44 End of Hide and Seek


Next Morning

Arnav caressed the bed, closing his eyes, expecting Khushi beside him. He opened his eyes not fining her. He looked at the clock. It was 6 o'clock. Why did she wake up so earlier? He saw her coming from the washroom, finishing bath. She smiled at him with a cute blush.

Arnav: Who gave you the permission to get off the bed?

He asked sitting on the bed.

Khushi: Should I get permission for everything?

Arnav: Nor for everything but this. It's just 6o' clock, come here.

Khushi: No. I have to do pooja.

Arnav: You can do it later, come and sleep with me.

Khushi: But I already took a bath.

Arnav: IT's your mistake to leave the bed.

Khushi dropped her jaw and started wiping her hair not listening to him.

Arnav got down from the bed and advanced her.

Khushi: Arnavji... don't touch me...

Arnav: Why?

Khushi: I have to take bathe another time then...

Arnav: that's good. We will take a bath together.

Khushi: Shameless...

Arnav came close to her.

Khushi: Arnavji... stop... don't come near me.

Arnav: What will you do if I touch you.

He extended his hand towards her like touching her.

Khushi: No... No...

Khushi ran to the tea table and took the knife from the fruit tray. Arnav chuckled at her.

Khushi: I warn you Arnavji... you know me...

Arnav(taking steps close to her): Yeah... I know you.

Khushi: Arnavji don't underestimate me...

Arnav: Not at all. Come on stab me.

Khushi(making face): Arnavji...

Arnav: Yeah... it's me.

He got close to her and stood pressing the knife tip by his stomach. Khushi took a step back step and threw the knife away fearfully.

Arnav: Why?

She checked his stomach and sighed in relief.

Arnav (laughingly): You touched me.

She punched his chest pouting.

Arnav: I didn't touch you but you touched me.

Khushi: Ohh God, I have to take bath to do pooja

Arnav: Today is leave to pooja. Come...

Khushi: No...

Arnav: God won't be angry with you.

He raised her in his arms and brought her to the bed.

Khushi: Arnavji...

Arnav: is it necessary to do pooja every day?

Khushi: Of course...

Arnav: People usually pray in their hard times to do business with God, demanding like, I will offer you "this" if you give me "this"....

Khushi: I'm not that kind who demands from God. I will thank her when she makes me happy.

Arnav: Wow... that's good. So, you are happy now?

Khushi nodded yes.

Arnav: Why?

Khushi: Because God gave me a crazy husband.

That's when Khushi observed that she was on the bed and Arnav was over her.

Khushi: What the... leave me...

Arnav: No way. Crazy husband won't listen to his wife.

Khushi: Are not you getting late to the office?

Arnav: I'm not going today.

Khushi: Arnavji...

Arnav: Give some rest to your mouth.

Saying, he lay on her chest, pressing himself on her and covered them with quilt.

After a while...

Arnav woke up from his sleep as his phone rang. He took the mobile not disturbing Khushi who was sleeping on his chest.

Arnav: Hello...


Arnav: Who is that?

He closed his eyes again and kissed Khushi's hair.

"Sir, I'm Assistant commissioner Naushad"

Arnav: Yes...

Naushad: ASR, we traced Dhruv place through voice detector...

Arnav (opening his eyes): Wait a minute....

He placed Khushi on the bed and came to the poolside.

Arnav: Yes, tell me...

Naushad: NK sir sent us Dhruv's voice. We find him when he called someone. What do you want us to do now, sir?

Arnav: Where is he?

Naushad: He is in Ghaziabad.

Arnav: Make sure that he is not leaving the place.

Naushad: No way sir, our sources are watching his place.

Arnav: Give me the address. My men will take care of him. You just watch him until my men reach the place.

Naushad: Ok sir.

Arnav: Thank you.

He disconnected the call and dialed Lallan. He attended it right away.

Arnav: Lallan...

Lallan: Yes ASR...

Arnav: Dhruv got caught...

Lallan: Where is he?

Arnav: Ghaziabad...

Lallan: I'm going...

Arnav: Take your men... I don't want any mistake happen this time. Keep it in your mind, he should not escape. If he slips this time, don't you and your men dare to enter Delhi. Runaway somewhere....

Lallan: No way ASR... we are equally angry with him. If he tries to escape, we don't mind killing him.

Arnav(hurriedly): No... don't... his death won't be that easy... understood?

He said gritting his teeth. Though his tone was low in the cautious of not to wake Khushi up it looked enough danger to make Lallan shiver...

Lallan: Yes ASR...

Arnav: Call me after reaching Delhi.

Lallan: ok.

They disconnected the call. Arnav dialed again while looking at Khushi, making sure of her sleeping.

Arnav: Kunaal....

Kunaal: Good morning ASR...

Arnav: When did you put FOOD for fishes?

Kunaal: Yesterday morning. As per your order I'm putting them food for only one time and also very less amount.

Arnav: Don't put them food until I say.

Kunaal: But...

Arnav: They will get grand treat tomorrow.

Kunaal: Ohh... ok...

Arnav: You can take leave. My men will take care of them from now on words.

Kunaal: Don't you want me to instruct them?

Arnav: They knew, when and how to put the food.

Kunaal: Ok... see you ASR.

Arnav: Bye.

Arnav went to the washroom. He came out in a few minutes, getting fresh. He saw Khushi still sleeping. He dressed up and left RM as he can't talk freely if Khushi wakes up.

Within one and half an hour, Lallan and his men reached Ghaziabad. Naushad saw them. He reached them.

Naushad: Commissioner called me, there may be checking in the check-posts. I will bring him by police jeep till Delhi and hand over him to you there.

Lallan: yup, just now ASR called me and conveyed the message.

Naushad: Wait here...

If our time is BAD, Dog will bite us at any cost no matter if you are sitting on the camel.

It seems Dhruv's BAD time has started. Poor guy, he is trying MARIJUANA for the first time. He got stuck seeing police entering. He tried to run but got surrounded by them. They handcuffed him and brought to the jeep.

Dhruv's blood froze seeing Lallan and his man standing, looking at him wrathfully. He gulped hard and looked at Naushad who gestured them through his eyes.

Dhruv tried to snatch the .303 rifle from the policeman to stab himself. It will be better dying than going in Arnav's hand. But Naushad punched hard on his face as if he expected that. The policemen threw him inside the jeep and started to Delhi. Dhruv's heart was beating faster, seeing Lallan and his men are following him.

To be continued......

Today's inkitt update

Blood Stain

Dhruv was planning to escape from the police because if he reached Lallan and his men's hand then no one could save him. He knew to where he will be taken... to the building which is located in Delhi. It was the heart of the city. To reach the place, they have to cross many signals. If he raises his voice like police is misusing their power on him, he will get the public's attention. It may turn in to HUMAN RIGHTS issue. Then, without any option left, Police should surrender him to the police station. They can't dare to kill him if he gets the Human Rights Commission's attention. Thank God they didn't close his mouth. He was planning to shout when their jeep crossing the signals.

To read the above update, use my inkitt link dearies...
