Lost in Blank Stares


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

As a not experienced author, I appreciate your understanding and support.

This story represents my initial foray into creative writing, and any feedback is welcome to help me improve. Please note that while I have made every effort to ensure accuracy and consistency, there may be unintentional errors or inconsistencies.

Content Warning:

This story contains themes and scenes that may be disturbing or triggering to some readers. Specific content includes, but is not limited to: Violence, Abuse, Explicit language,Vulgar language and Portrayals of divorce.

Additionally, this story includes jokes and humor that some readers may find uncomfortable or offensive.

Please understand the characters before forming any opinions. If you find my story boring, uncomfortable, or otherwise unappealing, you are free to stop reading without announcing it.

Remember, hate the characters, not the author.

Additionally, if you appreciate or love the story in every chapter, please don't forget to VOTE, LIKE, and SHARE.

