Chapter 85

Third Reich's view:

He's right! At least we can try. Soviet kisses my cheek and hugs my cheek. I start to smile slightly. "Let's take care of it!", he says and carries me out of the room again. He asks one of the people if they could take us to the NSDAP. I'm so glad to have Soviet with me. I really hope that she can and will help me.

Shortly thereafter we are sitting in a car to get on a plane that flies to Ukraine. I didn't expect that she was still in Europe. Soviet and I read books and watching films. I also exchange caresses with him from time to time. When we land we get back in a car and drive into the countryside and to a larger house.

Soviet gets out first because like a gentleman he opens the car door for me and bows a little. I think it's so cute of him, but also over the top. I kiss him and take his hand before we go to the building. It should be a tavern. He lets me in. I'm more uncertain, but it's too late to turn back. We trot along the hallway and hear voices which we follow.

"You get that!", laughs a woman full of glee. "If you win another round, get ready to die!", a man hisses angrily. I peek into the room where NSDAP, Switzerland, Berlin and an unknown with a blue and yellow flag with a trident in the middle are sitting playing a game of cards.

I've never seen a statehuman, a partyhuman, a countryhuman and a stranger at a table. Soviet whispers to me: "Do you want to go ahead or me?" "You please.", I reply, feeling a little uncomfortable. Soviet kisses my cheek briefly before entering the room. The stranger notices him first and passes on the message that Soviet has entered the room.

Everyone looked at him silently and one by one. NSDAP looks sideways unenthusiastic to Soviet. She has slight wrinkles and her blue eyes have become very greyish and look like fog. She would look more friendly if she smiled. "What do you want here, communist?", she asks annoyed and puts a smoking cigarette to her red lips.

I didn't realize earlier that she was smoking. Since when does she smoke? "I would like to ask the Nazi for some help.", he replied. The unknown and they start laughing and the rest get on. My Soviet makes it clear: "This is serious!" She stands up before walking towards him and blowing smoke from the cigarette in his face, making him cough.

"Why should I help you?", she asked him, "As you can see, I have more important things to do here than taking care of such a joke as you." She then kicks him between the legs, causing him to wince and my Soviet to cramp up in pain. He makes such painful noises that I stomp into the room in a bad mood.

She first looks on in surprise, wide-eyed, then stands up straight, then raises her arm as if reaching for a high shelf, but with her hand outstretched. Honestly I think it's nice that she would like to greet me in a fancy way but I don't want to hear about it as she hurt my Soviet and we're running out of time.

I take her arm and I'm getting a stunned look from her. She still tries to greet me: "Heil m-" "I don't want to hear about it right now, I'm running out of time." I make it clear to her and she also stops after I have interrupted her. I look at Soviet and put an arm on his shoulder. A tear or two runs down his cheeks.

My poor Soviet! "What do you need my help with, my Führer?", asked NSDAP. I say, "I'll tell you in a moment, but I also need Soviet Union with me." He looks at her in a bad mood. "Does that have to be?", she asks, not particularly enthusiastic. "Yes, it has to be like that!", I answer her. I can see Soviet wanting to yell swear words, but I look at him so he doesn't.

I help Soviet go to another room with me. NSDAP tries to show their bad mood and their respect for me at the same time and it doesn't work very well. Soviet sits down, still in pain, so I rub his arm and back. She sits straight across from us and waits while sitting still.

"NSDAP I came to see you because Britain injected something into my body, I don't know what it is and I heard in my last dream that next time I sleep I will die. A red eye-", I stop talking briefly when the NSDAP looks at me in shock and wide-eyed and I continue to tell:

"... said that I will lose all memories and I will become his doll and he will kill me from the inside." "Why didn't you tell me that in detail?", Soviet asks. I answer him: "I was panicking too much at that moment." I notice that NSDAP is trying to sneak out of the room.

"NSDAP?", I ask, because I don't understand why she's trying to run away so suddenly. "I-I can't help you.", she claims anxiously. I ask her: "Please at least try! My life is at stake!" She turns to me with a frightened expression and says: "I'd like to help you b-but I can't!" I beg more desperately: "NSDAP you are the only one who can help me!"

"Please Greater German Reich don't do this to me. I'm already trying to avoid them and fled here. I beg you! Please don't involve me in this, I have enough problems with them.", she begs again. "Please help me?", I ask her again. "I'll be killed if I help you.

They brought you to life and they have the right to take your life away. It's none of my business.", she convinces herself. "Please NSDAP! We can offer you protection from whoever you're afraid of.", I try to convince her. "No, you can't!", she says and before she disappears she says: "No one can stop them."

Then our last hope disappears. I lean on Soviet's shoulder. My last hope is gone. He puts his arm around me and I start to cry. Soviet hugs me and I cling to him. I start crying into his chest. What should I do now? Am I going to die now?


- 1079 words

- Original: 7/1/2023

- Translation: 7/31/2023
