Chapter 44

Third Reich's view:

I'm a little uncomfortable with the situation. "Reich? How about if you get out of here, can we go get ice cream?", Soviet offers me. To be honest, I would really like an ice cream. "I'd love to!", I answer briefly. He informs me: "By the way, we will stay with Russia for a while.

FRG will be in a lot of trouble too, since she attacked you and hurt you." The scene with FRG is slowly coming back to me. How can my own daughter, my own flesh and blood, do such a thing to me? She has hurt me before, but this sight and this feeling in me was horrible!

It was like... there is nothing I can describe or compare this pain to. I could see from her eyes alone that she is not who she used to be. She was a shy young girl who loved mythical creatures and fairy tales and was willing to try to read with me. What happened to the little girl I remember? I don't even know how to describe her now.

Her look as she rammed the knife into me was filled with madness, glee, destructiveness and as if it were some sort of prize she was getting or a goal she'd accomplished. What have they done to my daughter?! What have those monsters done to her?! "Reich?", I hear from Soviet, who pulls me out of my thoughts, "What's the matter?" I look at him.

I want him to know what's going on, so I ask him: "How would it feel for you if your own daughter, whom you lovingly raised, rams a knife into your chest and looks at you like she's gone insane?" He looks down a bit. I didn't want him to seem rude or anything.

I was about to start talking: "Sov-" He interrupts me: "Everything is good, Reich! I don't know how it feels, but I can see it's awful." I want to get off topic: "You said she was in trouble because she attacked me? I don't think she's going to be in trouble.

It's like this every time: A countryhuman does something that they shouldn't do and the victims want to make sure that they get their punishment, but the countryhuman doesn't have to pay a single coin. That's the advantage of being a countryhuman or a politician and working for the bad guys." Soviet agrees: "You're right about that, but-"

I cut him off: "Besides, we're the only witnesses. People think I attacked Poland's country just for fun and that he's supposedly so traumatized because he was captured and tortured by me personally. They-"

"Who told you that?", he cuts me off and looks at me in shock and confusion. "The documentary I watched said that nonsense.", I reply, "Now I partially know what people think of me. They think I'm a racist, a murderer... a mass murderer, a criminal whose deeds cannot be undone, a-"

Soviet interrupts me again: "They've been drummed that into them for so long. I know that some, including you, have been forced to obey orders because you've been threatened. You and a few others are not who you are made out to be, you especially you are the complete opposite of that.

You are compassionate and you wanted to make the people of your country aware of what is really important and you tried to save as many as you could. When everything was hopeless, you traveled around the country and helped the people as best you could.

Most who aren't very nice haven't noticed you. But others with more sense called you crazy and wanted to stop you, but you didn't let them tell you what to do. At least until Martin figures that out... Reich we'll find a way and everything will be fine."

In the middle of what Soviet is telling me, I'm getting sick again. Soviet seems to have noticed as he runs to the closet and brings me a bowl. My stomach contents are coming out again, but the strange thing is that you can't really see anything, there is mucus, but nothing else is inside. After taking care of me, Soviet puts the bowl away from me and asks me: "Can I lie down with you?"

"Yes, lie down with me if you want.", I answer him. I slide a little to the side so that he can lie down next to me. "Dad no! You won't lie beside Reich, there's not enough space in the hospital bed." Russia complains as he's just entered the room. Are we in a hospital? It looks and smells different than the hospital room where Soviet was recently.

"Reich allowed me to, besides, shouldn't I, as your father, tell you what you have to do?", comes from Soviet, who is about to get onto my bed but stopped in the middle because of Russia. Soviet lies down next to me without waiting for an answer and puts his head on my shoulder while Russia angrily tries to form a sentence.

The two seem to have issues with trust and respect if they behave like this every time. "Habe ich etwas verpasst? (Did I miss something?)", Deutschland asks as he enters. Russia turns to him and says: "No, you didn't really miss anything." Soviet puts his arm around my stomach and pulls the blanket further over us.

I hear my brother whisper: "Sehen sie nicht süß zusammen aus? (Don't they look cute together?)" "Да, но нет ничего и никого милее тебя~ (Yes, but there is nothing cuter than you~)", comes from Russia as he pulls my little brother towards him by his waist. I can see both of them turning quite red or blood red in the face.

Somehow I don't like it, but at the same time I'm a bit jealous of them both. Wait a minute! Deutschland wanted to get me something against surrendering. I prefer to be quiet for now though, as I don't want to disturb or interrupt them. I look at my chest as a distraction and feel the area of the injury a little, wanting to know how bad the pain is.

At first I think it wouldn't be that bad, although I was terribly wrong. It's probably the most painful injury I've ever had. Soviet gently removes my hand from the spot with his left hand before snuggling me even more.

I can still feel my tiredness and snuggle up to Soviet. He then kisses my forehead. I loosen up and relax. "Bruder, bevor du einschläfst, musst du das hier essen. (Brother, before you go to sleep you have to eat this.)", my brother tells me and gives me a pill. I take it from him and eat them as he pleases. Then I make myself comfortable again and slowly fall asleep.


- 1128 words

- Original: 10/22/2021

- Translation: 5/30/2023
