¤Chapter 20

Darkness had engulfed the girl who was now awake.

Seohyun was surrounded by darkness although she was 27 more than 100 percent sure that she had opened her eyes after the long, comforting slumber.

However, the cause for the sudden blackout in front of her eyes was still unknown to her. But first, Seohyun sat upright and then moved her arm to feel the dark silk fabric wrapped around her head, covering her eyes, and restricting her vision.

"NO! Don't remove it," she heard someone yell, although they seemed to be right beside her, as she began untying the cloth.

That someone was Chenle. He was up earlier than the girl to surprise her with a piece of news that he had received from their medic, the previous night and was waiting for the girl to wake up.

"What is it for, Lele?" Asked Seohyun, who jolted at the loud yelp.

"You'll get to know it all in good time. But first," he gently held her hand to assist her in standing up.
"You're coming with me."

"But at least tell me where are we going?" Inquired Seohyun as she let herself get dragged by the boy.

"Careful, mind the step," he didn't answer her question, purposefully dodging it under the pretext of warning her about the staircase.

Heeding the warning, Seohyun stepped on the stairs without tripping over, gripping the railing on one side and Chenle's hand on the other. It seemed that they had reached the floor Chenle wanted them to as he came to a stop somewhere.

Chenle quickly opened the door and pushed the still-confused girl inside. He only spoke up after enclosing Seohyun in the room. Mind you, he didn't lock it, only shut it after making sure that Seohyun was away from the range of the door.

"You can remove the band now," he said from outside, startling Seohyun.

Nonetheless, she followed the command and untied the smooth, silk cloth. For the initial few seconds, the world was still dark for her. After constantly blinking for a while, light slowly invaded her vision as things began to get less blurry and more clearer as her pupils adjusted to the light and perceived things better.

Seohyun looked around the unfamiliar room. It looked decently decorated from the interior with a king-sized bed in the centre with pastel-coloured sheets and pillow covers, a simple lamp hanging by the bed, a window on the right and a cupboard on the left.

"Do you see another door beside this one?"

Chenle's voice reached her ears as she turned back to the door where she had originally come from. Confused, Seohyun still formed a reply for the boy after locating the said door in the room.


"Good," said Chenle from outside.
"That's the bathroom. Go and freshen up. There are clothes in the closet. I'll be waiting outside. Tell me when you are done." Chenle gave many commands at once.

"But why is this door locked?" Seohyun asked as she turned the knob of the door from behind which Chenle's voice was audible. She tried it a few more times, but couldn't reach a fruitful result.

"You'll get all the answers when you come out," he replied from outside.

In the end, Seohyun had to comply without further complaint as she was eager to learn answers from the boy as soon as possible.

She opened the closet that was opposite the balcony, on the other side of the bed to find it full to the brim with all types of ladies' apparel. Mostly all of them seemed to be new as she once again walked back to the door to talk to Chenle.

"Lele, I think I am in someone else's room," she tried to explain.
"The wardrobe is full with another girl's clothing."

From the other side, Seohyun heard Chenle let out a brief chuckle before replying.
"You are in the right room. Your room. And those are your clothes."

"No, I think you're mistaken. I do not own any of these clothes. All of my belongings are at Hyerin's place. None of them are here," Seohyun attempted to counter.

"Did you check the middle drawer?"


Seohyun's voice trailed away from the door as she trudged back to the closet to open the said drawer. Indeed that one was full with only her clothes that she had carried to with her during her stay with Hyerin.

"Found them," she yelled from inside to inform Chenle as she picked a pair of black leggings and a random graphic t-shirt for the day.

After about 30 minutes, Seohyun stepped out of the luxurious bathroom, all dressed up. She had tied her hairs in a simple ponytail after washing and drying them (which took up most of her time).

She knocked twice on the door to signal the boy that she was done. The sudden knocks jolted Chenle awake from his peaceful slumber as he stood up from the floor to let the girl out. But before that, he spoke up again.

"Do you still have the band with you?"


"Good, please tie it back."

This time Seohyun followed the instruction without a counter reply. She was already on the verge of bursting from impatience at the thought of meaning behind the whole suspense that her friend had created since she had woken up.

"Done," she said after the world became colorless again.

Being robbed of one sense had heightened the rest of the functioning senses in Seohyun's body. She heard Chenle open the door and step inside. Her ears perceived the words that came from his mouth as she located his position right in front of her.

Following a short 'you look nice' statement, he asked for her permission to hold her hand, which she granted, as he led them both outside.

While walking, Seohyun heard Jaemin greet them a very good morning that she returned, although she didn't know where exactly he was. After bidding him a farewell, they continued on their journey as she felt a gush of cool breeze hit her face and arms. And this was how she knew that they were now outside.

Seohyun swore they had been legit walking for an hour straight (it had barely been a minute) before Chenle came to a halt. Her anticipation reached its peak when she heard Chenle speak up.

"We're here," he announced.

Seohyun was more than eager to get rid of the cloth had bereft her from vision. So, she quickly asked,
"So, can I remove this n-"

Chenle was quicker though, as he untied the black fabric. Seohyun had to blink for a few times again to get adapted to the large amount of incoming light.

"Whe- Woah!"

Seohyun was about to inquire about their whereabouts when the gaint building came into her view, diverting her thoughts.

"Welcome to the Azure Base," Chenle introduced with arms wide spread, as if showing her a piece of artwork. He then laughed at the pun he had made in the sentence. It took Seohyun a second to realize it before she laughed along.

"I'm not co completely a stranger to this place, you know," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"I've already been here during my training with Jaemin."

"Still, I wanted to give you an official tour of our home," Chenle replied, slightly sulky at her loss of excitement.

"Alright Mr Tour Guide, please lead the way," said Seohyun, patting Chenle on the shoulder as she began walking towards the main door.

"Lele was better," he commented, weirded out after being referred as her tour guide.

Chenle caught up with her as he opened the door the beautiful place that the members of Azure Blaze called 'home'.

Now, I want you all to visualize things one by one as Chenle introduces them to Seohyun in an orderly fashion, beginning from the entrance to the ground floor (since the building is three storeys high).

Both the friends walked inside through the small passage that led to the interiors of the tower. On her left was an elevator that could possibly fit 6 to 7 people comfortably. And on the right was the solid wall of the walk-in pantry.

When they went in a little more further, the entire floor was in the view. There a spiral staircase in the very centre of the room with beige colored couches neatly organized right in the front. There was a small coffee table in the middle, which was made of delicate glass and wood.

From her poistion near the stairs, Seohyun could see the kitchen in the right corner of the house and a door to a room that occupied the left corner. There was a long corridor and a glass door at its end. There were two doors on each side of the passageway.

First, Chenle enthusiastically dragged her to the 'best room on the floor', according to him. Seohyun knew from the very start that she was going to spend most of her time here because they were now inside the mystery room that extended over the left part of the mansion.

"Beautiful right?" Asked Chenle at her obivious reaction.

It was a theatre-slash-gaming room. There was a fairly large screen in front of them and three couches, in the same beige color, placed at three different altitude levels. A giant sound system was right under the display screen. But this was just the right side of the room; on the left side was a mini-bar with all of kinds of drinks that you could ask for, including alcohol. Overall, the room was cozy enough that you wouldn't ever want to step out.

"Come on, we are yet to see the whole house," said Chenle as he began to regret beginning from the specific room. Seohyun was ready to watch a movie before leaving and Chenle had to drag her out like he had dragged her in.

After reluctantly stepping out, Seohyun also noticed an off-white colored sofa right behind the stairs and an almost (Seohyun's approximation) 50 inch television in the front. Seohyun rushed to set her butt on the plush-looking cushion and it turned out to be damn soft.

"I am not moving now," she announced, lying down to stick to her point.

"Dude, this whole house tour is for you," replied Chenle, putting his hands on his hips and staring at her with a resting bitch face.
"Now, if you don't get up before I reach 3-"

"What will you do?" Questioned Seohyun, sitting upright and looking at him with curious eyes.


"I want to know."


"Not moving till you tell me," she huffed, crossing her arms.


Chenle did not finish his sentence, instead attacked her. Attacked her with tickles. Seohyun was a really ticklish person and burst out laughing from the first second.

"No- stop, please," she said in between giggles, stomach beginning to hurt from so much laughter.

"Will you get up now? Or do you need another round?" He asked with a smirk forming on his face, after he stopped.

"No, don't. I am coming," Seohyun declared, standing up to follow the boy.

"Good, follow me."

Next, Chenle took her to the lavish kitchen on the right hand-side of the house. It gave off the similar dark vibes as the previous two rooms.

Dark charcoal colored laminate covered the cupboards and drawers, giving her the vibes of livinig in hell with demons.

Okay, but them as demons would be so hot.
Especially Haechan, since he's already one in human form.

Seohyun mentally scoffed and rolled her eyes at the thought of the boy who was still dead asleep in the infirmary, somewhere in the house.

He's already a pain in the ass in human life, I can not even imagine him with the powers of a demon.

Furthermore, in the middle of the cream-colored tiles, was a similar charcoal colored island, seeming as if everything had been burnt on an island, somewhere in the blue sea with only the ashes left behind because all these cupboards were covered with ash-colored marble counters.

Although Seohyun didn't know much about cooking, she had fallen in love with the place since her first visit there. She was ready to learn cooking if she got a chance to cook in there everyday.

After grabbing two bottles of coke for each, the left the kitchen to see the rooms at the back. The one on the left side belonged to Mark. His taste was very sleek and simple- plain grey bedsheets and matching curtains with minimal lighting. The room on the right belonged to Jaemin, who was at present in there when Chenle opened the door.

"Hey," Jaemin simply greeted the two of them in common. He was seated at the desk on one side of the room, near the window that overlooked their backyard.

"Hey Jaem."
"Hey Minmin."

Both of them greeted him back with their own nicknames for the older boy, at which he smiled.

"What are you doing?" Asked a curious Seohyun, who had seen the scattered pictures on the counter.

"Oh, I'm just sorting some pictures to be framed," he explained.
"Would you like to put up some in your room?"

"Of course, I'd love to."

"You can choose from the ones here," Jaemin offered.

"What about me?" Chenle whined at being excluded from their conversation.

"I have already chosen yours," he said nonchalantly.

"Then why does only she get to choose?" Chenle continued to complain.

"Because I don't know about her choices," Jaemin replied with a small smile.

"Not fair," Chenle crossed his arms.
"I didn't get such treatment when I first joined."

"Do I need to remind you of the service you received when you were shot for the first time. The bullet easnt even fully pierced, only a graze and yet you refused to move from the bed for 2 weeks," Jaemin dissed the younger boy.

Feeling embarrassed from the silly stories of the past, Chenle changed the topic and brought Seohyun back to their main agenda- house tour, and Jaemin's room tour, as of now.

Jaemin's room was almost a copy of Mark's with only good lighting and a shelf that was full with a variety of books (both old and new). Both of their rooms had attached bathrooms and a common restroom beside Mark's room while the room opposite it served as a small storage.

At the end of the hallway, was the door to the backyard. Chenle led them both outside, and once again, Seohyun was damn amazed. The yard as spacious as you can imagine. You could easily set up a whole-ass tent out there and still there would be enough space to set up 4 more.

Different types of flowering and non-flowering plants were lined up at the boundary. Some had grown into tall trees too while some looked like they were freshly planted; some were fruiting trees too. There were a few couches here too and a place for bonfire in the middle if it got too cold in the winters.

"This marks the end of the first floor," Chenle announced as they walked back inside, ready for the second floor.

Alr ik this is not the normal chapter length butttt.....

My uni began this week and I've been busy since.
Travelling for 1 hour back and forth in the crowd ain't made for me🥲

But dwww I'll just be back w longer chapters as soon as regular lecs start and I manage to fit writing in my daily schedule.

I wouldn't abandon my love for writing just like that yk

I'm deeply grateful for the patience and support every one of you has shown me on this platform❤️

Also seeing our ilichil crying on stage made me burst into tears tooo😭😭

Taeil is backkkk😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

