47 The Judgement


Aman stunned seeing Dhruv's condition; who followed Arnav without his knowledge. He wanted to know what Arnav is doing privately. He wanted to protect Arnav from all the problems. He suspected him that he is doing something BIG, seeing his abnormal gestures. Who else other than Aman could understand Arnav well?

Aman wanted to pity Dhruv but he couldn't. Dhruv played with many girls lives. Because of him, a few of them even committed suicide. It's not that easy to digest a grown-up girl's demise. How their parents would have cried for their daughters? How big they would have dreamt of their futures?

Aman could forgive anything but not what he did with Khushi who is his Bhabi... who should be considered to be next to his mother... How cultureless Dhruv is... how cruel he is... if he could do THAT to his brother's wife mercilessly, he won't deserve any mercy. He indeed deserves this punishment.

Aman silently got back from the place.


Khushi observed difference in Arnav. He looked disturbed. He shut the laptop irritatingly without logging it off. She got nervous seeing him like that who always looks cool and naughty. What happens to him?

Khushi was right. Arnav was disturbed. He couldn't be peaceful. Dhruv's miserable condition was killing him. Undoubtedly, Dhruv is a cruel guy but Arnav is not that kind even though Dhruv did unforgivable mistakes. He couldn't be so heartless. Dhruv's "please kill me" echoed in his mind. He shut his eyes, gritting his teeth. He opened his eyes feeling Khushi's soft touch on his back. Khushi sat beside him, looking into his eyes.

Khushi: What's wrong Arnavji?

Arnav nodded NO.

Khushi: Won't you tell me?

Arnav: Nothing Khushi.

Khushi: your eyes won't lie like your lips do Arnavji.

Arnav looked at her blinking softly.

Khushi: It's ok if you are not fine with telling me. But don't be sad Arnavji. I can't see you like this.

Arnav (making himself): I'm alright Khushi. Who else other than you could I share anything? You are a blue cross girl. A mild-hearted girl like you can't bear such things.

Khushi: What are you talking about?

Arnav: I have read the news today. Till then my mind is not getting into anything.

Khushi: What news?

Arnav: Leave it Khushi. You can't swallow it.

Khushi: Maybe, but without knowing it how can I make you feel better? Tell me, whatever it is.

Arnav: Khushi...

Khushi: Please Arnavji...

Arnav: A guy got a cruel punishment for his deeds.

Khushi: A guy?

Arnav: Yeah...

Khushi: What punishment?

Arnav: He had been bitten by aggressive fishes...

Khushi (shockingly): Whaaat!

Arnav nodded yes.

Khushi: What he did?

Arnav: He ruined many girls' lives. Because of him, a few girls committed suicide. He raped them.

Khushi: Then he deserves it.

She said gritting her teeth whereas Arnav was looking at her without interrupting.

Khushi: These kind of men are not to be pitied Arnavji. You don't have to be upset for a rapist. Just think, what you will do if one of the girls is close to your heart? Still, will you feel pity for him? Won't your blood boil to kill that scoundrel? Stop worrying for an undeserving person Arnavji. You are Arnav Singh Raizada... I want you to be on the right side. I didn't expect that you would react this way for rouge.

She pouted.

Arnav: I think you will curse the person who punished him.

Khushi: Why should I Arnavji? Pitying for animals is different. But this kind of heartless men doesn't deserve it. They have to be punished.

Arnav smiled at her. Khushi became glad seeing his smile.

Khushi (sighing): Thank God... (Pinching his cheeks) this is how you should be... always, smiling.

She dashed his forehead. Arnav smiled at her.

Khushi: I think you are not out yet...

Arnav: I'm alright.

Khushi: ohh really? Don't I know this face that how it smirks at me?

Arnav smiled at her as he already got relieved by her words.

Khushi: This beautiful face shouldn't be like this...

She sat on his lap, circling his neck. Arnav looked at her amazingly. He wanted to enjoy the moment as she is taking steps to make him feel better.

Arnav looked down intentionally as if he is still sad, controlling his joy. Khushi cupped his face and leaned like kissing him. Arnav was excited to be kissed. Khushi stood from his lap making him disappointed.

Khushi: Don't be so excited. Drama King...

She showed her thumb down and giggled.

Khushi turned towards the poolside. In a jiffy, Arnav caught her upper hand and pulled her towards him.

Arnav: This is not fair...

Khushi: What?

Arnav: Complete what you just started.

Khushi: I didn't start anything.

Arnav: you were... about to...

Khushi: You were sad...but not now... it's over.

Arnav: Nothing got over. If you don't start then I will start. And I won't complete it soon.

Khushi: Arnavji stops this... I just wanted you to come out of the grief.

Arnav: I don't come yet. Not until I get what I want.

Khushi: I have to prepare dinner.

Arnav (tightening his grip) : HP will do. You just serve yourself first and have what I serve for you.

Khushi: Arnavji...

She pushed him but she couldn't.

Khushi: Arnavji, this is unhealthy to make love every day.

Arnav(chuckled): I don't want such bloody health.

Khushi (sighing): Incorrigible...

Arnav: Don't even try...

He lifted her to the recliner making her confuse as she expected him to take her to the bed. He sat on it and made her sit on his lap, circling his waist.

Khushi: What's this?

Arnav: Let's try something new...

Khushi widened her eyes.

Khushi: Unbelievable...

Arnav(whispering): You will... when you reach a new level of pleasure.

He kissed her crook of the neck. He didn't get a part and stayed. Khushi sensed wetness on her neck. He was planting wet kisses... in every inch. Khushi clutched his hair to get the grip. Khushi couldn't resist herself from flinching back, giving him enough space to play.

Their new session on the recliner gave a new level of pleasure to them as Arnav said. Arnav was leaning on the recliner panting hard whereas Khushi was leaning on his shoulder.

Khushi (panting): How do you know all this?

Arnav (chuckling softly): Every man on the earth knows everything.

Khushi: How?

Arnav (laughing): We research it.

Khushi: Do you have time for it?

Arnav: This is the main work. Remaining work comes after this...

Khushi hit on his chest and he chuckled.

Arnav: We will have different sessions every day. Ok?

Khushi looked at him shockingly, raising her head.

Khushi: Everyday?

Arnav: As I'm nearing thirty, I can't waste my life. Right?

Khushi pouted at him. She was repenting for saying "you are not a youth but thirty".

Arnav Singh Raizada was proving himself a youthful, not missing a single chance.


Arnav sat on the bed. Sleep was far away from his eyes. He silently came to the poolside and dialled Lallan. Lallan woke up from his sleep and widened his eyes, seeing Arnav's number.

Lallan: ASR... do you want me to throw him in the fish tank now?

Arnav: Nope. Kill him.

Lallan: Whaaaat!

Arnav: Just kill him and throw his body in the river Yamuna, tying with a big stone.

Lallan: With stone?

Arnav: Yup. Tell the place to Naushad where you threw his body. He will do remaining.

Lallan: Ok ASR.

Arnav: Threw the fishes also in the river.

Lallan: Ok.

Arnav disconnected the call and sat on the chair looking at the pool water. He leaned on the chair closing his eyes, gulping.

NK heard the conversation and understood what Arnav had done.

NK was roaming in RM. It was his regular duty since Dhruv got escaped. He was not getting peaceful sleep from the time Dhruv escaped from RM. He couldn't underestimate Dhruv. What if he again entered RM? He may harm Arnav and Khushi which he couldn't let happen. Though Arnav tightened the security into triple NK was not satisfied. He was roaming in nights and sleeping in the living room since he got to know that Dhruv would go to any extent. He has lost all the concern for Dhruv. He wanted to kill him by his own hands. He was confused about seeing Arnav's silence. He knew Arnav; he will move in silent and only speaks by his actions. That's what he had done in Dhruv's matter. As a husband, he was not wrong. No husband could forgive Dhruv for what he tried to do to his wife. NK left the place silently. He lay on the bed closing his eyes. He slept peacefully after many days as Dhruv won't enter RM anymore.

To be continued...

Today's Inkitt  update

Blissful to be loved

Next day in AR

Arnav got confused not finding NK and Aman in AR. And he was more confused as Assistant Commissioner Naushad was not attending his call. He was waiting to perform the final ritual for Dhruv. So he dialled the commissioner to get the information.

Arnav: Arnav Singh Raizada speaking.

Commissioner: Yes ASR...?

Arnav: Where is Naushad? He is not attending my call.

To read the above update, use my inkitt link dearies...
