around half an hour later, Kol wakes up and goes to get a blood bag. Soon after, Emilia wakes up. She sees the note next to her bed. She picks it up and reads it. After reading it, she crumples it up and goes into the bathroom. She throws the note into the trash and puts her hair up in a messy bun. She gets into some comfortable clothes and walks downstairs to the kitchen. She sees Kol sitting on a stool near the island. She sits a stool away from him. "What happened yesterday?"

"Where should I begin Lia?"

"The beginning."

"Well, Bekah knocked you out to get you out of Mystic Falls quicker. She gave you to me and then you were unconscious for a while."

Emilia interrupts him. "Does she realize if she had just told me that I would've left?"

He shrugs and continues with the story. "Klaus was desiccated by the Salvatore brothers. Then Elijah asked me to agree to a deal with Elena." He pauses, not wanting to continue, but Emilia noticed he wasn't telling her something.

"Then what?"

"He told me something."

"Just come out with it."

"Well, I just don't know how you will react."

"Then I'm going to the Grill to get breakfast because I'm not wasting my time trying to get information out of you that you won't give." She walks over to a drawer and gets out the keys to her car. "I'll be back in an hour."

He doesn't do anything and he lets her leave the house. She gets in her car and drives to the grill. She sits at a small table. She realizes that it's the table she sat at when she first came to Mystic Falls. She couldn't believe how much had happened since she first sat at the table. A waiter comes over to her table. "What would you like?"

"Breakfast burrito. No onions."

She sits there for a second. Then, she decides to scroll through her Instagram feed. Suddenly, a couple minutes later, the waiter taps her shoulder holding her burrito. She puts her phone in the pocket of her jacket and she looks up. "Thanks."

The waiter walks away but doesn't go too far, not that Emilia notices. He looks at her as she takes a bite of the burrito. Once, she takes a bite of it she realizes something's not right with it. She tries to spit it out, but he walks back towards her and forces her to swallow the food. She looks up at the waiter. She manages to croak out. "What the hell?"

She gets out of the chair, but her legs go limp. The waiter catches her before she falls and brings her to the back. He hands her to some deputies, who take her body and places her in a small black sedan. The car drives off.

Around twenty minutes later, the car stops finally at its destination. At this point, Emilia has pretty much woken up not that the driver knows that. The driver comes around and opens the door. She hadn't seen anything or anyone else as she had glanced, so she knew she was going to try and run.

The driver opens the door and goes in to unbuckle her seatbelt. He leans in and clicks the button to release. She knew it was time to go. She pulled her knee up as he was leaning in and she managed to hit his balls.

The man hunched over onto the floor of the car. She stepped over him and immediately made a run for it. She would follow the road until she got to some sort of civilization. She started to sprint.

She made it a hundred yards from the car until she fell to the floor in pain. A shot hit her in the stomach. She didn't know that there was someone ready to shoot all the people who tried to run.

That shot was one of the most painful things she had experienced in her entire life. She had felt death, sedation, and many other things, but this was one of the worse. She was hit in her stomach. In what felt like minutes and not seconds, she stared up into the sky unable to move or scream. She had somehow almost blanked out maybe because of the shock of the pain. But she was just there, in pain, not able to do anything about it.

Eventually, she felt her body being lifted from the soft grass. She could only look up. The blue sky turned to a brown ceiling as she was carried into the farm.

She could still hear. She heard screams nearby asking about her hurt figure and pleading for her release. It didn't matter. Nothing could change the damage that was already done.

The man who was carrying her opened a door and she could feel her body being lowered. He placed her in the back of the cell in the corner farthest from Rebekah. He leaves the area and shuts the door.

It felt like she was slowly regaining her senses like she left some sort of trance, she could clearly see that she was in some sort of ranch. However, she knew that she'd bleed out soon. She felt like if she moved she'd immediately bleed out and die.

Rebekah calls out to her, coughing a bit as she does so. "How are you doing E?"

"Great just trying to make sure I don't bleed out."

"Where were you shot?"

"I think in the stomach."

"Shit. Keep pressure on it. I don't know how long you'll have."

"Very reassuring. You know you didn't have to knock me out yesterday."

"Well, I was trying to avoid this situation." She pauses. "Do you think you can make it to me?"

Emilia tried to move forward, but she felt a lot of pain. "No." After she said this, she feels a buzz in her chest. She didn't know what it could be from until she finally felt her phone. She saw a familiar name. She answered it. "Where the hell are you? You said you were going to be back an hour ago."

She calls to anyone who'd answer. "Where are we?"

Stefan shrugs his shoulders and Rebekah tries to speak so he could hear her. "We don't bloody know where we are brother. It stinks of vervain and Stefan does is sulk. You have to come quick. E doesn't have too long left."

Everyone hears a loud noise at the door as a guard comes in. Kol speaks into the phone. "What's that noise?"

The guard heard Kol speak and walks towards Emilia's cell. He opens the door and comes in. "Thanks for accelerating the plan." He takes Emilia's phone out of her hands and throws it against the wall. The glass shatters onto the floor from the broken screen.

When he heard the line end, Kol became furious. They took his sister and his supposed soulmate.

All that bond meant was that this is the person you'd be happiest with. It truly wasn't even a bond. It was more like a signal. You could choose to accept or reject it. Even if the pair rejected it, they could still live perfectly happy and content lives.

To him, it didn't really matter if she was his soulmate. He grew to care for her somehow in their time together. It truly wasn't because of any bond or any prophecy that he wanted to save her. He just wanted to do it because he cared for her.

The first thing he did was go to the grill to see if there was anything that could help him figure out her location, but there was nothing. He went back home. He sped upstairs and grabbed Rebekah's hairbrush. He went to Emilia's room but soon realized that she didn't have anything that could be used for a locator spell. He had to find the Bennett witch.

Kol looked around town for a whole hour. Moments like this made him magic the most. He wanted to just do the spell himself, but he couldn't. He sped around the town's borders for another twenty minutes until he finally heard the Bennett near an abandoned house. He walks inside to see his very alive, dead brother. "Brother."

"Hello, Kol. Did you think it'd be that easy to kill me?"

"Sister said you were stabbed with the white oak. She said you went up in flames."

"Well, Ms. Bennett here made a tough choice to save her friends."

He looks to the witch. "Right. Bennett. Need a small teensy locator spell from you then I'll be on my way."

Klaus looks to his brother. "What would you need one of those for?"

"Our dear sister and Lia have been captured."

"Here comes the tough part. Miss Bennett has lost her magic. Luckily, I may know where they are. I saw Bekah this morning." Klaus then realizes what he just said and is pinned to the wall by Kol.

"Why wouldn't you save her?"

"I needed her to keep them busy."


He tries to move Kol's hand and he's finally able to. He pins Kol against the wall. "I didn't know if the witch could do the spell. I needed to make sure my cover was still intact."

"Again bullshit."

Klaus had enough of his brother's questions and let him go. "Do you want me to tell you where Bekah is?"

"Fine yes. Let's go."

Klaus speeds away and Kol follows him. Klaus speeds for about ten minutes until he comes to a dark road. Kol stops next to him. "There's nothing here."

He shrugs. "Well, this is the last place I saw her."

They look around and notice bright white lights in the distance. They walk towards the middle of the road to get a clear view of who is in the car. They squint but they can't see too much. Apparently, the driver noticed them because the car stopped. The door to the driver's side opened and Damon came out. "What the hell are you originals doing out here?" He looks at Klaus. "And how the hell are you alive?"

The door to the passenger seat opened. Matt came out holding a gun. "You almost killed me!" He shot it at Kol's stomach and Kol hunched over in pain.

Kol quickly pulled out the bullet and speeds over to him. "You need to learn respect. I'm an original."

Damon manages to get in between Kol and Matt. "Don't worry I'm going to kill him later, but he's the only one who knows where the Pastor's Ranch is."

Kol through Damon off him and onto the floor. "Easy fix." He went to Matt and placed him against the hood of the car. He looks into his eyes. "Where is the pastor's ranch?"

Matt spits into his face. "I'm on vervain."

Kol rolls his eyes. "Of course you are. I'll find it myself." He reaches his hand towards Matt about to rip out his heart. All of a sudden, he feels a pain in his neck. It was a wolf bite from his brother.

His hand goes to his neck. He looks to his brother. "Seriously? You're going to regret that."

Klaus looks at Kol with his infamous I did this for a reason look. Klaus then looks at Damon and Matt. "Let's go."

He places Kol into the backseat. Klaus then went to sit in the front seat. Matt looked at him and Klaus glared back at him. Matt went and sat in the backseat. Damon started to drive and turned on the radio.

The music played softly in the background, but Kol had begun to fidget a bit in the backseat. The werewolf bite had begun to get into his system. He felt extremely on edge. He knew that he'd soon need a drink. He tried to focus on anything besides the blood. He listened to the music in the background, but somehow all his thoughts would point back to human blood. He caught himself looking at Matt's neck too many times and it was taking everything in him not to drain Matt dry.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of a small house with a farm. Kol confirms with the group. "Is this it?" Matt nodded. "Great. You're coming with me."

Matt, Kol, and Damon all step out of the car and walk towards the house. "So, what, we just storm the place with zero weapons?"

"No. Max is it?"


"Well, you get the honor of being bait." He then viciously bites into Matt's neck causing Matt to fall to the ground, groaning in pain.

Damon taunts the man in the house. "Yoo-hoo! Anybody home? Big, bad vampires out here. One of us is practically rabid."

The man opens the front door and sees Matt on the ground, bleeding. "Let him go. The boy's innocent."

Damon replies to the pastor. "Well, that's the point. Give me Stefan and Elena, he's all yours." Kol looks at Damon. "Right and his friends too."

Damon grabs Matt by the scruff of his shirt and picks him up. "Come on, Pastor. You know I'll kill him. I want to kill him."

"Go away! You are not invited in and I'm not coming out!"

Klaus had been cluelessly watching the fight when all of a sudden, they are all shot out of nowhere.

For most of the day, Emilia hadn't been too focused on what was going on. She was more concerned about staying alive and she knew that she didn't have long. Later, Elena was dragged into the farm and was placed in her own cell across from Emilia. She had heard that Elena needed to complete the transition, but that was pretty much it. Emilia was surprised that she had made it this long considering where the bullet could be in her body. Every once in a while, she'd hear Rebekah telling her to keep her eyes open.

Now, the officers come back in carrying more vervain with them. Stefan and Rebekah look at each other and Rebekah nods her head. "I got this. Bring the other one in."

The other one walks past Emilia's cage. "How the hell are you still alive after the nasty shot I gave you?"

Emilia doesn't respond. She couldn't really move anywhere. All she could do was sit and wait for the time to go by. She didn't want to waste what little she had left starting an argument. She only survived for as long as she had because she had kept very intense pressure on the wound, but it hurt so much.

The officer left the barn. Rebekah speaks to the other one. "Excuse me? Hello, sir?" Rebekah starts pretending to cough. The officer loads his gun and walks over to her cage.

"I thought I told you to shut up."

"Here's the thing, my family we – we have money, castles, apartments, jewelry; just name your price and let me and my friend out. She's not even a vampire. She's about to die."

The officer gets closer to the cage. "Alaric told us that you both need to die."

Rebekah gets up and rushes towards the bars. The officer is startled. He pulls out his gun, but he falls back towards the bars of Stefan's cage. Stefan grabs him and slams the officer's head repeatedly against the bars until he starts to bleed. He drops the now dead officer on the floor towards Elena's cage. Elena is still sitting on the ground. She sees the dead officer lying close to her cage.

Stefan shouts to Elena. "Elena. Elena!"

Elena sees the blood slowly spreading across the floor. She reaches her hand out and reaches for the blood that is pouring from the wound. She reaches as far as she can but still cannot get close enough to get any blood. The blood is still running towards her and finally, she can place her fingertips in it. She puts her hand to her mouth and licks the blood off her fingers. She starts to regain the color in her face.

Emilia looks at Elena and coughs. "That was way too climatic."

Elena rolls her eyes with a smile, happy that she isn't going to die. She reaches towards the dead officer and gets more blood on her fingers. She drinks more blood.

Emilia feels a sudden burst of pain in her stomach and looks at the blood. She manages to cough out. "Hey, Bekah."


"Bekah the blood is seeping through, I don't think I can go for too much longer. Just live a good life. Go off to New York or wherever you want and fall in love and be happy. Just don't end up with Matt."

Rebekah starts tearing up through the wall. "No, you can't talk like that. You are not going to go. You have so much to live for. You didn't even get to say goodbye to everyone."

"It's not really my choice. Please tell them not to grieve me too hard. I've died before. I won't even realize it. Plus, you'll all forget about me one day. You will all find your soulmates and live happy lives as one big family. You don't need me."

She pauses and then continues. "You can tell Klaus that he can bury me in Chicago if he wants. I don't care anymore."

"Seriously! You can't talk like that! We need you!"

Emilia tries to laugh but ends up coughing. "Maybe you all needed me to go. And I'm not dying now. I may have a couple of minutes left."

"You sure you can't make it to me?"

"There's broken glass covering the path to you. I also wouldn't be surprised if the wound is infected. I think the reason I only survived so long was because it didn't hit any organs. I may have not done everything I wanted, but I'm glad I met you and your crazy ass family. Hell, I would've died in Chicago at sixteen if I hadn't met your brother. But after that, you all kind of grew on me. You guys always had my best interests at heart or at least you thought you did. That's what friends do."

Rebekah was tearing up in her cell. Emilia looks to Elena. "Hey, Elena." She pauses. "At least one of us got to survive this hellhole."

She looks to both Stefan and Elena. "At least now that you are a vampire, you definitely have a soulmate. But I'm hoping it's you, Stefan. And I'm sorry Klaus killed Jenna and how everything ended up going down with the ritual. If Bonnie's ancestors hadn't killed me, I would've done a lot of things differently, including keeping Jenna alive. She was a great person."

Elena looks down. "Thanks, but we had no clue that you knew Klaus. You were like some cool double agent."

"Double agent with double the deaths. How ironic."

"I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but you told me your dad was a supernatural encyclopedia who died when we first met. Was that true?"

"No. I've never actually met my dad. Got no clue who he is either."

While Emilia and Rebekah were talking in the ranch, Kol was waking up to the pitter-patter of the deputies' heartbeats. He went off instinct. He got up and sped towards one of the officers. He tasted delicious blood as he ripped into the officer's neck and fed. The head of the officer left his body as Kol finished. Again, he sped to the other officer and repeated the process.

Once he finished his feed, he looked to his brother. He bit into his brother, immediately feeling better. He was glad the bite hadn't been in his system long enough to cause hallucinations.

Klaus woke up to his brother biting into him. He felt the area heal up and Kol helped him up. Kol grabbed a set of keys from the deputy's dead body. They both looked to the barn and figured that they would be held in there. They sped over there and opened the lock with the keys Kol found. They ripped open the door and stepped inside.

However, they started to cough when they felt the massive concentration of vervain in the air. They hadn't expected that much vervain all at once. They had to stop until they got used to the vervain.

No one spoke when they saw Klaus and Kol come in. Elena and Stefan were hoping in their minds that Klaus or Kol would open up their cages. Rebekah was happy that someone was here to save her and Emilia, but didn't have enough strength to say anything. Emilia didn't even see them. Her senses had dulled and her heartbeat was slowing down.

When they finally gathered enough strength, they sped to Rebekah's cage. He managed to open her cage with one of their first keys. Rebekah limped over to them and hung onto Klaus.

Kol sped over to Emilia's cage and tried to use the key that worked on Rebekah's. The key didn't work. He couldn't hear his brother and sister screaming at him to find the right key. At this point, the only thing they could hear was the slowing of Emilia's heartbeat. He was trying any key he could see, but they weren't working. On top of that, he was fumbling with them and dropping them due to worry and weakness.

Finally, he found the right key and opened the cage. As he stepped inside the cage, he couldn't hear it anymore. "No."

He sped towards her and bit into his wrist. He went to put it towards her, but he immediately felt the burn of her vervain tainted skin. He bites into his wrist again and grimaces at the pain. She doesn't swallow because it was too late.

She had already died. 


I literally almost cried while making this chapter! I didn't want to do it again *i'm sorry* but this will propel the way for the new season four! Yes, that's right! I've edited season four completely to make sure *duh, duh, duh* (not really a spoiler alert) Kol won't die! And no, it's not going to be some massive time jump. I've altered the plot a bit to make it more – well the way I want it. Also, Emilia will be present. You may be wondering how this will affect The Originals, and in this story *hopefully* not too much just everything may be pushed back a bit.

I also wanted to say thank you guys so much for supporting me and this story! You guys are truly the best especially since I know that it's taking quite a while for any action, but that's just because this is what would feel realistic for this relationship (between their two personalities especially Emilia who'd be a lot more hesitant) that's with a fictional character in a fictional story in a fictional world ;)

Nonetheless, I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope you guys will like the direction I take this story in! (it won't exactly become AU) I know I don't update as much as I like but I try to make each chapter have as much development that you all have been waiting for!

and yes, we are all nerds regardless if you want to admit it because we are reading/writing fanfiction for god sake

wow, that a/n be so long ;)
